Sort by or multiple Instances? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 2, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
Hi fforde,

Will it be possible to have compound filters? e.g. I have a filter which is only HD (by looking at properties set by mediainfo) and another for genre/path etc. Can I make one that says all 'all hd movies of this genre' or 'all hd movies that don't exist under this path' by doing a boolean combine?


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Yes. There will be two types of filters, simple and complex. For a simple filter you would just pick a tag like genre which would auto fill the sub options with all available genres. You could also do a complex filter where you just give it a name and specify the criteria yourself. Below is a (slightly outdated) mock up of the interface to create a complex filter. The top section allows you to define rules that are either combine with AND or OR logic. You could also add a subfilter in the list of rules which would allow for complex boolean logic like this:

(YEAR >=1980 OR YEAR < 1990) AND GENRE='Action'

I think most people will just use the filter configuration that is setup out of the box, but it will all be customizable. The system should allow you to setup your collection however you want though. Here is an example of what is possible, although of course this is just a mockup and the final version will probably behave a bit differently in some cases.



Portal Pro
May 26, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand
I personally think the tick box method is the best way... I would like to be able to tag multiple genres. For instance "Sci-fi" AND "Romance" hahah... Why not?

Not "Sci-fi" or "Romance"

For instance "Sci-fi" and "Thriller" usually go hand in hand for good entertainment, though I would not want "Sci-fi" and "Comedy" hence why just having "Sci-fi" by it self does not surpass..

Just my two cents.. Thanks

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