Worked on the Special Build V2.
-USB Logitech WebCam. After setup of initial drivers, and selecting in configuration for MP, MyTV displayed image.
-MSI 8606-40 TunerCapture [radio] on MSI180. [Connexant2388x] After setup of initial drivers, and selecting in configuration for MP, MyTV displayed image.
-ATI TV Wonder. After setup of initial drivers, and selecting in configuration for MP, MyTV displayed image.
All devices able to enter FullScreen mode, Windowed Mode, Maximized/Restored mode, HomePage, MyTV, Channel Channels/Video source.
Audio not verified!
-USB Logitech WebCam. After setup of initial drivers, and selecting in configuration for MP, MyTV displayed image.
-MSI 8606-40 TunerCapture [radio] on MSI180. [Connexant2388x] After setup of initial drivers, and selecting in configuration for MP, MyTV displayed image.
-ATI TV Wonder. After setup of initial drivers, and selecting in configuration for MP, MyTV displayed image.
All devices able to enter FullScreen mode, Windowed Mode, Maximized/Restored mode, HomePage, MyTV, Channel Channels/Video source.
Audio not verified!