StreamedMP Music files using Fanart Handler (2 Viewers)


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Lyrics is easy and will drop a verson into this thread, I dont think fanart hander can deal with shares view, best I can do there is random art - pretty sure that is the case.

    Yes, your correct Fanart handler plugin can't do shares view, as it doesn't know what artist your browsing.

    I think user should have option to disable/enable random fanart in the installer

    So you have 2 behaviours

    1. Random Fanart if fanart image not available = Yes

    When no fanart handler image is displayed then the background used multimage pointing to music directory.
    This is the current behaviour of your mods.

    2. Random Fanart if fanart image not availble = No

    When no fanart handler image is displayed then the background used is hover_music.png


    Portal Pro
    October 17, 2006
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    • #32
    Thanx you :)

    Trevor, do you have an issue with My Lyrics plugin ?
    I have installed last SVN 24859 and i think it started @ 24828 but i'm not sure, so like you made change for lyrics.xml, i ask you if you try it :)
    Maybe it's something other, maybe it's appear when double bar progress has been fixed.

    Also for progress bar appear in this version we have to add :

    For id 118 like Mr Hipp said in :

    Big thx :)

    You are running a version complied from SVN then, I am still using the last weekly'ish build 24669 so am not be seeing those issues. Though I can build from SVN prefer to run with the weekly'ish builds - will try and test it next week on my laptop.

    That change looks minor and should not effect the current SVN build as is just adding a visible tag, percentage is already used. Have change it but don't want to upload another version till I have competed some additional work.

    If you want to edit the 118 Control your self it is in music.nowplaying.fullscreen.common.xml or music.nowplaying.common.xml depending on the version you are using.



    Portal Pro
    October 17, 2006
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    Lyrics is easy and will drop a verson into this thread, I dont think fanart hander can deal with shares view, best I can do there is random art - pretty sure that is the case.

    Yes, your correct Fanart handler plugin can't do shares view, as it doesn't know what artist your browsing.

    I think user should have option to disable/enable random fanart in the installer

    So you have 2 behaviours

    1. Random Fanart if fanart image not available = Yes

    When no fanart handler image is displayed then the background used multimage pointing to music directory.
    This is the current behaviour of your mods.

    2. Random Fanart if fanart image not availble = No

    When no fanart handler image is displayed then the background used is hover_music.png

    Makes sense, I was looking at what at the random image stuff today and don't treat it 100% right currently - going to look into that.

    For option 2 I will most likley point the to the default music image (new stuff in StreamedMP) against the old hover image.

    I have split the work now and a version of these files is in the StreamedMP SVN, this means we can add additional layouts etc to this thread without impacting the upcoming release, any bugs or good enhancments will be fed back into SVN.



    Portal Pro
    October 17, 2006
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    Re: Full screen version, My opinions

    TITLE BAR/CLOCK - I think only having the clock looks much better. I think it's good to not have the MUSIC/NOW PLAYING text

    SIDE MENU ARROW - I think this is good and doesn't need to be at the bottom, however i would move it to X POS = half way down

    SIDE MENU TEXT - I think the text should be

     - Browse Music
     - Current Playlist
     - Search Music
     - My Lyrics

    EQs / VUs - These are not needed fullscreen, but they still look ok, option to pick which one, or none would be cool.

    Currently it looks like this
     TRACK: 103       | YEAR: 2003
    I would change it to
     TRACK: 103   |   YEAR:2003

    OVERLAY - When you've finished editing the mod, i might send you a different overlay, one that has a slight brightness in the centre of the bar.

    Example overlay with centre 'brightness' (click to view) -

    Menu layout changes make sense and did spot the track/year gap but forgot to fix it, will do them and supply an updated archive tomorrow.

    The black overlay...that is your eyes i think. The source png for that is actually 1 black pixel, look at black.png in the media dir :)


    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    Thank you :)

    I have edited the version and the progress bar is here now :)
    So the bug for My Lyrics is on recent svn compiled yes, thx to you again for testing it on your laptop :)



    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
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    This screenshot from Maya skin suggests that maybe you can move the list controls to a popup screen

    Lyrics is easy and will drop a verson into this thread, I dont think fanart hander can deal with shares view, best I can do there is random art - pretty sure that is the case.

    Yes, your correct Fanart handler plugin can't do shares view, as it doesn't know what artist your browsing.

    I think user should have option to disable/enable random fanart in the installer

    So you have 2 behaviours

    1. Random Fanart if fanart image not available = Yes

    When no fanart handler image is displayed then the background used multimage pointing to music directory.
    This is the current behaviour of your mods.

    2. Random Fanart if fanart image not availble = No

    When no fanart handler image is displayed then the background used is hover_music.png

    Makes sense, I was looking at what at the random image stuff today and don't treat it 100% right currently - going to look into that.

    For option 2 I will most likley point the to the default music image (new stuff in StreamedMP) against the old hover image.

    Actually you have redundant code.

    The current code you have used is;

    Bottom ImageLayer = Multiimage control pointing to fanart directory
    Next Image Layer = Fanart Handler plugin

    However in fanart handler plugin setup, you can tell it to use Music fanart directory as well, so it always displays an image, this makes the first layer redundant and also a waste of memory (as you know multiimage control loads all images it displays into the memory), So the first layer should only be a static image. Then if user wants random music fanart when no fanart is available all they do is tick the box in the fanart handler plugin setup.


    Portal Pro
    October 29, 2009
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    Australia Australia
    thanks a lot for taking the time to come up with this one!

    i'm having some teething issues getting some fanart (have posted query in a different thread for this), but the skin changes are working really well! and, it looks so much better now!




    Portal Member
    July 29, 2009
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    AW: StreamedMP Music files using Fanart Handler

    I did some testing with v1.4, and it works nicely so far.

    No issues with missing folders anymore.
    Now I'm fighting with crappy fanart ... but that's a fanart handler problem I guess.

    Thank you for your nice work!


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  • December 27, 2009
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    Got it all working a treat now, if shares dn't work will have to try to figure out why some of albums aren't showing in artist view and use that.

    Only thing i just noticed is on the "playing next" if you have a long song title and/or artist name then it goes right across and underneath the EQ animation, not sure if it does on the playing now side since it has artist and song title on a separate line and I don't think I have anything long enough to try it with :D

    How can I get the horizontal blue animation instead of the vertical white one?



    Just found one and it does on the playing now side as well

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