Is it me, or there is a bug in the SVN, cause in "now playing" mode it keeps sayng track one and when it changes is dosen't refresh to the new track (it plays). Also there isn't info in the next track to play (it's empty)...
Sorry about that.
This changes have too much side effects and are raising new errors.
we want to test existing feature first so that we can release a bug free version.
after that we will look into the cue support again.
NJo way, before a new MP version is released.
This is a team decision. We've done the feature freeze and nothing will be added before th release.
We can't delay testing anymore.
Even, if i would find a fix, i will not readd it, before release.
I've no idea if this is possible or in the works but I am wondering if the IPTV part of TVServer could be upgraded to support M3U8, HTTPS, HLS or whatever is needed for newer IPTV connections?
I've no idea if this is possible or in the works but I am wondering if the IPTV part of TVServer could be upgraded to support M3U8...
I've no idea if this is possible or in the works but I am wondering if the IPTV part of TVServer could be upgraded to support M3U8...
I've no idea if this is possible or in the works but I am wondering if the IPTV part of TVServer could be upgraded to support M3U8, HTTPS, HLS or whatever is needed for newer IPTV connections?
I've no idea if this is possible or in the works but I am wondering if the IPTV part of TVServer could be upgraded to support M3U8...
I've no idea if this is possible or in the works but I am wondering if the IPTV part of TVServer could be upgraded to support M3U8...