Support for Futaba DM-140GINK DEMO (1 Viewer)


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  • January 31, 2008
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    Spain Spain
    In my particular case, after the S3 recovery, some times, the screens goes blank. BUT after a more accurate investigation, I've found that it really goes DIM but really DIM to the darkest position.

    Entering the MP config and ajusting the Minidisplay to brigth and making the test, the Bright comes back again the the proper level.
    So in my opinion something is wrong in the new driver with the Brightness control. As far as I remember, in the old Externaldisplay plugin this slider was deactivate only Contrast but with no function.

    Hope this will help.

    Really BIG thanks for including this new dll to our loved Scaleo-MP systems.


    New Member
    January 22, 2009
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    Scaleo E - display not workin


    I've read meanwhile this thread several times, unfortunately my display not work either.

    I am also one of the Scaleo E owners with probably a Futaba display. I am using the latest MP version v1 and tried with the initial driver and also the driver provided in this post. No luck.

    Perhaps important to mention, I've installed Windows Vista on this computer, and in device manager I notice that the VHD is apparentely recognized as "USB composite device" with VID 05AF and PID 0319. As I do not find a mapping table, I am not sure if this is really a Futuba display or another.

    Could please someone help me:confused:

    Many thanks



    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    I too have a Scaleo E and can't get the display to work despite putting both the Futaba and Mini-Display drivers posted here in the MP installation directory.
    The LCD-Hype Futaba driver is the only one other than the Scaleo EV driver, which doesn't immediately display a red dot upon selection. However, "test" displays nothing. The Scaleo EV driver remains the only one to test successfully, but seems to have conflicts; see my earlier post in this thread.
    Would someone who has gotten Scaleo E to work please describe how in greater detail?


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland


    Portal Member
    December 4, 2007
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    Greece Greece

    I am trying to setup the minidisplay on my MSI Live PC and it does not seems to work. I have the last MP version.

    Can you please write down some instruction in order to make it work.

    thank you in advance for your help.


    MP Donator
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  • March 30, 2009
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    England England
    I too have a scaleo E unit running MP1 on Windows Xp home. Every thing is working fine but I can get the minidisply plug in to work the LCD display. I have tryed it on LCDhype Futaba setting it to usb but nothing. When i look in my divce list under controll pannel i have one unknow device? and can see the Futaba any where in the dvice list. Can other Scaleo uses let me know if they have the same problem? Also what drivers do they have for the Futaba device. I have intalled the 2.4 drivers from the Siemens site. I ave also search the web for answer and tried lcd smarties too but still nothing all i get on the display is Scaleo E???


    MP Donator
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  • March 30, 2009
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    England England
    got it working set it to MCE lcd display type in the config of minidisplay. The problme now is getting album info to show all i get at the moment is music pictures in the lcd display as i change between them. is there a manual for minidisplay??


    Portal Pro
    February 23, 2005
    i try to configure this plugin with the vfd of the hiper Hmc-2k53a, it works but there is a lag between the information and the system, if i try the test mode, mediaportal get busy but the plug in there any way to configure it?is there a manual that explain all the advanced options?


    Portal Member
    September 1, 2008
    Home Country
    Greece Greece

    It seems that when i setup the plugin for MSI Media Live's Futaba DM-140GINK Demo LCD Display it makes Mediaportal hang when loading the plugins, if I disable the minidisplay plugin the loading is ok.
    Any recommendations for that?

    Thank you

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