TBS: CI/CAM support and other improvements (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 30, 2011
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
The cam/ci slot is built into the 6991 if I'm not mistaken, just need to plug your sky card in to it ;)
Well, from their website:

TBS said:
TBS6991 PCI-E DVB-S2 Dual Tuner Dual CI card is the high end satellite TV tuner built with dual Common Interface support, which allows insertion of two CAMs and two smartcards for recording two different paytv channels at the same time.
It says you need to insert two CAMs and two smartcards. :/


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  • July 16, 2010
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    I believe it also states it has 2 to allow for access to different services simultaneously?

    Hopefully someone with that card can comment on it as I use a seperate card reader


    Portal Pro
    August 4, 2005
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    Austria Austria
    Hi mm,

    First of all: THANKS A LOT for adding TBS CI support to MediaPortal. This is very much appreciated!

    Do you see any chance to compile patched files for MP 1.2.3 as well (am not saying it would be a walk in the park - but you seem to be a pro in terms of software coding ;) )? I'm struggling with lots of discontinuities whenever watching scrambled HD channels and was hoping that the new 1.2.3 TSWriter would solve the problem.
    Unfortunately it is MP to be blamed - everything works like charm when using TBSViewer (a cripled version of DVBViewer w/o OSD EPG coming along with TBS cards) or when using the CI Module with my TV's built in tuner.

    Thanks a lot in advance,


    Portal Pro
    September 19, 2008
    Hi MM!
    Just want to second madmat17 request. If you could find the time it would be great.
    I installed 1.2.3 and diseqc broke as expected. On the other hand my picture is great, no droped frames (stutters) which I have been suffering from.
    I was surprised and tried the old TBS2.0 files found in this thread with my 1.2.3. MP. Diseqc works but, I have even worse stutter than with 1.2.2. I have now reversed back to original 1.2.3, and it is working great but no diseqc.



    Portal Pro
    September 19, 2008
    I think mm1352000 is well occupied with other issues. I´m wondering when theses changes might be integrated in the official build. MM talked about 1.2.3, maybe for 1.3.0? Haven´t seen it in the changelog though.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi everyone

    I'm sorry for the lack of updates, but bluebear is quite right - I am *very* heavily occupied at the moment.

    There are a two things I would like to say.

    The first is in relation to DiSEqC. I'm not sure why support would be broken, but remember that you need to make sure that you use the latest drivers. Older drivers will not work as they don't support the structures defined in the new TBS SDK. If you're using the latest drivers and DiSEqC still doesn't work then please post your TV Server logs for me to inspect. Fresh concise logs would be appreciated to minimise the effort in checking them.

    The second thing to say is in relation to my plans for this patch. I have to be honest and say that I don't feel able to provide a patch for MP 1.2.3. I say that because the time I have available for working on MP has reduced drastically since I first released this patch. Perhaps some of you have already guessed that from my lack of activity on the forum. Every additional upgrade has the potential to use up what little time I have to the point where this patch would never get integrated in an official release. Please consider for a moment: we have had 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, as I understand it a 1.2.4 is planned, 1.3a will be out shortly, and who knows - there may be a 1.2.5 as well. This is only one of quite a few patches that I have released on the forum. I hope you can appreciate my perspective and have the patience to bear with me while I do what needs to be done to get this and other patches properly integrated. On that topic, new features such as this are not meant to be included in point releases (for example 1.2.x), so this patch could only be integrated with 1.3a at the earliest. That was my original goal, but I have failed in that due to lack of time. There is still hope for 1.3b, so I am putting every waking hour that I have (outside of work) into making that happen. Assuming things go to plan, I hope to post a patched build with a lot of things that I have been working on in area 51 closer to the release of 1.3b. Until then, I would ask those of you who are capable of building patches to see if you are able to build patches for 1.2.3 and share them in the community.

    Thank you everyone for testing and sorry once again that I am not able to be more active here.



    Portal Pro
    September 19, 2008
    Hi MM and all TBS users!
    I have now reverted to vanilla 1.2.3 tswriter and was suprised the diseqc worked like a charm. It might be that the vanilla tsreader caused this. I´m on a quest to find the problem with a long going and annoying stutter on live tv. So i´m currently using one of owlsroost special builds, TsReader_noStopMod57. Still some stutter but the diseqc working. I will post back when I have tried the vanilla 1.2.3 tsreader again. Strange really.



    Portal Pro
    September 19, 2008
    Ok, I obviously must have made something wrong. Vanilla 1.2.3 tsreader and tswriter diseqc working. Sry, for that.

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