TBS: CI/CAM support and other improvements (3 Viewers)


Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi lukjod

    There is nothing obviously wrong in the logs - I did not change the code at all. Have you tried reinserting the CAM?



    Portal Pro
    September 5, 2009
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    Thanks for Yours quick answer MM1352000,
    I did it but without any success. I also tried and all is working fine on DVB Dream. In last patch only TVLibrary.dll.exp was working fine. Can You please provide that file compatible with MePo 1.2.3 to check it?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    The one I provided is the "*.cam" version. For decrypting one channel, *.exp" is the same as "*.cam"... so I'd expect it to work regardless. You can try copying the TsWriter from the v2 patch and see if that works. Up until yesterday I was running a heavily customised version of MP 1.2.3 based on my working branch, but now I'm running MP 1.3a so it is difficult for me to test.


    Portal Pro
    September 5, 2009
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    Hi MM,
    still no go the same error about channel being scrambled but I'm 100% sure that only exp was working fine in my setup, I've tried all of them and only this was working ok. What will You advise?


    New Member
    February 10, 2011
    The one I provided is the "*.cam" version. For decrypting one channel, *.exp" is the same as "*.cam"... so I'd expect it to work regardless. You can try copying the TsWriter from the v2 patch and see if that works. Up until yesterday I was running a heavily customised version of MP 1.2.3 based on my working branch, but now I'm running MP 1.3a so it is difficult for me to test.

    Hey MM,

    does 1.3 alpha support TBS CI without any patches?
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    February 10, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    I'm about to buy a new S2-card and the TBS6984 is on top of my list.

    Will this work in current 1.2.3 with disecq on all four tuners etc, or should I get another card..?

    Thanks in advance.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi MM,
    still no go the same error about channel being scrambled but I'm 100% sure that only exp was working fine in my setup, I've tried all of them and only this was working ok. What will You advise?
    I have no further suggestions except to reapply the patch. As I said above, cam and exp are *identical* for decrypting one channel.

    does 1.3 alpha support TBS CI without any patches?

    I'm about to buy a new S2-card and the TBS6984 is on top of my list.

    Will this work in current 1.2.3 with disecq on all four tuners etc, or should I get another card..?
    DiSEqC will only work if you use the patch.


    Portal Pro
    September 5, 2009
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    Well for now i've returned to 1.2.2 and applied 2.0 patch and all is working fine. Will wait for next patch to test it


    Portal Member
    December 29, 2005
    Hello, just want to post my report :) I have upgraded MP to 1.2.3 (well actuallyit was rather clean install) and installed 1.3Alpha patch on top of it. Everything works nicely, decodes just fine. I have also realised CI card menu now works! Unfortunatelly, DiseqC bug is still there. Therefor on my dual-LNB setup, where normally LNB-A looks at Astra 23.5 through DiseqC "B" setting and LNB-B focuses on Astra 19.2 through DiseqC "A"configuration , I have to configure firts sattelite as Astra 23.5, but set DiseqC to "none" rather then supposedly correct "simpleB" in order to be able to tune channels. I have not tried what setting LNB-B sat can be tuned on,but atm I do nor really care about Astra 119,2 channels. So as long as that "none" DiseqC setting workaround works, I am fine :)

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