Lots of options available. You can use MPExtended and any device which can run a browser. You can use XBMC on iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi,... together with MP1.4 TV Server...
Or you can try MPTVclient as standalone app on any Windows PC, also it's not jet declared as MP 1.4 compatible. But I'm using MP1.3 on some clients together with a MP 1.4 TV Server and this is working also...
Thank you for your answer Lehmden. But where is instalation file for MPTV client. Is any documentation for raspberry pi or how to connect Raspberry pi to MP, or use XBMC and MP.
MPTVCLient is avaliable for download on the link I've add in last post. For (all kind of) XBMC you need a small TV Server Plugin, which is available through XBMC website and for Raspberry Pi there are two XBMC releases available, RaspMC and OpenElec...
Thank you. Are you using MPTVClient? If, which version MP you use? If I use MPTVClient, I asked is it necesairly to use SQL? What is default user and password from TV Server in MP ?
Hi, it looks like the Client's server connection settings got corrupted somehow and were reset, hopefully this is an easy fix.
Open MP2-Client, navigate to Settings->General->Connectivity->Home server.
In the menu on the left there may be an option Detach from home server, if there is click it and acknowledge the dialog that pops up...
Hi, it looks like the Client's server connection settings got corrupted somehow and were reset, hopefully this is an easy fix...
Help Please: MP doesnt display any of my previouse recordings or TV programs
It seems like the Server isnt running?
MP was working...