Trakt for MP2 (1 Viewer)


Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    Apart from that, is there any design work open?
    I read once something about TE. I think everything should work for every skin, but I might be also wrong...


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 14, 2008
    I watched tv series all night yesterday and I noticed an issue with scrobbling in every episode I played.
    The new Trakt.NET version has now an own serialization service, I forgot to update the refresh authorization method for the scrobble event. Attached a new version where this is fixed.
    Apart from that, is there any design work open?
    I read once something about TE.
    Yes, TE has an own authorization screen. Thanks! :)


    • Trakt_For_MP2.2_v5.7z
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    Portal Pro
    August 7, 2012
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    hi @aspik, I've been testing the latest version of trakt and it seems to work perfectly.
    I just wanted to give you a follow up on this, i'll keep testing scrobbles for a few days more, but i haven't seen a single problem for now.

    The only "issue" seems to be a library sync oddity where sometimes it reads and register correctly the Audio types and video resolution on some videos/movies and report it to trakt, and sometimes it does not.
    I think it's because mediaportal haven't scanned the files for media info when trakt syncs library and it does not report the correct formats. It's a minor issue that can be addressed later, though.

    What about aspects for trakt? Does it seems a viable solution for you, to extend media aspects with useful data for trakt? I've been reading a little the documentation and it seems a good way to support other trakt features (like ratings and playdateandtime for each play) without really touching MePo2 db.
    It's just an idea though.

    Another idea would be to move the library sync part of the plugin to the server side, if even possible. This way library and watched status sync would be indipendent from the client, and not fire every time you set up trakt on multiple stations. This is just another idea, i don't know if it's gonna require a complete rework, in which case, it's probably not worth it.


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    as test results are almost perfect, can you merge the branch into WiP2.2, when you feel also personally ready?
    The release is planned soon and it's also important to test everything merged in one branch.
    We also need to add Trakt to release notes. Alberto kindly started and will finalize his wording. It would be also good, if you review the release notes with regard to trakt as owner of the code.


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 14, 2008
    I just wanted to give you a follow up on this, i'll keep testing scrobbles for a few days more, but i haven't seen a single problem for now.
    Thanks! Good to hear it :) In the meantime I changed/optimized few things, i.e. caching of the series episodes is now using also the serialization service from Trakt.NET. This should work much faster than serializing the data with Json.NET. I'll try to post a version tonight.
    The only "issue" seems to be a library sync oddity where sometimes it reads and register correctly the Audio types and video resolution on some videos/movies and report it to trakt, and sometimes it does not.
    Saw that too. For me its always not working only for series and I'm suspecting that the info is "lost" by the Trakt.NET lib. I see that it gets successfully retrieved from the MP2 aspects. I'll investigate it.
    What about aspects for trakt? Does it seems a viable solution for you, to extend media aspects with useful data for trakt?
    I'm not sure about this. I think MP2 should have common aspects and not particular one which are not need by all users.
    Another idea would be to move the library sync part of the plugin to the server side, if even possible.
    AFAIK the server does not know anything about user management. Trakt fits very well as a client plugin because its user specific.
    can you merge the branch into WiP2.2, when you feel also personally ready?
    The only thing which needs to be done in the WIP2.2 branch is to remove the old trakt plugin. I wanted to do it earlier, but forgot about that. I already mentioned that the new version will not be included in the MP2 solution. It's an optional plugin and it doesn't belong to the "main package". Besides, what I'm doing i.e. here or here is not "MP2 conform" ;)
    Alberto kindly started and will finalize his wording. It would be also good, if you review the release notes with regard to trakt as owner of the code.
    Thanks :) The release notes should only state that trakt is now a separate plugin, just like webradio or emulators. Everything else about trakt, should go into the plugins section.


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 14, 2008
    attached a version with the current dev state. This time you need to delete the episodes cache files, so please delete: "collected.episodes.json" and "watched.episodes.json". All other cache files can stay as they are.

    FYI: I'll be from tomorrow for a week or so limited available, in case you find a bug ;)

    BTW: given the db migration feature from henso, is there still need for the transfer watched states without trakt plugin?

    did you had the chance to take a look at the TE theme?


    • Trakt_For_MP2.2_v6.7z
      548 KB

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