TV breaks when "No Signal Detected" (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 15, 2005
Home Country

I don't think that will help you mate as I have the 150 not the 350. Have a search for 350 related problems and see what others are using.

With the 150 over time I have used the drivers that came with the card and whatever are the most recent on the Shspvr forum when I am having a play. They have all worked. This card has never given me any problems with the analgoue side of things in MP.

Sorry if that's not much help mate :(

Portal Member
February 14, 2006
Same problem with compro dvb-t200 - changing channels


I have a clean build box with everything reinstalled. I have noticed that MP always says I have 0 signal but 75-100% quality. It autotunes fine. My humax box always reports vhigh signal and I plug this cable into the T200.

When changing channels - works fine then I get a channel that says "no signal" after which sometimes the system hangs - othertimes I can change channels - but even the channels that were working appear to stop and soon everything will hang with a big black screen.

I noticed in the log below the change from Sky travel to ITV3 was fine - yet the same key press to BBC4 seams to have created a different sequence .. after which the system had a black screen and failed to respond .. despite keystrokes happening in the logs and functions happening.. but the screen was blocked by the TV card hogging it un-terminated.

Area: Media Portal Program
MediaPortal Version: RC2 (2006-02-16)
MediaPortal Skin: mce
Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
.NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
Audio Codec: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder
Video Codec: Mpeg2Dec Filter
CPU Type: Intel Pentium 4 - 2.40GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Motherboard: IBM (IBM)
TV Card Model:Compro
TV Card Type: DVB-T200
TV Card Driver:
Video Card Model: Intel(r) 82915g/gv/910gl Express Chipset Family (64 MB)
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: 1024x768
Video Render Type: VMR9
Audio Card Model: SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
Audio Card Driver:

21/02/2006 01:17:13 GUITVHome:OnPreviousChannel()
21/02/2006 01:17:13 Navigator:ZapPrevious Sky Travel->ITV3
21/02/2006 01:17:13 Channel change:ITV3
21/02/2006 01:17:13 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ITV3 ts:True
21/02/2006 01:17:13 Recorder:confused:tartTimeshift tv ITV3
21/02/2006 01:17:13 Recorder: Found card:1
21/02/2006 01:17:13 Command:confused:top tv card:0
21/02/2006 01:17:13 Recorder: tv channel changed:ITV3
21/02/2006 01:17:14 teletext: clear teletext cache
21/02/2006 01:17:14 TVCapture: change channel to :ITV3
21/02/2006 01:17:14 DVBGraph: ShouldRebuildGraph(ITV3) current ac3:False new channel ac3:False
21/02/2006 01:17:14 DVBGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:3
21/02/2006 01:17:14 DVBGraph: tuning details: frequency:482000 KHz ONID:9018 TSID:8197 SID:8294 provider:ITV
21/02/2006 01:17:14 DVBGraphBDA:confused:ubmitTuneRequest() frequency:482000 KHz Bandwidth:8 ONID:9018 TSID:8197, SID:8294
21/02/2006 01:17:15 DVBGraphBDA: signal strength:0 signal quality:75 signal present:True locked:True
21/02/2006 01:17:15 DVBGraph:confused:etHardwarePidFiltering to:0,1,10,11,12,D3,D2,21C,21D,21E,104,
21/02/2006 01:17:15 DVBGraph:TuneChannel() done freq:482000 ONID:9018 TSID:8197 prog:8294 audio:21D video:21C pmt:104 ac3:FFFFFFFF txt:FFFFFFFF
21/02/2006 01:17:15 DVBGraph:set mpeg2demuxer video:0x21c audio:0x21D ac3:0xFFFFFFFF
21/02/2006 01:17:15 DVBDemuxer:ITV3 audio:21D video:21C teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:104 subtitle:0 program:8294
21/02/2006 01:17:15 teletext: grab teletext for card:Compro VideoMate DVB-T200
21/02/2006 01:17:15 Recorder: tv channel changed:ITV3
21/02/2006 01:17:15 teletext: clear teletext cache
21/02/2006 01:17:15 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True epggrabbing:False channel:ITV3
21/02/2006 01:17:15 Recorder: currently playing:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Recordings\card1\ pos:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Recordings\card1\
21/02/2006 01:17:17 DVBGraph:Got PMT version:31
21/02/2006 01:17:17 DVBGraph: OnPMTIsChanged:database\pmt\pmt_ITV3_9018_8197_8294_5.dat
21/02/2006 01:17:17 DVBGraph:confused:endPMT() set demux: video pid:21C audio pid:21D AC3 pid:FFFFFFFF audio1 pid:21D audio2 pid:21E audio3 pid:FFFFFFFF subtitle pid:21F teletext pid:FFFFFFFF pcr pid:21C
21/02/2006 01:17:17 DVBDemuxer:ITV3 audio:21D video:21C teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:104 subtitle:FFFFFFFF program:8294
21/02/2006 01:17:17 DVBGraph: grab epg for ITV3
21/02/2006 01:17:17 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
21/02/2006 01:17:19 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 1
21/02/2006 01:17:30 GUITVHome:OnPreviousChannel()
21/02/2006 01:17:30 Navigator:ZapPrevious ITV3->BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:17:30 Channel change:BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:17:30 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=BBC FOUR ts:True
21/02/2006 01:17:30 Recorder:confused:tartTimeshift tv BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:17:30 Recorder: Found card:1
21/02/2006 01:17:30 Command:confused:top tv card:0
21/02/2006 01:17:30 Recorder: tv channel changed:BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:17:31 teletext: clear teletext cache
21/02/2006 01:17:31 TVCapture: change channel to :BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:17:31 DVBGraph: ShouldRebuildGraph(BBC FOUR) current ac3:False new channel ac3:False
21/02/2006 01:17:31 DVBGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:22
21/02/2006 01:17:31 DVBGraph: tuning details: frequency:529833 KHz ONID:9018 TSID:16384 SID:16832 provider:BBC
21/02/2006 01:17:31 DVBGraphBDA:confused:ubmitTuneRequest() frequency:529833 KHz Bandwidth:8 ONID:9018 TSID:16384, SID:16832
21/02/2006 01:17:32 DVBGraphBDA: signal strength:0 signal quality:100 signal present:True locked:True
21/02/2006 01:17:32 DVBGraph:confused:etHardwarePidFiltering to:0,1,10,11,12,D3,D2,C9,191,192,2BE,
21/02/2006 01:17:32 DVBGraph:TuneChannel() done freq:529833 ONID:9018 TSID:16384 prog:16832 audio:191 video:C9 pmt:2BE ac3:FFFFFFFF txt:FFFFFFFF
21/02/2006 01:17:32 DVBGraph:set mpeg2demuxer video:0xc9 audio:0x191 ac3:0xFFFFFFFF
21/02/2006 01:17:32 DVBDemuxer:BBC FOUR audio:191 video:C9 teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:2BE subtitle:0 program:16832
21/02/2006 01:17:32 teletext: grab teletext for card:Compro VideoMate DVB-T200
21/02/2006 01:17:32 Recorder: tv channel changed:BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:17:32 teletext: clear teletext cache
21/02/2006 01:17:32 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True epggrabbing:False channel:BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:17:32 Recorder: currently playing:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Recordings\card1\ pos:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Recordings\card1\
21/02/2006 01:17:33 DVBGraph:Got PMT version:0
21/02/2006 01:17:33 DVBGraph: OnPMTIsChanged:database\pmt\pmt_BBC FOUR_9018_16384_16832_5.dat
21/02/2006 01:17:33 DVBGraph:confused:endPMT() set demux: video pid:C9 audio pid:191 AC3 pid:FFFFFFFF audio1 pid:191 audio2 pid:192 audio3 pid:FFFFFFFF subtitle pid:259 teletext pid:FFFFFFFF pcr pid:C9
21/02/2006 01:17:33 DVBDemuxer:BBC FOUR audio:191 video:C9 teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:2BE subtitle:FFFFFFFF program:16832
21/02/2006 01:17:33 DVBGraph: grab epg for BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:17:34 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
21/02/2006 01:17:34 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 1
21/02/2006 01:17:36 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
21/02/2006 01:18:06 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
21/02/2006 01:18:06 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
21/02/2006 01:18:06 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVGuide init
21/02/2006 01:18:07 turn tv on
21/02/2006 01:18:07 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
21/02/2006 01:18:07 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
21/02/2006 01:18:07 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 242x167
21/02/2006 01:18:07 PlaneScene: AR type : Stretch
21/02/2006 01:18:07 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
21/02/2006 01:18:07 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
21/02/2006 01:18:07 PlaneScene: dst : (92,567)-(334,734)
21/02/2006 01:18:12 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=BBC FOUR ts:True
21/02/2006 01:18:12 Recorder:confused:tartTimeshift tv BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:18:12 Recorder: Found card:1
21/02/2006 01:18:12 Command:confused:top tv card:0
21/02/2006 01:18:12 teletext: grab teletext for card:Compro VideoMate DVB-T200
21/02/2006 01:18:12 Recorder: tv channel changed:BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:18:12 teletext: clear teletext cache
21/02/2006 01:18:12 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True epggrabbing:False channel:BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:18:12 Recorder: currently playing:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Recordings\card1\ pos:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Recordings\card1\
21/02/2006 01:18:12 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVGuide deinit
21/02/2006 01:18:12 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
21/02/2006 01:18:12 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIFullScreenTV init
21/02/2006 01:18:12 start fullscreen channel:BBC FOUR
21/02/2006 01:18:12 init->OSD:Off
21/02/2006 01:18:13 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify init
21/02/2006 01:18:13 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 50
21/02/2006 01:18:15 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
21/02/2006 01:18:15 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
21/02/2006 01:18:15 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
21/02/2006 01:18:15 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 1024x768
21/02/2006 01:18:15 PlaneScene: AR type : Stretch
21/02/2006 01:18:15 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
21/02/2006 01:18:15 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
21/02/2006 01:18:15 PlaneScene: dst : (0,0)-(1024,768)
21/02/2006 01:18:18 Notify Message:BBC FOUR, No signal detected!
21/02/2006 01:18:19 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify init
21/02/2006 01:18:22 Notify Message:BBC FOUR, No signal detected!
21/02/2006 01:18:22 key:27 0x1B (2)
21/02/2006 01:18:28 key:27 0x1B (2)
21/02/2006 01:18:28 fullscreentv:show gui
21/02/2006 01:18:28 deinit->OSD:Off
21/02/2006 01:18:28 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIFullScreenTV deinit
21/02/2006 01:18:28 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
21/02/2006 01:18:28 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVGuide init
21/02/2006 01:18:28 turn tv on
21/02/2006 01:18:28 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
21/02/2006 01:18:28 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
21/02/2006 01:18:28 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 242x167
21/02/2006 01:18:28 PlaneScene: AR type : Stretch
21/02/2006 01:18:28 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
21/02/2006 01:18:28 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
21/02/2006 01:18:28 PlaneScene: dst : (92,567)-(334,734)
21/02/2006 01:18:33 key:13 0xD (2)
21/02/2006 01:18:33 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ITV3 ts:True
21/02/2006 01:18:33 Recorder:confused:tartTimeshift tv ITV3
21/02/2006 01:18:33 Recorder: Found card:1


Portal Member
January 24, 2006
Hi folks,

I may be stating the obvious here, but are your power settings configured to power down the monitor/TV after 20 or 30 mins? I had the same problem and changing it to "Never" fixed the problem.



Portal Member
February 21, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Area: Media Portal Program
MediaPortal Version: RC2 (2006-02-18)
MediaPortal Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
.NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
Audio Codec: Intervideo
Video Codec: Intervideo
CPU Type: AMD Sempron 3000+
Memory: 512
Motherboard: nForce3
TV Card Model: FireDTV
TV Card Type: DVB-T
TV Card Driver: latest
Video Card Model: fx5200
Video Card Driver: 77.77
Video Card Resolution: 720x576
Video Render Type: VMR9
Audio Card Model: Realtek AC97
Audio Card Driver: -
Synopsis:: No Signal Error Message


I have suffered this problem since the 0.1.3 release. Mostly, I get the old
'No signal detected'/'dvbdemuxer: stopped receiving packets', at random times. The mediaportal.exe process refuses to die, and I can't get the tv-card to work again unless I reboot the machine. I got a decent DVB-T signal in my appartment, a few packets lost every now and then.

This seems suspiciously like a problem within Directshow's handling of live DVB streams, rather than just a bug in MP. Or a combination.



Portal Member
March 12, 2005
Sydney, Australia
I have been having this problem too on 0.2 RC2 I have above 90% signal strength on all channels yet at various times the picture will go black & the "No signal detected" message will come up on the screen. This affects all channels on the DVB-T cards but also the composite input on the 150MCE & the only way to fix is to reboot the PC.

When I switch back to 0.1.3 all is fine.



Retired Team Member
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  • April 27, 2004
    Leipzig, Germany
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    Germany Germany

    I also have "No signal" from time to time while zapping around with both of my PVR cards (150 / 350). I have digged somewhat in the code, to get a clue what might going on.

    There are two reasons for raising "No signal":
    1) Lost of the tuner because of a bad signal
    2) VMR9 renderer dropping down to 0 FPS

    I always run into the second condition. Currently I do not have any clue, why this might happen. Any of the devs around there, with deep knowledge of the code? :)

    Using latest CVS and timeshift off.



    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 27, 2004
    Leipzig, Germany
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    could you people please all test DScaler as renderer for audio and video?

    As far as I could see, every body is using MPEG2Dec, InterVideo or NVidia. (including me using MPEG2Dec).

    I did change the settings to DScaler and still got a "No signal", but i did need much more zappings to get it!

    So please test and report, if it got better / unchanged / worse...


    Paranoid Delusion

    Moderation Manager
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  • June 13, 2005
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Similar thing happening only on last 2 weeks cvs. also has affected lifeview software as will only pick up a few digital channels and crashes. if you uninstall MP lifeview works ok again. anyone with that happening to their own TV software, but if you leave lifeview software uninstalled and clean reinstall problem seems to be dramatically reduced, could this be because mine's a dual analog/digital card. PS do not use analog anyway



    Portal Member
    July 15, 2005
    Home Country

    I have tried it with the DScaler codec and I still had loss of signal. I have also tried with the DNTVLive codec same result.

    For me and the DVBDemuxer stopped receiving packets error I believe it is a card / driver issue as I have been using a loan Compro DVB-T 300 for a week now and it works flawlessly.

    In my case I would suggest / guess that the "no signal" code is indeed working as required I just need to find out why the connection between the DNTVLive card and MP breaks?

    Having said all that I do occasionally get the No Signal error using my PVR150MCE via S-Video but taking into account your point about what causes the No Signal message to appear I believe that this only happens when MP runs a little sluggish (multiple consecutive channel change requests etc) which would suggest it is because of the VMR9 fps dropping rather than the actual signal being lost. The big difference is that the PVR150MCE will correct itself within a second or so whereas the DNTVLive requires me to restart the PC


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