TV Server Plugin: TvWishList (8 Viewers)


Portal Member
June 13, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany

After using TVWishlist for some time, I realized, that´s not working any longer. I got the message "Fatal error, review log file".
What could i do?


Update: Solved by re-installation.
Last edited:


Portal Pro
June 6, 2015
Home Country
Germany Germany
im trying to record all movies with categorie "thriller" on a special channel "Pro Sieben". But when i push the "Search" button he only finds some movies on a different channel called "neo". what can i do? i put in the word thriller, search in text and title, all tv cards, channel "pro sieben", checked it


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  • June 12, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Just wanted to say thank you for an excellent addition to MP. It has enabled me to implement a couple of features I've wanted for a while....
    • Wish lists based on genre or actor (obviously a core function!, but great way to have movies pop up in recorded TV)
    • A complete list of new series' starting in the coming weeks. Thanks to some SQL expressions (thank you for that feature especially!), the ability to create 'view only' searches and some changes to how XMLTV imports from Digiguide I have a full list of new shows to pick from whenever I want. It is so much quicker than looking up online or scanning through pages of prime time TV in the EPG and a great way to find new TV I'm interested in.
    I'm going to need a bigger recording drive at the rate I'm finding new stuff to watch (that and an extra 4 hours in every day!)

    One question....
    When in the Email/record or view now screens the actions are controlled by the MP GUI plugin and nothing as simple as Hyperlinks in the XML. So could you let me know if there happens to be an easy was to switch the functions triggered by the 'OK/Enter' and 'Info / F9' buttons? Clearly it's not a big issue, but with monotonous regularity I pull up the settings for a search by clicking OK before I remember I need to press Info instead. Now it's set-up I want to see the results of a search more often than change the search criteria, so I would find it easier if the buttons worked the other way around.

    Clearly not a show stopper, but if there is a way I could tweak a config file somewhere I'd be grateful if you could point me to it.

    Please keep up the good work.... as you can probably tell I'm now a bit of a TVWishList convert!


    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Just want to let you know that i will be looking into the posts at the week end in more detail. Looks like i missed some posts with the automated email.


    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    On the spaces i had a compile error.
    Can you try again the version if spaces are removed froma tvwish?


      6.4 MB


    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    based on the latest findings from Flo70 there can be an issue with TvWishlist conflicting with existing schedules.
    To avoid those problems you need to disable in the Tvserverplugin under the tab "Settings" the checkbox "Delete Changed EPG"
    This setting was needed in the past to correct schedules for changed EPG times. I suspect it conflicts with the latest schedule development in MP and I will eliminate this option in the next version.

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