TV Server Plugin: TvWishList (8 Viewers)


New Member
September 19, 2015
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Working fine here :)

Seems either the client or the server pluging didn't 'update/install' correctly. Check the versions and make sure you have the latest installed on both your Client & Server and you should be good to go.

Ok, I admit it, I didn't read the install instructions to the end and hadn't activated the server plugin. So the error about the plugin version is gone.

But I still get "file C:/programdata/team mediaportal/mediaportal/skin/titan/TVWishlistMP.xml is missing." And indeed, it is not there. Any ideas?



Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Extract the content of the attached .zip to your C:/programdata/team mediaportal/mediaportal/skin/titan/ folder, and it should be gone.


    • TvWishListMP_Titan.rar
      1.1 MB


    New Member
    September 19, 2015
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks, that file seems to have fixed it.

    I'm not sure why the xml file wasn't there in the first place. I've had a similar error before when installing a plugin, and I wonder if it is something to do with file permissions in Win 10 preventing the file being being written to the directory.



    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    the gasman,
    I am not supporting the skins, this is done by the skin developers. With Tvwishlist only the default skin will be installed. On the first post there is a link to what skins are supported.


    MP Donator
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  • September 18, 2015
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi, I would like to thank the developer for a fantastic plugin! Great idea and implementation, this should be at the core of every TV server!

    I know the developer does not support skins as said above, but I would like to ask other users with what skins you have got TvWishList working with. For me it works great with the default wide skin, but I don't find it to be the best looking HTPC experience. So I tried some others, but without any luck. So far I've tried:
    • Maya, which according to its wiki page will support TvWishList. The plugin did not show up at all in the plugins section.
    • StreamedMP, adding the skin files in the zip from the first post to C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\StreamedMP. Same result, TvWishList not visible.
    • StreamedMP using the files from this post. Same result, can't find plugin.
    • Titan using files from this post, as above.
    • Avalon, supports TvWishList according to its wiki page. Can't find the plugin with this skin either.
    Since nothing works I start to suspect that I am missing something, or doing something wrong? Do you have to do something to get TvWishList visible in a new skin? What skins do you guys use with TvWishList? I like clean skins, like Maya, but it seems it is not maintained anymore... Thank you in advance.
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    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    osksa, i am using pureVisionHD from catavolt. It has native Tvwishlist support built in. Check in MP configuration -> plugins that TvWishlist is enabled (not the tvserver config, but the MP client config)


    MP Donator
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  • September 18, 2015
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    Sweden Sweden
    Thankx huha, yes I've checked, it is enabled. Will try pureVisionHD. Doesn't look like my type of skin, but I'll give it a try. Also tried Avalona now, has support of TVWishList according to wiki but plugin can't be found... =(


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi huha, i'm struggling with episode management the last few weeks/months.
    I'm using the default options in the TV Server 'Recording' section, and have set up TvWishList like this:

    But it somehow keeps creating subfolders, which results in the very long path names like:
    F:\TV_Opnames\Dance Dance Dance\Dance Dance Dance\Dance Dance Dance\Dance Dance Dance\Dance Dance Dance\Dance Dance Dance - RTL 4 HD - 2015-09-26.ts

    Any thoughts what's going on?
    I've also tried settings 'Episode' instead of 'TV Wish Name' and 'Automatic' but nothing seems to solve my problem.

    Did read the manual and noticed this:
    Episodes and Name do only work if in the genral recordings you have set no folder for Movies and if you have set a folder for Series like in the default values.
    So wondering if i'm doing something wrong...


    Portal Pro
    December 10, 2011
    near Munich
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    Germany Germany
    I upgraded to MP 1.12 and TVWishList 1.4.1 server and client plugin (version checked) three weeks ago. I don't get any more mails and in TvWishList.log I get errors when I start a manual search:

    2015-10-05 23:06:41.164873 [(9)]: [TvWishList]:confused:earchEPG started with view_only_mode=False
    2015-10-05 23:06:43.836025 [(9)]: TvWishList Error:
    2015-10-05 23:06:43.837025 [(9)]: Error:Exception in SearchEPG: Methode nicht gefunden: "Boolean TvDatabase.Schedule.isSameTransponder(TvDatabase.Schedule)".
    2015-10-05 23:06:43.838026 [(9)]:
    2015-10-05 23:06:43.839026 [(9)]: TvWishList Error:
    2015-10-05 23:06:43.840026 [(9)]: Error:Exception in SearchEPG: Methode nicht gefunden: "Boolean TvDatabase.Schedule.isSameTransponder(TvDatabase.Schedule)".
    2015-10-05 23:06:43.841026 [(9)]:

    Any ideas?

    I deinstalled the plugin and deleted the server plugin dll which wasn't removed and installed again. Now it's working. I get emails again and another annoying bug is gone. TWL scheduled recordings despite all queries where set to email only.
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