TV Server Plugin: TvWishList (8 Viewers)


Portal Member
January 14, 2014
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Germany Germany
I can confirm that my former problems with timer modification have been resolved though the setting huha has mentioned. Apart from that I have not seen any other complications with disabling that setting.

Addionionally I have another question:
I have some recordings that where I'd only like to keep e.g. the last 5 recordings. I have set this in TVWishList but it doesn't seem to have the wanted effect. Does EPG Quality have to do with this?

Cheers Flo


Extension Developer
January 3, 2008
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Germany Germany
Flo, this feature is working fine in my setup. Something seems special in your setup. What EPG data are you using?
Did anyone else experience similar issues like Flo?


Portal Member
January 14, 2014
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Germany Germany
Well, I'd say I use quite a standard setup - but obviously this is not the case... ;)
EPG Comes though webgrab++ and xmltv - EPG data Looks very solid althoughnot all series have episode-info.
Currently I record "logo!" on channel Kika on a daily basis though TVWishList - as this is a News Programme I only want to Keep the latest five recordings. Currently this does not work, I have to manually delete recordings once in a while. Additionally from time to time two recording timers are created for the same program.
If it helps: I am currently logging TVServer and TVWishList on debug Level - I you ned any logs just give me a sign.


Extension Developer
January 3, 2008
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Germany Germany
Flo70, yes, a log with debug level would be very much appreciated. Please stay patient as i am working right now on the MP2 plugin and will need more time for that.


Portal Member
January 14, 2014
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi huha,

Flo70, yes, a log with debug level would be very much appreciated. Please stay patient as i am working right now on the MP2 plugin and will need more time for that.

sorry for the delay - was busy with other things... :)
At least I have found out what is happening - but I am not sure why it is happening. The TV-Whishes with double entries into the timers list are created with a dot (".") at the end of the name on the firts day and without a dot at the end of the Name on the next day.
In the two logs you have to look for:
Neuer Eintrag:
Titel=logo! Die Welt und ich.
Beschreibung=Nachrichten für Kinder
Kanal=KiKA HD
Start=08/03 at 19:50
Ende=08/03 at 20:00
Erstellt=07/26 at 10:00
Neuer Eintrag:
Titel=logo! Die Welt und ich
Beschreibung=Wissen, was in der Welt los ist. Super gut informiert sein. Mit den Kindernachrichtenn bei KiKA(n) Kanal=KiKA HD
Start=08/03 at 19:50
Ende=08/03 at 20:00
Erstellt=07/27 at 10:01
Obviously EPG-Data gets changed between the two runs of TVWishList and therefore two timers are created for the same tv-show.

I currently have DVB-EPG on while LiveTV to get changes in EPG while watching TV - probably this causes the change in EPG and therefore the double entries to be created.



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Portal Member
January 14, 2014
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Germany Germany
I did a little more research and I am now sure about the cause of my problem - but not about the solution...

I get my EPG-data though Webgrab++ from for 7 days in advance at 7:00 in the morning. Additionally I have "Grab EPG while timeshifting/recording" active in TV-Server to get EPG-Data for channels that are not covered by WebGrab++ and to get changed programes. DVB-EPG for german publich TV covers between 14 to 21 days - so I the first 7 days of my EPG are formatted as the webservices offer them and EPG for day 8 and the following days are formatted as the stations offer them trough DVB-EPG. This leads to the different writing in program title for the show I like to record. As TVWishlist looks quite far into the future and schedules recordings I have the situation of duplicate timers for the same show.

From my side I see these options:
- I get more EPG-Data from Webgrab++ to make sure I have no difference in titles for the time TVWishlist looks for matches (8 days I think)
- make TVWishlist able to identify identical shows apart from title (ID in database for example)
- limit TVWishlists view in the future to progam only shows for the following two or three days (that would be my favorite)



Portal Member
January 14, 2014
Home Country
Germany Germany
I know it's Holiday season - but maybe my last post was just overlooked...
Any updates on my TVWishList-Problem?



Extension Developer
January 3, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany
sorry, I overlooked it.
As I am not able to do some changes right now you will need to stay with option 1. Long term i wil think about to limit the number of days


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September 19, 2015
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United Kingdom United Kingdom

Sorry if this has been asked before, but is this plugin compatible with MP 1.12 on Windows 10?
I've just installed it, but I'm getting an error that the plugin does not match the TVserver plugin, and that TVWishlistMP.xml is missing.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Martin


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    Sorry if this has been asked before, but is this plugin compatible with MP 1.12 on Windows 10?
    Working fine here :)

    I've just installed it, but I'm getting an error that the plugin does not match the TVserver plugin
    Seems either the client or the server pluging didn't 'update/install' correctly. Check the versions and make sure you have the latest installed on both your Client & Server and you should be good to go.

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