TV Server Plugin: TvWishList (1 Viewer)


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  • September 12, 2011
    Welwyn Garden City
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    Q1 - In theory, yes. But only if MP is reading and importing your xmltv file correctly. (I do not know whether the xmltv importer can use that dd_progid format for series/episode numbers).

    So you need to work out if the episode name and series/epsiode numbers are being imported into MP.
    If you know how, one way is to look in the programs table in the database so you can see lots at the same time.
    Otherwise, the episode name and number will appear after each show name when you look in the epg in MP, as long as you have turned on that option in the MP config (not tv server config). It is in TV/TV Client/General Settings and is called 'show episode info'. I have set mine to be Number + Title.
    In the example above, after changing that setting, the show would appear as The Big Bang Theory (6.12 The Egg Salad Equivalency) in my EPG.

    If you think the data is correct because of either of these two checks, it'll probably be best to post the tvwishlist log file after running it in debug mode, and identify a program that you think should be scheduling but isn't. If that is the case, Huha will be better to look at the file as he wrote the plugin.

    If the data isn't there, you need to work out how to get it there. In this case I would suggest asking on another thread about xmltv rather than this one (there is a whole section for electronic program guide threads inside the mediaportal 1 section).
    And in the meantime, if you have epsiode names but not numbers, you could try setting the match criteria to just name. Then TVWishList will just use the episode name to work out new shows.

    If all that fails or is too much trouble, stick the * back in and try the sql expression i gave you instead!

    Q2 - sorry i don't understand what you are asking



    Portal Pro
    December 1, 2009
    hi huha,

    it's been a long time since I visited the forums for the last time :)
    I have a really annoying problem. The repeated marker doesn't work for me. Extremly annoying because I once supposed this tool or the possibility to define a marker individually :)
    I do have an epg that marks every repeated show with (Wdh.). Of course I entered a space in the box so it says " (Wdh.)". But no matter what I do it doesn't work. There are 7 episodes of criminal minds in my epg and 7 repeats. It always shedules all of them. And this happens for all shows I record.

    If I put the (Wdh.) in the exclude box it works. But the "||" don't work for me as well. In the case of criminal minds I don't want criminal minds - team red. So I use the exclude function for "team". If I do so tvwishlist will also shedule the repeats. If I use "team||(Wdh.)" it will shedule all repeats, too. If I only use (Wdh.) it doesn't shedule the repeats but also the criminal minds - team red episodes.

    Do you have any idea what I did wrong?



    Portal Member
    November 19, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks for the info on the xml format. I will follow your suggestions about checking if the correct data is being imported.
    I am also looking at different EPG Grabbers.

    Following up on my question 2.

    This is the format from a tvwishlist email now.

    Title=The Big Bang Theory
    Description=While the guys camp out for a long-awaited movie screening, Penny and Bernadette invite Amy to her first slumber party.
    Channel=2.1 KTVU
    Start=01/03 at 19:30
    End=01/03 at 20:00
    Created=12/31 at 14:57

    These are 2 examples of what I use to get.
    Notice there are details of why these entries Conflict.

    Program: Democracy Now! already scheduled
    Title=Democracy Now!
    Channel=9.3 WORLD
    Start=11/07 at 12:00
    End=11/07 at 13:00
    Created=11/7/2012 6:16:30 AM

    Skipping program The Big Bang Theory because it does not match the required channel filter 5.1 KPIX
    Channelname=2.1 KTVU
    Start=11/7/2012 7:00:00 PM
    Title=The Big Bang Theory
    Description=Amy and Sheldon spread gossip as part of an experiment; Howard decides to take a big step in his relationship with Bernadette.
    Channel=2.1 KTVU
    Start=11/07 at 19:00
    End=11/07 at 19:30
    Created=11/7/2012 6:16:38 AM


    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    foxbenw, a big thanks to you for answering all the questions.
    mcl, i need a log file to follow up further
    rhine44, you can disable conflicts for emails by unchecking in the tvserver configuration (TvwishList-> formats). The easiest way to check what info you have in your epg data is to use my BackupSettings plugin and check the xml file [backup folder]\Tv_User\TVsettings.xml. Check for <programs>.


    Portal Pro
    December 1, 2009
    i didn't upload the log file because it was about 95mb big :)
    but now i have one that's a lot smaller. so here you go.


    • TvWishList.bak
      3.6 MB


    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    it looks like you are excluding only in the title and not in the description. please read the section in the manual again how to apply the exclude. If you have complex exludes mixed in title and description you should use a sql query.
    I really would like to gte a log from you on why the EPG repeated marker does not work, as this would be the correct usage. Please use the repeated marker and the correct exclude '*team' for searching in the description and post your log.

    P.S. Thanks to your log I found a completely different error :)
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    December 1, 2009
    ok, here's the log.
    what I did:
    I deleted all remaining repeats from my schedules in the tvserver and deleted all excludes from tvwishlist except "magazin" for "deutschland sucht", "l.a." for "navy cis" and "team" for "criminal minds". So no "(Wdh.)" were left in the exclude fields.
    I didn't change anything for the repeat marker which means that it's still " (Wdh.)". Then I did a new scan and tvwishlist once again scheduled all repeats as well. and this is the log that was created.

    thanks for your help


    Portal Member
    November 19, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America

    Following up on my last post.

    I looked at the file ( [backup folder]\Tv_User\TVsettings.xml. ) and did see the conflict explanation.
    My question really is; why was this information in the email before I did the last 1 or 2 updates and now the info is gone?
    With the conflict info in the email it was really easy to debug searches.
    Note: verbose debug is on.



    Portal Pro
    August 21, 2011
    Home Country
    Hi I have been using this plugin for some time now and find it excellent with all the updates etc. I recently installed (I know there are updates bit I think this same issue will apply).

    I have enabled the option to check the guide 5 minutes before a scheduled recording to make it get the latest start / finish times etc. The problem I have is that if I manually delete the program from the guide inside mediaportal then when tvwishlist does it's pre 5 minute update then the program is re enabled as a scheduled recording. Not sure if this has been raised before but is there any way to overcome this problem.

    Also as a suggestion I really like the option inside mediaportal to set a reminder about a show starting. Unfortunately you can only set it once per show. It would be nice if tvwishlist allowed a "reminder" as well as a "record" option

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