TV Server scheduling EVERYTHING to record (1 Viewer)


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Please upload all available TVService logs - there should some 10 more.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    One more thing: Would it be possible to not use the remote at all for some time and control MP solely using keyboard and mouse for some time?

    MP itself will not generate any schedules on its own, unless told to do so. I can't think of anything else but the remote handling as the root cause. In this respect it could for exampüle be possbile that your key definitions changed in such way that eavery time you press a standard button it would trigger the RecordEveryTImeOnThisChannel activity. However, we would need to find the time of the first scheduling.

    If you would like to identify key presses you will need to activate extensive logging on the remote tab in the MP configuration. Note that it is really "extensive". For that reason it would be best to start with a clean TVServer situation, i.e. all schedules cleared.

    Neil McIlwraith

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    May 8, 2016
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    Hi - thanks, this is indeed the next step I'm trying now (i.e. using USB keyboard to control MP). I've also attached all the files in the TVServer Log Folder, sorry it's not specifically focused on particular logs but I'm not sure what to include to help diagnose. For what it's worth the last time the issue happened was still around 2016-05-23 11:26.

    Is there any kind of existing MP keyboard shortcut for this RecordEveryTimeOnThisChannel activity that I could try and narrow the configuration down to?


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Thank you for providing the complete logs.

    When looking at TVService.1.log one can see that the TVService is starting and that no schedules are in the database:
    [2016-05-22 13:22:02,438] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Scheduler: loaded 0 schedules

    The first recording is taking place here:
    [2016-05-22 20:12:26,950] [Log ] [scheduler thread] [INFO ] - Scheduler: Time to record BBC ONE 20:12-21:00 Antiques Roadshow

    The strange thing is that the log shows no trace of anything planning this recording.

    The first ocurence of IsTimeToRecordEveryTimeOnThisChannel is
    [2016-05-22 20:21:08,982] [Log ] [scheduler thread] [DEBUG] - IsTimeToRecordEveryTimeOnThisChannel: New: Britain's Got Talent, 23/05/2016 19:30:00

    Did you actually intend to record the Antiques Roadshow on BBC One?

    As the log is full of EPG update entries, would it be possible to
    - deactivate EPG, both idle and timeshift
    - stop the TVService
    - clean the log directory
    - clean any schedule (except maybe those that you intentionally set up) from within the Configuration
    - restart MP

    As soon as the issue reappears recollect the server logs and if possible your main client from which you are scheduling your recordings.

    Neil McIlwraith

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    May 8, 2016
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks - this is great info. For what it's worth I never use the scheduler to record anything, as generally speaking we use catch up services, etc, so I just haven't found the need to use it. So everything you see has been added without any actual input from myself.

    I'll make the EPG change now also - I assume this will stop the guide from updating beyond what's already in there right?


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  • May 16, 2008
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    as generally speaking we use catch up services, etc,
    What is a catch up service? Nothing related to MP, correct?

    I assume this will stop the guide from updating beyond what's already in there right?
    That's correct. No worries though, this is just for keeping the log legible and youcan switch it back on as soon as you get the new logs.

    It is strange though. I can't see anything in the server log that would lead to any recordings scheduled. So it must lie somewhere within the clients. That's why I asked for the client logs too once you experience the problem again.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    The first recording is taking place here:
    [2016-05-22 20:12:26,950] [Log ] [scheduler thread] [INFO ] - Scheduler: Time to record BBC ONE 20:12-21:00 Antiques Roadshow

    To me it's pretty clear that the problem actually starts at that time, because as you can see:
    1. The recording is starting part-way through the program. That would never happen with a normal schedule.
    2. The previous log line ([2016-05-22 20:12:25,169] [Log ] [scheduler thread] [DEBUG] - Scheduler: Orphaned once schedule found 1 - removing) tells me that the first schedule entry with ID 1 had suddenly appeared. Yes it was deleted immediately, but it points to the problem start time.
    Neil, can you remember what was going on at about that time?

    Given that there are no 3rd party plugins installed for your TV Server, I agree wholeheartely with HTPCSourcer when he says that the cause most likely lies somewhere with the clients. On that note, I think it would be a good idea to open Notepad in the background on each of the clients. That will help to identify if you have stuck keys.

    In order to make the problem more bearable until it can be resolved, I think it would be good to have an easier and more thorough way to clean out the schedules. So here are some instructions to do that:
    1. Open a command prompt on the server (go to the start screen/menu, type "cmd", hit enter).
    2. Type cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL 5.6\bin" and hit enter. Note the path is intended to be the path to the bin sub-directory for your MySQL install. It may be slightly different for you, and in that case you'll need to amend the command appropriately.
    3. Type mysql -h localhost -D MpTvDb -u root -pMediaPortal and hit enter. Note that the missing space between the "-p" and "MediaPortal" is intentional and important. Also, the "MediaPortal" part is the password. "MediaPortal" is the default root user password for a MySQL database installed by MediaPortal. Obviously if you installed MySQL yourself or changed the default password then you'll need to amend the command appropriately.
    4. Type SELECT * FROM Schedule; and hit enter. This command will show you all the schedules that currently exist. It may be helpful to have that list in order for us to help you resolve the problem. You can screenshot or use copy + paste (ctrl c and ctrl v won't work though, so use the right click menu) to capture that list.
    5. Type DELETE FROM Schedule; and hit enter. This command deletes all existing schedules.
    6. Type \q and hit enter. This command quits the MySQL prompt.
    7. Close the command prompt window.
    Hope that helps. :)

    Neil McIlwraith

    Portal Member
    May 8, 2016
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Just an update to close this out (hopefully!).

    I ended up switching a bunch of things around until eventually moving away from MP altogether and trying Kodi with another backend PVR. It was generally okay but the clients would need resetting daily and it just wasn't usable.

    This week I finally realized I missed MP and decided to do a complete full/clean install of MP (v1.15) sever and clients across all devices and so far... Absolutely no issues!

    The clients, EPG, server, everything is working perfectly. I've no idea unfortunately what was causing the initial issue but I'm causiously optimistic that everything is good. I l'm only running the stock install everywhere, no plugins at all, but that's fine for my usage.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Thanks for the update Neil.

    I'm a little disappointed that you chose not to follow up on my previous reply. Like you, I would really have liked to have known what caused the problem.

    From our side we can say:
    • nobody else has reported anything even remotely similar with 1.14 (or any other version for that matter)
    • we didn't change/fix anything in 1.15 that could have solved a problem like the one you were facing
    To me this is convincing evidence to indicate that the cause was something specific to your setup at the time. What it was will have to remain a mystery. :)

    Anyhow, welcome back... and thanks again for the update. :)

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