SciDoctor: i just tested as you descriebed: MP in window-mode, process-explorer and timeshift-folder visible. When the stuttering appears, the new timeshift-file is created. (Every 5 Mnutes, only video stuttering, short pause of 0.5 - 1 sec, audio was ok and not pausing) But there was no thread or process causing any high peak, MP was always between 8.5 and 18 %, tv-server between 0.77 and 4%, other threads 0.8 - 9%.
I'm just wondering whether it makes a difference between window- and fullscreen-mode. I might have noticed, that the stuttering was not so hard in window-mode... can this be or am i wrong? I didn't had the time to confirm this surely...
I'm just wondering whether it makes a difference between window- and fullscreen-mode. I might have noticed, that the stuttering was not so hard in window-mode... can this be or am i wrong? I didn't had the time to confirm this surely...