TVgemist 3.0 (1 Viewer)


New Member
October 28, 2009
Oplossing hiervoor zet de musicplayer in het config menu van Bass player naar internal dsshow player. en tvgemist doet het weer.

Solution put the music player in the configmenu from Bass player to internal dsshow player. tvgemist and doing it again

Thanks, couldn't care less for Pure Audio and this made TVGemist and MyTrailers work for me for the first time after upgrading to 1.1.

Sorry to bump/quote my own post, but has anyone running MP1.1 tried switching to the internal dshow player for music in order to fix TVgemist (and MyTrailers)? 'Cause for me it fixes these two plugins, but some (not all) mp3s won't play anymore because of an audio codec error? They play fine in windows mediaplayer or any other player for that matter.
I had the same problem, followed your fix and my problem has been solved. Thanks! I did not try if my MP3 still works but will do so tonight.

A small questions : I try to figure out what keyboard key I should press to get the onscreen keyboard in TvGemist and select the program I want to watch. What should it be? Thanks!


Portal Pro
April 24, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
could somebody try the latest episodes of expeditie robinson for me please. The first ones of this seison work for me but the last ones give me the no audio codec message... I´m very curious if that happens with everyone...
the weird thing is all episodes work on the website, so it has to be either mediaportal or the TVgemist plugin that throws me this error...


Portal Pro
November 16, 2006
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
could somebody try the latest episodes of expeditie robinson for me please. The first ones of this seison work for me but the last ones give me the no audio codec message... I´m very curious if that happens with everyone...
the weird thing is all episodes work on the website, so it has to be either mediaportal or the TVgemist plugin that throws me this error...
The latest episode of Expeditie Robinson doesn't work here either. I don't get the 'no audio codec' message, but mportal just completely freezes... This looks like the exact same problem i had with benelux' next top model (which i described here)... Other people reported the same problem you have on this show (the no audio codec message).

I have a workaround for now: i'm using to watch rtl programs. It doesn't work for ned1/2/3 however, because the player wants to open in a new window which isn't possible in the webbrowser plugin. So right now its SBS and ned1/2/3 using TVgemist 3.0, and rtl using webbrowser for me.


Portal Member
November 4, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Turbo Nick

I was wondering. Is there a possibility to add Turbo Nick from the nickelodeon site to the plugin. Or maybe there is a possibilty to do it another way. I know that the XOT plugin for XBMC has added it in the plugin, but i rather use mediaportal.


Portal Member
November 4, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Do you have the url of the stream? Then I can add it to the live tv streams.

It's not just a single stream. It's more like online video's. You can watch episoded of different cartoons. I don't know if this help, but here's the python channel script of the XOT plugin:

# Import the default modules
import xbmc, xbmcgui
import re, sys, os
import urlparse
# Make global object available
import common
import mediaitem
import config
import controls
import contextmenu
import chn_class

logFile = sys.modules['__main__'].globalLogFile
uriHandler = sys.modules['__main__'].globalUriHandler

# register the channels
if (sys.modules.has_key('progwindow')):
register = sys.modules['progwindow']
elif (sys.modules.has_key('plugin')):
register = sys.modules['plugin']

register.channelRegister.append('chn_nickelodeon.Channel("uzg-channelwindow.xml", config.rootDir, config.skinFolder, channelCode="nickelodeon")')

# main Channel Class
class Channel(chn_class.Channel):
main class from which all channels inherit

def InitialiseVariables(self):
Used for the initialisation of user defined parameters. All should be
present, but can be adjusted
# call base function first to ensure all variables are there
self.guid = "8D4EBAE8-F3C6-11DD-92EE-F2FE55D89593"
self.icon = "nickelodeonicon.png"
self.iconLarge = "nickelodeonlarge.png"
self.noImage = "nickelodeonimage.png"
self.channelName = "Nickelodeon TurboNick"
self.maxXotVersion = "3.2.0"
self.channelDescription = "TurboNick afleveringen van Nickelodeon"
self.moduleName = ""
self.mainListUri = ""
self.baseUrl = ""
self.onUpDownUpdateEnabled = True
self.sortOrder = 11

self.contextMenuItems = []
self.contextMenuItems.append(contextmenu.ContextMenuItem("Play using Mplayer", "CtMnPlayMplayer", itemTypes="video", completeStatus=True))
self.contextMenuItems.append(contextmenu.ContextMenuItem("Play using DVDPlayer", "CtMnPlayDVDPlayer", itemTypes="video", completeStatus=True))

self.requiresLogon = False

self.episodeItemRegex = '<span[^>]+class="list_title"[^>]+>\W+<a[^>]+href="(/turbonick/programma/[^"]+)" title="([^"]+)">' # used for the ParseMainList
self.videoItemRegex = '<a[^>]+href="(/turbonick/bekijk/[^"]+)"[^>+]title="([^"]+)">\W+<img[^>]+src="([^"]+)"[^>]+/>\W+</a>' # used for the CreateVideoItem
# self.folderItemRegex = '<a href="\.([^"]*/)(cat/)(\d+)"( style="color:\s*white;"\s*)*>([^>]+)</a><br' # used for the CreateFolderItem
self.mediaUrlRegex = '<param name="src" value="([^"]+)" />' # used for the UpdateVideoItem
return True

# ContextMenu functions
def CtMnPlayMplayer(self, selectedIndex):
item = self.listItems[selectedIndex]
self.PlayVideoItem(item, "mplayer")

def CtMnPlayDVDPlayer(self, selectedIndex):
item = self.listItems[selectedIndex]

def CreateEpisodeItem(self, resultSet):
Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item.
logFile.debug('starting CreateEpisodeItem for %s', self.channelName)

item = mediaitem.MediaItem(resultSet[1], "%s%s" % (self.baseUrl, resultSet[0]))
item.icon = self.icon
item.complete = True
return item

def CreateVideoItem(self, resultSet):
Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item.
logFile.debug('starting CreateVideoItem for %s', self.channelName)

item = mediaitem.MediaItem(resultSet[1], "%s%s" % (self.baseUrl, resultSet[0]))

item.thumbUrl = resultSet[2]
item.icon = self.icon
item.type = 'video'
item.complete = False
return item

def UpdateVideoItem(self, item):
Accepts an item. It returns an updated item. Usually retrieves the MediaURL
and the Thumb! It should return a completed item.
"""'starting UpdateVideoItem for %s (%s)',, self.channelName)

if item.thumbUrl != "":
item.thumb = self.CacheThumb(item.thumbUrl)
item.thumb = self.noImage

data = uriHandler.Open(item.url, pb=False)

info = common.DoRegexFindAll("var voteUrl = '/scripts/global/vote.php\?type=video&id=(\d+)';\W+var voteAvg\W*(\d+)", data)
if len(info) < 1:
logFile.error("Cannot find info and ID information")
return item
info = info[0]

# get the rank
item.rating = int(info[1])

# get the RTMP url
rtmpInfoUrl = "%s/feeds/turbonick/mediaGen.php?id=%s" % (self.baseUrl, info[0])
rtmpData = uriHandler.Open(rtmpInfoUrl, pb=False)
rtmpUrls = common.DoRegexFindAll("<src>(rtmp[^<]+)</src>" ,rtmpData)

for rtmpUrl in rtmpUrls:

item.complete = True
logFile.debug("Media url: %s", item)
return item


Portal Member
October 3, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands

I still have the "audio codec" error when playing (for instance) Expeditie Robinson [Seizoen 3, episode 2009/11 or any other]. Am I the only one having this problem?

Am I correct in assuming that any fixes that the Martijns have been making lately do not mean I have to reinstall the plugin? As I understand these fixes are all done on their "database server" and that we automatically use these fixes as they are made.


Portal Member
November 4, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands

I still have the "audio codec" error when playing (for instance) Expeditie Robinson [Seizoen 3, episode 2009/11 or any other]. Am I the only one having this problem?

Am I correct in assuming that any fixes that the Martijns have been making lately do not mean I have to reinstall the plugin? As I understand these fixes are all done on their "database server" and that we automatically use these fixes as they are made.

You are not alone. I also suffer from the audio codec error when i try to watch expeditie robinson.


Portal Pro
October 29, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Audio codec issues are mostly caused by incorrect codec installations, conflicting codecs or some sort of system specific issue. TVgemist 3.0 was build upon the original Vgemist plugin and we did not change anything in the way video's are being loaded. I think it has something to do with how mediaportal plays different media files, and that is different on each system.

Are there users here that only use mediaportal to watch TVgemist?

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