TVplugin - avoiding RTSP in multiseat mode (test plz). (1 Viewer)


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Hey Guys,
    This takes some tinkering, but I finally found out how to get it working. It was rather simple in the end.

    The first thing I did was prep the server. On the server I have two drives. The C: Drive is the Timeshifting drive, and the F: drive is my recordings:

    1. I shared the C: drive (Created a share called C, gave everyone full permissions)
    2. I shared the F: drive (Created a share called F, gave everyone full permissions)

    I then modified the MediaPortal.xml file on the client.

    1. I added the following to the tvserver entry

        <entry name="usertsp">no</entry>
        <entry name="recordingpath">
        <entry name="timeshiftingpath">

    So the full tvservice section looks like this...

      <section name="tvservice">
        <entry name="usertsp">no</entry>
        <entry name="recordingpath">
        <entry name="timeshiftingpath">
        <entry name="hostname"></entry>
        <entry name="preferac3">no</entry>
        <entry name="preferAudioTypeOverLang">yes</entry>
        <entry name="dvbbitmapsubtitles">no</entry>
        <entry name="dvbttxtsubtitles">no</entry>
        <entry name="audiodualmono">no</entry>
        <entry name="isWakeOnLanEnabled">no</entry>
        <entry name="isAutoMacAddressEnabled">yes</entry>
        <entry name="macAddress">00:00:00:00:00:00</entry>
        <entry name="preferredaudiolanguages">
        <entry name="preferredsublanguages">

    2. I then restarted MediaPortal on the client and I was able to access live Tv and Recorded Tv just fine.

    The code is all built into MP, so nothing else is needed...

    Wile E.


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  • January 15, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey Wile E, thanks for that update....

    Are your recordings stored in the root of your F: drive?

    My recordings and timeshift files are stored in "E:\TV Recordings" on the server. Should I just share this as "E" or do I need to share the whole drive as "E"?


    Just edited it to...

    <section name="tvservice">
    <entry name="usertsp">no</entry>
    <entry name="recordingpath">\\server01\TV Recordings 2\</entry>
    <entry name="timeshiftingpath">\\server01\TV Recordings 2\</entry>
    <entry name="hostname">Server01</entry>
    <entry name="preferac3">no</entry>

    Appears to be quicker channel change but how do I tell if it's actually working? If I go to "tv-streams" under my TV it still shows the client as connected? Earlier on in this thread it said this shouldn't be the case?


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  • March 4, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Using the non-rtsp function (recording) doesn't work in RC3/RC4.
    When i try to play a recording (series; same channel/program title) it fails; pointing to the wrong directory.
    In the logs: \\pan\rec$\MCE\RECORDING\Ben 10_ Alien force 2010-06-03\Ben 10_ Alien force.ts
    Physical location: \\pan\rec$\MCE\RECORDING\Cartoon_TCM\Ben 10_ Alien force 2010-06-03\Ben 10_ Alien force.ts
    Using rtsp function all is working fine; only longer zap times :(

    p.s. all clean installed.


    Portal Pro
    August 21, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    For me it works just fine with RC4, using 2 clients.

    The only thing I have done is to share C and D of my server - then you don't need to specify paths at all.
    However, I have discovered that the first time you start live TV on a client you got an error "TV- server is not connected ... something" - but then you just press ok when you got the prompt for the server name - then it all works. I guess one of those "glitches" there is in MP...


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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Can confirm that not using rstp is working in RC6. I did specify the path. And yes zap and seek is much faster. As much as I don't like to go against the main stream dev direction :( What is the advantage of RTSP?


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  • January 5, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    If I don't use RSTP all HD channels are not working anymore. After a short time they beginn stuttering...If I switch rtsp on the hd channels are working correctly

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