Updated iMON (Soundgraph) LCD Driver (3 Viewers)

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Portal Member
December 26, 2006
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Here is todays version of the plugin:
Added: Ability to use a custom font an XML file (option on Advanced Settings page)
Added: Ability to use "Large Icons" and customized "Large Icons" (option on Advanced Settings Page)

Great stuff! :) - I'll have to give it a go when I get home tonight

do you think that storing the fonts as xml is ideal though? - seems a lot of overhead for a small amount of data - perhaps we should store these in more of a "binary" format?

I'll expand upon the little web gui I put together and allow it to display/edit/add complete font sets and export the data accordingly (either via xml or another format, depending on what we choose to go with)


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
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Canada Canada
do you think that storing the fonts as xml is ideal though? - seems a lot of overhead for a small amount of data - perhaps we should store these in more of a "binary" format?

I had thought of that.... It would have been far easier to dump the data to a binary file... but there are two reasons that I spent the time and made it use XML files.

1) User editing of binary data is extremely difficult

2) All other user editable data used by MediaPortal is stored in XML files.

Besides... you are using software that eats disk space at the rate of 1 - 8 GIG per hour or more under normal operating conditions... an extra 84K of static storage is insignificant!

Anyways... a new version is ready...

Added: Internal Large Icons (from the image provided by iSP) dark on white background
Added: Invert Large Icons (option on advanced settings page) (as a convienience... for those who, like me, spend hours converting a set of images to icon data and find that you inverted every single image)
Fixed: Large Icon Data was not being initialized correctly when custom data was being used.


Portal Pro
January 2, 2007
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Netherlands Netherlands
Works :D
I also see my mp logo, looks nice.
How do we add logo's to the xml btw, when I enable use custom icons I get nothing now, but I really don't understand the format the xml is in, just the lines 1-16 make sense to me.


Portal Pro
August 11, 2007
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Sweden Sweden
Wow, looks awsome (inverted)!
Only thing bothering me now is that the progressbar is stuck where you stopped.


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
Works :D
I also see my mp logo, looks nice.
How do we add logo's to the xml btw, when I enable use custom icons I get nothing now, but I really don't understand the format the xml is in, just the lines 1-16 make sense to me.

Oops... my mistake.. I appologize for mis-attributing the icons....
umm... let's try giving an explaination...

The XML file contains:
<LargeIcons diffgr:id="LargeIcons1" msdata:rowOrder="0" diffgr:hasChanges="inserted">

This contains the column data for each of the thrity-two columns of pixels for icon zero..
IData0 through IData15 contains the data for the Top row of pixel columns while IData16 through IData31 contains the data for the bottom row for fixel colums. Each pixel column is defined by a single byte of data.
ie: If IData0 contains 192 and IData16 contains 3, you will get a two vertical pixelsat the top left edge of display and two vertical pixels at the bottom of the display.

Does that help?

Wow, looks awsome (inverted)!
Only thing bothering me now is that the progressbar is stuck where you stopped.

Holy!!! Are you people never satisfied?!?!?!??? 8-}
I'll fix it in the next release. Thanks for pointing it out.
I'll probably also fix the internal icon data....

I'm a bit confused.
I have a silverstone LC16M Specifications: I'd like to know if I can use this new Soundgraph LCD driver.
Thanks very much.

No... The LC16M uses the older iMON VFD... This driver is for the newer iMON LCD (as shipped with the Antec Fusion Black and the SilverStone GD01)... Although the code is in place in this plugin for driving the VFD as well as the LCD, it has not yet been tested , so you still need to use the "SoundGraph iMON VFD USB Driver" that is already included with the External Display package...


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
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Canada Canada
hmm... seems a little dead in here.... where did everyone go???

A new version of the driver...

Fixed: progress and volume bars persist after media stops playing
Fixed: certain conditions could cause a deadlock resulting in a blank display
Fixed: display corrupted if set to less than 96 pixels wide
Fixed: initialization routine ran even when another driver is selected.
Fixed: when using large icons the 16th row was not drawn
Added: Support for Large Icons when using "force graphical text" (set to 78 x 16 pixels to prevent data from being forced off the display)

Although not for the Soundgraph displays, this version also includes basic native drivers for the MatrixOrbital MX and GX Series of displays.


New Member
August 11, 2007
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New Zealand New Zealand
Would it be possible to include an install.txt in the zip? Something up to date would be wonderful. Quick question from a dumb guy- where do I find ExternalDisplay.dll -that's if I still need it...
Thanks so much.


Portal Member
August 1, 2006
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Canada Canada
Yes Bing223.... I've just receive my HTPC... I don't know yet if I must install the Imon silverstone driver before... And where I have to install your files Cybrmage...

I will do some try during the night :)


New Member
August 29, 2007
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Germany Germany
Another question about turning off the backlight: Ok, I managed to turn the backlight off under Linux, but is it normal that it turns on again when the computer is turned off (just at the moment it goes off)?
On a reboot it might be useful but not in this case - in my opinion it had to stay off.

Best regards,
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