Updated iMON (Soundgraph) LCD Driver (1 Viewer)

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  • August 6, 2007
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    .... where did everyone go???
    I'm still here :)

    I can't get it work. :( As long as Imon is running, I only see the Display showing the System Information (Auto Modus)
    In Konfiguration of MP / Plugin I only see "Imon VFD". is there any "step by step" installation guide. (Search the forum and read a lot but :confused: (have read the readme.txt which come with your driver). Install it this way.

    help would be appreciated

    oops forgot to tell you a little bit ...

    MP 0.2.3 RC2
    Silverstone GD 01
    newest drivers


    MP Donator
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  • February 5, 2007
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    Imon Vfd


    I think it cant run when the IMON is startet by autostart. You have to disable autostart than MP can use the display.

    I have IMON VFD USB from ANTEC and I used this steps to configure:

    1. install VFD PGM from antec
    2. Disable autostart VFD in the configuration screeb of VFD-software
    3. activate external display plugin in MP
    4. configure imon VFD wit USB option
    4. start MP and it runns well.



    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Would it be possible to include an install.txt in the zip? Something up to date would be wonderful. Quick question from a dumb guy- where do I find ExternalDisplay.dll -that's if I still need it...
    Thanks so much.

    What version of MediaPortal are you running??? This driver is based on 0.2.3 SVN... so 2.3 is needed... there is no longer an ExternalDisplay.dll... there is an integrated ProcessPlugin.dll... Copy the ProcessPlugin.dll.release into your mediaportal/plugins/process/ directory, rename the original ProcessPlugin.dll and rename the processplugin.dll.release to processplugin.dll.

    re: the install.txt.... see below...

    Yes Bing223.... I've just receive my HTPC... I don't know yet if I must install the Imon silverstone driver before... And where I have to install your files Cybrmage...

    I will do some try during the night :)

    Yes... You need to install the iMON software... It controls the IR receiver... the simple way to do it is....
    1) Install the SoundGraph iMON (or Antec VFD) software (you do NOT need to install the iMedian software)...
    2) once the install is complete, it will run the iMON manager (or Antec VFD Manager) and configure the remote.... Answer and prompt that it display as appropriate for your hardware.
    3) Once the remote is configured, it will automatically run an update service... let this process run until completion...
    4) once the update is done, your LCD will start displaying time, system information and other such stuff...
    5) run windows explorer. Navigate to the iMON directory (defaults to c:\Program Files\SOUNDGRAPH\iMON\). In this directory you will find (among others) a file named SG_VFD.dll. Copy this file. Navigate to your MediaPortal directory (defaults to c:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\) and paste the file there.
    6) unzip the iMONLCDg_{date}.zip to a temporary directory.
    7) For normal use, copy the ProcessPlugins.dll.release, ExternalDisplay_imonlcdg_font.xml and ExternalDisplay_imonlcdg_icons.xml files to your MediaPortal\Plugins\Process\ directory (defaults to c:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\process\).
    8) In your MediaPortal\plugins\process directory, rename the existing ProcessPlugins.dll to ProcessPlugins.dll.original and rename ProcessPlugins.dll.release to ProcessPlugins.dll
    9) In your MediaPortal directory, run Configuration.exe
    10) Select plugins, scroll down to Process Plugins, and right click on "External Display" and select "Disabled" to enable the plugin.
    11) Right click on "External Display" again and select Configuration. A configuration form will appear.
    12) Select the "SoundGraph iMON LCD Integrated USB Driver v1.0" driver
    13) Enter the display parameters in the textmode (if you want to use the display as a 2 line display) and/or the graphics mode (if you want to use the display as a 1 line display) sections, as follows.

    TextMode: For use without Large Icons - Colums: 16, Rows: 2, Comm Delay: 1, Chars to Scroll: 1
    For use with Large Icons - Colums: 13 Rows: 2 Comm Delay: 1 Chars to Scroll: 1

    GraphicsMode: for use without Large Icons - Columns: 96, Rows: 16, Comm Delay: 1, Pixels to Scroll: 8
    for use with Large Icons - Columns: 78, Rows: 16, Comm Delay: 1, Pixels to Scroll: 8

    14) Click on "Advanced"... And the Advanced configuration page will display. Select the advanced options that you wish to use. NOTE: you can leave the display type set to "AutoDetect" or select "LCD". Click on "OK" to close the Advanced configuration page and return to the Configuration Page.
    15) Click on "OK" to save your configuration and close the configuration page.
    16) Click on "OK" to close the configuration Program.
    17) From your MediaPortal directory, run MediaPortal.exe. You do NOT need to shut down the iMON Manager program (It is needed to operate the remote control). When the display driver loads, if will detect that the iMON Manager (or Antec VFD) is not configured to allow MediaPortal to use the displ and will reconfigure and restart the Manager.
    18) When MediaPortal finishes loading, Your display should be functional and display MediaPortal status information


    MP Donator
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  • August 6, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    thanks cybrmage

    that is the information i search for :D

    try it and post my results

    I use MP 0.2.3 RC2


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    CRAP!!!.... I've been trying to reply to everyone for the last hour... it will only let me do bit and spurts...

    it turns on again when the computer is turned off (just at the moment it goes off)?

    The fact that the display turns off and then back on indicated that your Linux installation has a broken USB subsystem.

    When the display is turned off, it is actually in standby... The power supply provided +5VSB to the display (to allow for power on/power off via the remote and for maintenance of the on-board clock). If the display turn back on when Linux does a shutdown, then the USB subsystem is sending a bus reset and the display is being reset. The default functionality of the device is a blank screen with backlight on.

    more info later... (can't post more right now)


    Portal Pro
    August 11, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    hmm... seems a little dead in here.... where did everyone go???

    A new version of the driver...

    Fixed: progress and volume bars persist after media stops playing
    Fixed: certain conditions could cause a deadlock resulting in a blank display
    Fixed: display corrupted if set to less than 96 pixels wide
    Fixed: initialization routine ran even when another driver is selected.
    Fixed: when using large icons the 16th row was not drawn
    Added: Support for Large Icons when using "force graphical text" (set to 78 x 16 pixels to prevent data from being forced off the display)

    Although not for the Soundgraph displays, this version also includes basic native drivers for the MatrixOrbital MX and GX Series of displays.

    :D works great.


    New Member
    August 29, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Thanks cybrmage!

    When the display gets its backlight turned off it is not in standby. Just the backlight is off. The output is still visible (with a flashlight :p). However, great news as it SHOULD remain off. On the other side: Damn, do I have to digg the kernel's USB-code?! :mad:
    Well, I think I do something else until you have had more time for answering.

    Best regards,


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    :D works great.

    Which driver? Soundgraph or MO?? 8-}

    Just the backlight is off. The output is still visible (with a flashlight :p).
    Which device do you have? Mine (Antec LCD) turns completely off... the backlight is not independant of the display, even with a flashlight... Are you using USB as a module or compiled into the kernel?


    MP Donator
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  • August 6, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    can't get it work :mad:

    lcd show only Imon Info

    is there any log i can post so you may be able to help me
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