Updated iMON (Soundgraph) LCD Driver (1 Viewer)

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  • August 6, 2007
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    Hi cybrmage!

    Also, try using the text mode... does that work?
    I had tried the "text mode" with the same result.

    please describe what exactly shows on your display
    It indicates exact the same like in windows. I noticed no change.
    f.e. Systeminformation (Proz AMD ... News ...)

    Did you select reasonable values for the font size?
    I think so ... I have taken same like in the description (10 text and 8 in Graphical i think)

    One thing i didn't post yet. I use the internal USB of the mainboard for the LCD. But the LCD ist detected, so it should be no problem!?

    Later at home I will try out once other type-sizes.


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    please describe what exactly shows on your display
    It indicates exact the same like in windows. I noticed no change.
    f.e. Systeminformation (Proz AMD ... News ...)

    If it is still showing the information from the manager application, then it indicates that the manager detection code is not detecting your version of iMON manager properly...

    As a quick fix, go into iMON Manager options, and set "Start Frontview" to "Never"... then run mediaportal and see if it works.

    Also, please describe your display hardware (Brand, Model, was it packaged with a case?)

    As for using the internal USB headers... it makes no difference... internal and external are all the same...



    Portal Pro
    April 19, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    I actually think that the turn off function of the display at standby/hibernation is broken in newer versions of the driver. I have not paid much attention to this lately but now I was trying it and it is only working in iMONLCDg_09_02_2007 version. In later version it is not working (at least not for me).

    Please run the debug version of the newest plugin.. put your machine into sleep/standby/hibernate and see what happens... if it doesn't work, post the log so I can see what's going on...

    Here is the logfile.

    First I turn MP on.
    Then I go to sleep.
    Restarting from sleep.
    Then shut MP off.

    It detects standby. "Suspend or Hibernation detected, shutting down plugin" but here I can not see any close lcd command sent to the display. However when I shut down MP I can see at the end that close lcd is sent to the display.

    Any ideas what is wrong?


    Portal Pro
    April 19, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Any ideas what is wrong?

    Yes... Found the problem... will have a fix later today...

    You are the king! This is really incredible! In about one month time we have a driver with great functionality! Support for tiny icons and also graphical icons and so on. Woohoo! :)

    And this without any support whatsoever from soundgraph team!

    And now a question!

    What is the difference between "Large icons" and "Custom large icons"?
    I have tried both but I see no difference.


    MP Donator
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  • August 6, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Hi cybrmage!

    it's still me i suspect ...

    is not detecting your version of iMON manager properly
    :confused: :confused: I dont understand what this means :confused:

    As a quick fix, go into iMON Manager options, and set "Start Frontview" to "Never"... then run mediaportal and see if it works.

    I disable (never) the display in Imon manager. first it was only black. After restart it shows the system time in windows and MP ... and nothing else.

    describe your display hardware
    The display comes with the case.
    Silverstone SST-GD01S-MXR / Multilanguage LCD/IR



    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    What is the difference between "Large icons" and "Custom large icons"?
    I have tried both but I see no difference.

    Right now.... nothing...
    "Use Large Icons" turns on the Large Icons and uses the internal icon bitmaps...
    "Use Custom Large Icons" turns on the "Large Icons" and uses the data obtained from the ExternalDisplay_imonlcdg_icons.xml file. it also creates an ExternalDisplay_imonlcdg_icons.xml file if one does not already exist... This file contains a copy of the internal bitmap data.

    So, unless you already have the xml file with customized data in it, the two options are identical... and because there are currently no icon sets other than the internal set, i do not include the xml file in the driver archive... it is not needed.

    The "Use Custom Font" option works the same... but I include a font file in the archive because it contains an alternate font.

    it's still me i suspect ...
    I suspect it the Soundgraph software... do you remember what version you installed?

    :confused: :confused: I dont understand what this means :confused:
    It means that there is something strange going on.....

    from your logs...
    2007-09-16 21:48:54.312500 [Debug][ExternalDisplay]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): The Antec VFD Manager registry subkey NOT FOUND.
    2007-09-16 21:48:54.312500 [Debug][ExternalDisplay]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): SoundGraph Registry key does not exist
    this indicates that there are no registry entries for the Antec device (to be expected with a SilverStone device)... but there are no registry entries for the Soundgraph device either (which sould be there since the iMON software is running!!... maybe you are running an earlier version that stores it's configuration somewhere else?)

    I disable (never) the display in Imon manager. first it was only black. After restart it shows the system time in windows and MP ... and nothing else.
    This leads me to believe that there is either a OEM customized version of the iMON Manager software(which I don't have.... I have the Antec device), or something is really strange... Your display is running and displaying information from the iMON application, but there are no registry entries for it....

    So.. I have made changes to the driver that will hopefull rectify that situation... but it will leave the IR receiver inoperable (one step at a time... make sure that the driver works... then figure out why iMON doeswn't want to cooperate...)

    Please try the new version... if it does not work, please post your logs again... and we'll have do do some further digging into the iMON software to find the problem... at which point I will need you to provide more detailed information (from your registry)... but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

    The new driver is attached:

    Fixed: Shutdown/sleep/hibernate left the display on. (it WAS fixed... but later changes broke it... sorry 8-} )
    Changed: procedure for checking the state of the VFD or iMON Manager application. If the manager is running, but it's state can not be determined, it will be terminated so that the display will work in MediaPortal... (this will disable the IR receiver... this is a temporary fix ... a permanent fix is pending further exploration)


    MP Donator
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  • August 6, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Hi Cybrmage!

    Thanks again for your kind help. :D

    I will try it later at home and also take a look which version "seems" to be installed.
    With a look on the flag below your avatar ... you are then at the breakfast :D



    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Hi Cybrmage!

    Thanks again for your kind help. :D

    I will try it later at home and also take a look which version "seems" to be installed.
    With a look on the flag below your avatar ... you are then at the breakfast :D


    no problem 8-}

    When you're having breakfast... I'm still in the previous day...


    MP Donator
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  • August 6, 2007
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    Germany Germany

    I'd tried the new version above (both; release and debug) ... :oops:

    LCD shows nothing. backlight is active after restart
    Imon doesn't work anymore (as you told)

    log is built in *debug mode*

    IMON Manager ver. 5.20.0117 (SilverStone)
    Imon F/W Version
    IMON Firmware Ver 0x98

    I also took a look in the regedit and found this entry:




    :confused: :confused:

    EDIT: Found a new software version (6.20.0830) on the silverstone website. after Installing there's also no Information on the lcd display. But the display don't crash with the new driver. (Imon ist still active??)
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