Updated iMON (Soundgraph) LCD Driver (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
June 2, 2006
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi Guys,

I have an iMon VFD but the text is small and so very hard to read from my sofa ;0)

Is there any way to make text span the 2 lines of text? Or is the gap between the lines too big and therfore text would look strange?



Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
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Canada Canada
Is there any way to make text span the 2 lines of text?

The SoundGraph VFD hardware does not support custom characters... So having the VFD emulate a one line display is not possible.

JoeDalton: After many attempts to duplicate the problems others were having with the new dll, I was never able to duplicate the problem with either the VFD or the LCD.... Your solution (renaming the newer dll to SG_LCD.dll) works properly and does not create any new issues as far as I can tell... The driver still works properly with both the VFD and LCD hardware that I have here... Thanks!!

iSP, chemelli: The "Graphic Equalizer" (actually a graphical VU meter) is not something that I will add to the driver... I personally have no desire for it, and there is no way to easily extract audio spectrum information from the media player interface... Unless someone wants to analyse and document the visualization interface, this is not something that I would have the time or inclination to persue.


Portal Member
May 5, 2006

first of all...THANKS THANKS THANKS for the GD01 Driver :))))))) GREAT WORK INDEED...without soundgraph support!!!

Just got some small comments/questions:

To start MP the iMon software must have the frontview disabled, works great (it crashes MP if not!), and remote works all the time flawlessly. When exiting MP iMon still running and frontview still "offline".

Wouldn't it be nice to start windows with imon AND fronview active....then when MP starts it disables frontview and when MP is closed it activates frontview again??? Any chance doing this?

2 things i am missing in MP on the LCD: When I watch my pictures...the Photo icon doesn't light up in the lcd.

Is there a chance to light up the news/weather icon in the lcd when using the weather and/or my news rss news feeding plugin in MP?

Same for webcast icon...this could go on when getting into mymusic videos, mytrailers, internet radio etc.

Have not tested the TV icon..but i read that it works fine.

Is it normal that i don't get into the equalizer when listening to mp3's? title and time is displayed but no EG?!

Please keep up the great work....I am really enjoying MP on my new HTPC case :)


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  • September 28, 2006
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    iSP, chemelli: The "Graphic Equalizer" (actually a graphical VU meter) is not something that I will add to the driver... I personally have no desire for it, and there is no way to easily extract audio spectrum information from the media player interface... Unless someone wants to analyse and document the visualization interface, this is not something that I would have the time or inclination to persue.

    cyvrmage, JoeDalton, is there a way to access the sources so that I can help analyse and then document the visualization interface to get EQ on LCD and VFD ?



    New Member
    October 16, 2007
    Is there a way to modify font of internal clock? I have Antec Fusion Black and the font of the clock is pretty unreadable. And it would be great to be 24h clock, not AM/PM.

    Any ideas?




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    Please post new questions and remarks in new threads focused one one topic. We are again creating a big monster thread combining several questions and answers that is getting harder and harder to manage and search...



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  • September 28, 2006
    Milano, Italy
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    I reverted the old SG_VFD.dll and renamed the new one to SG_LCD.dll.
    The new iMon LCD driver now uses this new DLL

    Hope this solves the troubles...


    I think will fix everything, thank you Joe.


    Unfortunatly not.

    I just did a fresh install of RC3 and enabled the Soungraph VFD/LCD driver setting it to USBand forcing VFD instead of autodetect but nothing appears on the disaply, even if the log seems ok...

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