Thanks for the link to RSS Ticker.Thanks for your feedback ill try and addess all your suggestions
Firstly what basichome are you referring to? The Aeon one or the new one that came with 0.3? If you had 7 menu items I could easily edit a basichome for you (are you sure you don't need something else in there lol) Otherwise it will take a fair bit of editing unfortunately.
I haven't really touched any of the settings pages or the not so basichome menu I'm aiming to address that soon so they will totally change, I really only show the selected tvseries banner to fill some space lol
You need the RSS and weather plugin made by Sambal link to the post here RSS Ticker
Could you add that to your first post? And maybe also links to TvSeries fanart and other fanart
I refer to the basichome that came with 0.3,
and I've found a 7th item
- Movies (submenu: Play DVD)
- TV Series (no submenu)
- Music (no submenu)
- Pictures (no submenu)
- Weather (no submenu)
- Plugins (no submenu)
- Shutdown (could you show a dialog box or submenu with choices like shutdown, reboot, standby, sleep, closedown ?)