Vista MCE Remote Control VRC-1100 (1 Viewer)


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I can confirm that the info button is working OK on the release version of MP 1.15
    Thanks for letting me know. I am still using MP 1.12, and have only just downloaded MP1.16 pre-release for testing! :eek:

    In the forthcoming version, the INFO button is controlled by the XML file, and not by the AHK file, so it may well behave differently on your MADVR system.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Just noticed something today:- With the AutoHotkey script running if I try and get to Program Data/Team Media Portal/log via Win 10 File Explorer it will not open and in fact hangs Explorer, also MP WatchDog does not work (unable to select any options). After exiting the script, or ending it with Task Manager everything is back to normal. Confirmed problem also with 1.15 released version. I have disabled the .ahk script and instead re-installed the MP Tray Launcher 04 (moded ver. for Ortek) which still works great (Green button MP Start) even with Win 10.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    With the AutoHotkey script running if I try and get to Program Data/Team Media Portal/log via Win 10 File Explorer it will not open and in fact hangs Explorer, also MP WatchDog does not work (unable to select any options).
    Thank you for reporting this. :)

    This is almost certainly related to the mapping of the mouse buttons in the AutoHotKey script. Each version of the script has improved the algorithm for deciding when to map the mouse buttons, and when to leave them alone. The version that I am developing at the moment has further improvements, but I will need to test against the scenario you describe to see if the problem is fixed, or whether further refinement is needed. :(

    By the way, what language does your MP use? The mouse mapping algorithm currently uses some specific checks for particular window titles, and these checks use the English window titles. It has only recently occurred to me that these checks won't work for other languages. :eek:

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Thank you for reporting this. :)
    By the way, what language does your MP use? The mouse mapping algorithm currently uses some specific checks for particular window titles, and these checks use the English window titles. It has only recently occurred to me that these checks won't work for other languages. :eek:-- from CyberSimian in the UK

    On my HTPC I always install MP using English (my native language) which means I can understand the config programs most easily. I do select German for the skin and Windows but may switch to English for troubleshooting;). My desktop (MP 1.15 release version) is 100% UK English.:)


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    With the AutoHotkey script running if I try and get to Program Data/Team Media Portal/log via Win 10 File Explorer it will not open and in fact hangs Explorer, also MP WatchDog does not work (unable to select any options).
    I tried my current development version of the AutoHotKey script with your two test cases, and my development version failed too. :eek: I have made some further modifications, and it now works correctly with your two test cases. :)

    However, I still need to address the problem of languages other than English. :(

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    Since I stopped using the AutoHotKey script the Info/Right mouse button no longer works like it did originally despite using my old ,xml. When I use the Info button with TV playing it goes back to previous menu, and from other places to Videos even though the button is mapped to Show OSD. If I map an alternative button to Show OSD it works but the problem I have is that from Recorded TV I now can't get the appropriate context menu to enable me to delete anything:(. Has the AutoHotKey script modified something in Windows and if so how do I undo it to return the Info key back to its original functionality?


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Since I stopped using the AutoHotKey script the Info/Right mouse button no longer works like it did originally despite using my old XML.
    The really weird quirk of the Ortek/Hama remote is that the INFO button transmits the same signal as RIGHT_MOUSE. :eek: In addition, the "Centarea HID.xml" file cannot control what the mouse buttons do. It is the AutoHotKey script that changes RIGHT_MOUSE into "y" (OSD) or "F9" (Context menu). Without the AutoHotKey script, MP sees RIGHT_MOUSE and ignores the definition of the INFO button in the XML file.

    As a temporary measure, I would suggest re-instating the AutoHotKey script, but remember to exit the script before accessing any other windows that have "MediaPortal" in the name (such as "Windows Explorer", "MP Watchdog", "MP Install"). To exit the script, right-click the green "H" icon in the "Task Bar" and left-click "Exit". When you have finished that particular activity and want to use MP again, re-invoke the AHK file (I have a shortcut on the desktop that does this).

    The version that I am currently finishing has a more-robust algorithm for deciding when to map the mouse buttons. It fixes your two test cases, although I cannot be sure that it will work correctly 100% of the time (maybe 99% :D).

    I will be releasing the new version in a day or two. :)

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    The really weird quirk of the Ortek/Hama remote is that the INFO button transmits the same signal as RIGHT_MOUSE. :eek: In addition, the "Centarea HID.xml" file cannot control what the mouse buttons do. It is the AutoHotKey script that changes RIGHT_MOUSE into "y" (OSD) or "F9" (Context menu). Without the AutoHotKey script, MP sees RIGHT_MOUSE and ignores the definition of the INFO button in the XML file.

    Understood but whatever non-mapped function the info button used to perform prior to running the .ahk script, i.e. appropriate context menus e.g. the delete menu in Recorded TV, is no longer happening. I will try unplugging and re-plugging in the receiver to see if reloading the driver will return that functionality because currently something is missing.

    As a temporary measure, I would suggest re-instating the AutoHotKey script, but remember to exit the script before accessing any other windows that have "MediaPortal" in the name (such as "Windows Explorer", "MP Watchdog", "MP Install").

    Also, Firefox when trying to select anything below the first page of the MP Forum:ROFLMAO:


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Understood but whatever non-mapped function the info button used to perform prior to running the .ahk script, i.e. appropriate context menus e.g. the delete menu in Recorded TV, is no longer happening.
    The definition of INFO in the XML file has conditional definitions -- OSD for panels that show video, and Context menu for others. The AutoHotKey script checks the window title and sends the appropriate keystroke to mimic the behaviour of the XML file.

    If you define an unused button for OSD, all that that button will do is toggle the OSD; it won't display the Context menu. :( You need to do one of the following:

    (1) Define a second unused button to toggle the Context menu, or
    (2) Add conditional definitions to the first unused button to mimic the INFO button (I am guessing that you did not do this).

    These are the definitions for the INFO button that will be appearing in the new release; use these as the definitions for the unused button that you have chosen:

    <action layer="0" condition="WINDOW" conproperty="2005" command="ACTION" cmdproperty="24" sound="click.wav" />
    <action layer="0" condition="WINDOW" conproperty="602" command="ACTION" cmdproperty="24" sound="click.wav" />
    <action layer="0" condition="WINDOW" conproperty="2901" command="ACTION" cmdproperty="106" sound="click.wav" />
    <action layer="0" condition="*" conproperty="-1" command="ACTION" cmdproperty="106" sound="click.wav" />

    Also, Firefox when trying to select anything below the first page of the MP Forum
    Good catch! (y) I don't use a web browser on my HTPC, and I don't use MP on the laptop from which I am posting (using Firefox), so that is a combination that I had not tested. :(

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Centarea HID Support Package Version 2016-12-09

    I am pleased to announce a new version of my support package for the Ortek and Hama remote controls. Please note the following:

    (1) It is strongly recommended that you use the AutoHotKey script provided with the package, as this significantly improves usability of the Ortek remote.

    (2) All buttons on the remote (apart from POWER) can now be customised using the usual "Mapping" panel on the "Sceneo" tab in "MediaPortal Configuration". It should not be necessary to modify the AutoHotKey script.

    (3) The key combination ALT_ENTER now works correctly to switch MediaPortal between windowed and fullscreen.

    (4) The algorithm that decides when to map the mouse buttons has been improved again, and it is hoped that it is now "watertight".

    (5) The improved usability has come at the cost of making the AHK file incompatible with earlier versions of the XML file. If you have made changes to the XML file and don't wish to re-implement them, you can try to modify your XML file to incorporate the changes needed to make it compatible with the new AHK file. I have described these changes in the "Change History" section of the TXT file.

    (6) The package now includes a LNK file (shortcut) that starts the AutoHotKey script, and INSTALL and UNINSTALL BAT files to place the LNK file in the appropriate folder. For information, type:

    INSTALL /?

    (7) The TXT file has been rewritten to provide only the information needed to install and use the package. Information explaining the internals has been removed, as it is not needed by ordinary users, and makes the package seem more complicated than it really is.

    Edit (2019-05-06): A new release of this support pack is now available. To make it easier to find, I have created a new thread. This new release and all future releases will be downloadable from the first post in that thread. Please refer to the new thread for the details of the changes:
    Support pack for the Ortek VRC-1100 and Hama 00052451 remote controls

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


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