- January 7, 2008
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I believe the comment was in relation to the success of the OS, NOT that it was in any way related to the architecture.
Sometimes the irony is lost on some people
Vista - some love - most hate.
The fact is there are pro's and con's for both OSs'. It's true that Vista does some things VERY well and it IS a progression. The sad fact is that M$ did it's usual trick of making us all beta testers instead of releasing a stable OS that would fulfil everyone's requirements (I know, it's an impossibility but you have to try!).
There will ALWAYS be the people who hate change too - sometimes M$ seem to change things fr the hell of it, with no real advantage visible to the end users. This I think is the problem with Vista - nothing technical - just that M$ decided to hype Vista beyond all proportion, getting the techie crowd all excited, and delivered something that the public couldn't see the point of, and the techies tended to hate (generally).
"You pays you money, and takes your choice" - that's the mantra here. MP is fantastic on BOTH OSs' and that should be the point.
XP or VISTA (Or Windows 7) - IT'S YOUR CHOICE! Don't harangue or lambaste people just 'cos they prefer one or the other.
Personally I can't see any major advantage of Vista - Note the 'Personally' bit, that's MY choice!
Can we PLEASE put this to rest and move on...?
I have experience of both XP and Vista on the HTPC as quoted on the left...
On this system Mediaportal works a lot better under Vista then under XP. Changing over from XP to Vista was an instant performance improvement overall for the HTPC...Again.. on THIS system.
That is just my experience...
Once I also changed 98 for ME, I still remember the head aches I had because of this.. what a mess!