Vista vs. XP - please post your pros/cons (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 16, 2007
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Netherlands Netherlands
I tried TinyVista, but the MCE Remote didn't function :( so I had to revert to my full Vista install. I just recently upgraded from XP and I'm quite satisfied with it. My Athlon 2.4 ghz and 2 gig ram cope very well, and now EVR is on, my performance is actually much better due to hardware DXVA! Especially menus in StreamedMP are running smooth unlike under XP. Just trim down the Vista features and you won't regret it :)


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  • January 7, 2008
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    Windows Vista = Windows ME "Reloaded"

    Saying this shows you are completeley ignorant about Vista!

    ME was just a dressed up 98, true.. and it therefore did not work as good as 98, but Vista is way different then XP.. it is not only the eye candy, but much is going on in the back of the house that is completely different from XP. Therefore some software for XP and even Hardware that was working fine under XP, does not work under Vista.

    My own experience is that Vista works better on my HTPC with hardware that is engineered for Vista (Duo core CPU, motherboard, memory, GFX card and other cards). Take the dual core CPU, XP can only handle one core at a time, where Vista uses both cores for one program.



    Portal Pro
    November 23, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Windows Vista = Windows ME "Reloaded"

    What a load of non-sense. If you don't know don't post. Do your research: Vista has the best memory management of any OS built to date. That's a fact.

    I usually hate Microsoft products, but Vista is a pretty damn stable OS once it is stripped down and tweaked appropriately.


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Windows Vista = Windows ME "Reloaded"

    What a load of non-sense. If you don't know don't post. Do your research: Vista has the best memory management of any OS built to date. That's a fact.

    I usually hate Microsoft products, but Vista is a pretty damn stable OS once it is stripped down and tweaked appropriately.

    This is a statement I just quoted from a link of the first page of this thread (link).
    This was meant as a question/thesis (similar to the quote in the article) but I forget the question mark.
    However the reactions I see are exactly what I expected. BTW I didn't say anything about your wife but only my very personal opinion about an OS. So no reason to feel offended. Don't call others stupid only because they have a different opinion about an OS which is also based on experience. BTW I share that opinion with many others (however not so many here in the forum).

    I omit stating things here which are worse in Vista because if you did your research properly you know it for yourself.;)


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
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    I believe the comment was in relation to the success of the OS, NOT that it was in any way related to the architecture.
    Sometimes the irony is lost on some people ;)

    Vista - some love - most hate.
    The fact is there are pro's and con's for both OSs'. It's true that Vista does some things VERY well and it IS a progression. The sad fact is that M$ did it's usual trick of making us all beta testers instead of releasing a stable OS that would fulfil everyone's requirements (I know, it's an impossibility but you have to try!).

    There will ALWAYS be the people who hate change too - sometimes M$ seem to change things fr the hell of it, with no real advantage visible to the end users. This I think is the problem with Vista - nothing technical - just that M$ decided to hype Vista beyond all proportion, getting the techie crowd all excited, and delivered something that the public couldn't see the point of, and the techies tended to hate (generally).

    "You pays you money, and takes your choice" - that's the mantra here. MP is fantastic on BOTH OSs' and that should be the point.
    XP or VISTA (Or Windows 7) - IT'S YOUR CHOICE! Don't harangue or lambaste people just 'cos they prefer one or the other.

    Personally I can't see any major advantage of Vista - Note the 'Personally' bit, that's MY choice!

    Can we PLEASE put this to rest and move on...?


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I believe the comment was in relation to the success of the OS, NOT that it was in any way related to the architecture.
    Sometimes the irony is lost on some people ;)

    Great that a least you got it.
    I think this thesis will be proven right because if you compare market share (esp. the relation between Vista and XP) and see that Win7 is well on the road there is a good chance that Vista doomes similar as ME did.

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Well for those of us that splashed out on the Ultimate version of Vista, really got shafted by M$ with the promise of a multitude of updates only available to them, wow dreamscene and party poker, I underwhelmed :)

    Vista needs to be run as full admin account, otherwise it would just drive you nuts long term.

    Keep this thread nice guy's

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