Thanks Ray... you are always a great source of information !
Well right now the issue is conversion to dvd using dvdflick.
Interestingly, it opened the file fine and then got about halfway through the conversion before it choked.
I wanted firstly to check that the container is compatable with the software, but Im also curious to know a bit more about what they are and a bit about them.
Any information you'd care to share would be of interest
There are probably errors in the file (due to reception glitches etc) - try running the file through another tool to fix the errors first e.g VideoRedo, PVAStrumento, Womble, ProjectX etc
Personally I use VideoRedo and Womble so it's an all-in-one process anyway - you'd have to check if it's possible to use the other tools via a command line/batch file.
I'm also trying to find a good software package to take recordings in "ts" format to DVD. Also got an error in DVDFlick when loading, but carried on and got a video file without sound. The video was not quite as good as the ts file either. My original recordings are braodcast in 1080i (interlaced)
I also tried changing the recording format to MPEG, but a file without anything in it was created.
Keen to know where you are at with this including the sucessful software.
I convert all my recordings to Xvid using AviDemux. It opens the TS files just fine, handles multiple audio tracks and does not need any codec to encode the files (so it won't mess you existing codecs). It can output to a variety of formats, not only AVI. Maybe this program can help.
I'm wish to be able to watch the recorded TV (*.ts) files on my Sony Bravia Android TV but cannot. The default media player app does not support the file type. So I installed VLC. VLC does read the ts files but the TV's remote does not allow to control basic VLC functions like FF or FR or pause etc... Tried 1-2 other apps, even...
I'm wish to be able to watch the recorded TV (*.ts) files on my Sony Bravia Android TV but cannot. The default media player...
I'm wish to be able to watch the recorded TV (*.ts) files on my Sony Bravia Android TV but cannot. The default media player...
I have just installed Windscribe but it is blocking access to my TV Server. I get the following message "Please specify the IP address or Host Name of the Master TV Service". I have a single seat build running the latest X64 version of MP1. Can anyone point me to a solution please? It's probably a really obvious one.....
I have just installed Windscribe but it is blocking access to my TV Server. I get the following message "Please specify the IP...
I have just installed Windscribe but it is blocking access to my TV Server. I get the following message "Please specify the IP...
I also have never used a set-top box with MP, but I think that you need to use an IR emitter (aka "IR blaster"). The IRSS software controls the emitter, and transmits IR signals under the direction of MP. The IR signal is received by the IR receiver within the set-top box, and so can be used to change channel and so on. The set-top...
I also have never used a set-top box with MP, but I think that you need to use an IR emitter (aka "IR blaster"). The IRSS software...
My computer is running Windows 10 Pro. I have installed MP2. Not sure what version.
I have a Hauppauge WinTV 1850 TV card...
Yes. I've just this minute found the cause of the problem; though I haven't found the exact line of configuration that caused it.
I am using a centrally configured system, meaning that some configuration files are stored centrally and are not overridden when installing new versions. It would seem that 1.31 had a change in...
Yes. I've just this minute found the cause of the problem; though I haven't found the exact line of configuration that caused it...
Since I installed 1.31 .wtv files display in the top left-hand quadrant of the screen instead of the whole screen.
Is this a known...