Which renderer for Judderfree playback (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 23, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
ZoomPlayer is most likely using the overlay renderer by default.

Is there something I could try in MP to fix the tearing?
Probably worthwhile to start a new thread on this issue since this particular thread talks about judder, not tearing.

Anyways, how come you need to have your 2400 connected to two displays simultaneously? It's very possible that your hardware acceleration (DXVA) isn't working as expected with two displays. First thing you should do is run the VB script from this site to apply registry tweaks that are essential for the 2400: ATI HD Registry Tweaks. When running the script, choose the step-by-step option to apply each tweak individually. One of the tweaks is related to hardware acceleration with two displays. Apply all the tweaks, but especially that one.


After that, make sure you're using an MPEG decoder that supports hardware acceleration, e.g. Cyberlink PowerDVD or ATI Avivo decoder. Use EVR.

Also, make sure you're using the latest Catalyst drivers (8.3). If not, uninstall your current drivers, reboot in safe mode and use DriverCleaner to remove all ATI drivers, reboot in normal mode and install 8.3 Catalyst drivers.

Good luck!


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  • December 24, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    ZoomPlayer is most likely using the overlay renderer by default.

    Is there something I could try in MP to fix the tearing?
    Probably worthwhile to start a new thread on this issue since this particular thread talks about judder, not tearing.

    Anyways, how come you need to have your 2400 connected to two displays simultaneously? It's very possible that your hardware acceleration (DXVA) isn't working as expected with two displays. First thing you should do is run the VB script from this site to apply registry tweaks that are essential for the 2400: ATI HD Registry Tweaks. When running the script, choose the step-by-step option to apply each tweak individually. One of the tweaks is related to hardware acceleration with two displays. Apply all the tweaks, but especially that one.

    Thanks for your tips. In addition to tearing I also have terrible judder so I hope you don't mind responding to this thread.

    I don't need to have two displays simultaneously, but I need to have different resolution for video projector and CRT TV. Naturally an easy way to swap between displays would not hurt (haven't found one yet).

    Disabling one of the displays in display properties didn't help the issues.

    I have latest drivers and have run the registry tweaks but in vain.


    Portal Member
    August 22, 2007
    If you are unwilling to mess with Powerstrip in order to set your gfx. card output frequency there might be an alternative.
    Im the lucky owner of a Panasonic PZ85E Plasma which is able to display inputs of 24, 50 and 60 Hz.

    Im using the freeware program QuickRes wich contains an executable aqr.exe (very tiny) to set the frequency;

    antp.be > Software > Misc.

    I have modified the 'RunEvent.vbs' script in the following way:

    ' Call the profile that match best what we need in PCM mode
    Select Case mediaType & ":" & currentResolution
    Case "CINEMA:1920x1080"
    WshShell.Run "c:\win32app\ChangeRefreshRate\aqr.exe -f24"

    Case "PAL:1920x1080"
    WshShell.Run "c:\win32app\ChangeRefreshRate\aqr.exe -f50"

    Case "NTSC:1920x1080"
    WshShell.Run "c:\win32app\ChangeRefreshRate\aqr.exe -f60"


    Works great for me.

    P.S: The beta version of the reclock program doesnt work properly on my system - so Im using the latest stable version.

    EDIT: Blah! Seems like I have to retract the statements above. It doesent seem to shift the frequencies properly inside Mediaportal. Maybe its due to the 'exclusive mode' ......


    Portal Pro
    September 30, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    ZoomPlayer is most likely using the overlay renderer by default.

    Is there something I could try in MP to fix the tearing?
    Probably worthwhile to start a new thread on this issue since this particular thread talks about judder, not tearing.

    Anyways, how come you need to have your 2400 connected to two displays simultaneously? It's very possible that your hardware acceleration (DXVA) isn't working as expected with two displays. First thing you should do is run the VB script from this site to apply registry tweaks that are essential for the 2400: ATI HD Registry Tweaks. When running the script, choose the step-by-step option to apply each tweak individually. One of the tweaks is related to hardware acceleration with two displays. Apply all the tweaks, but especially that one.

    Thanks for your tips. In addition to tearing I also have terrible judder so I hope you don't mind responding to this thread.

    I don't need to have two displays simultaneously, but I need to have different resolution for video projector and CRT TV. Naturally an easy way to swap between displays would not hurt (haven't found one yet).

    Disabling one of the displays in display properties didn't help the issues.

    I have latest drivers and have run the registry tweaks but in vain.

    I eventually found the cause of this to be DirectX limitations. Make your TV a PRIMARY screen and your monitor SECONDARY. You can then use UltraMon to force all your applications to launch on the Seconday monitor whilst leaving the Primary TV for MP only...

    This has got rid of tearing, although I still experience large amounts of judder. Will give reclock/powerstrip a go in a couple of months when I have some free time on my hands.


    Portal Member
    September 1, 2007
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    Denmark Denmark

    Anyone tryed shifting between 24hz/50hz using REclock/VBscript to control hotkeys in CCC ? I have set up ATI CAtalyst control center with two profiles.

    1080p24HZ = CTRL + SHIFT + 4
    1080p50Hz = CTRL + SHIFT + 5

    This is not a wife approved function so it would be nice to have an automatic shift.

    Best regards Kim


    Portal Member
    May 1, 2006
    e3: I think that i nailed the mkv problem as well! It seems that it doesn't detect the frame rate of mkv files if the file name has spaces! Very odd. This problem is only relevant to mkv files. I have now tested with 5 files, none of them get detected when the file name has spaces and after renaming they work fine.
    Are you still sure this is a solution? I'm gonna try this at home tonight but I don't think it works for me, going from memory.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 4, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark

    Anyone tryed shifting between 24hz/50hz using REclock/VBscript to control hotkeys in CCC ? I have set up ATI CAtalyst control center with two profiles.

    1080p24HZ = CTRL + SHIFT + 4
    1080p50Hz = CTRL + SHIFT + 5

    This is not a wife approved function so it would be nice to have an automatic shift.

    Best regards Kim

    Good idea.

    A way to change an ATI profile from the command line is;
    "c:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static\CLI.exe" Start Load profilename="1223x688@50"

    Plz feel free to try and report back.
    But be aware if u change ATI profile while media is playing --- it will crash MP. At least it did last time I tried.
    Havent tried using reclock for this though.



    Portal Pro
    September 30, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I'm trying to achieve what gibman has (i.e. reclock telling powerstrip (or ATI CCC?) what refresh rate to change to only). I'm VERY confused on how to set Powerstrip up here. I've followedd gibman's screenshots for setting Reclock up but have no idea what all the settings in Powerstrip mean...

    Could someone post screenshots pr explain their settings in powerstrip please? I only need 3 settings (i.e. 1080P@24hz for bluray; 1080P@50hz & 1080P@60hz)...

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