WifiRemote for MP2 (1 Viewer)


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  • January 31, 2009
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    Ah, ok. But dont spend too much time on that. There are other parts that are much more important. I will try to list my requests in order after the next update. To get all in place right away is hard and we should aim at the most important stuff first.


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  • July 25, 2010
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    I attached a new version fixing the CurrentModule :)
    One question so: Is the Message Type "status" also send every second or only on special events?

    And I am waiting for your list ( I know you're probably on work, just wanted to let you know)


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  • January 31, 2009
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    From the wiki:

    Describes the current status of MediaPortal, consisting of player and navigation related information. This is sent when the status changes (a file starts/stops playing, the user navigates in MediaPortal) and integrated in the welcome message.

    So this message is not sent every second.

    Yes, at work so write more later. But I think in the order:
    -now playing info correct for all media
    -Fullscreen toggle


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  • July 25, 2010
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    Okay I exchanged the version in the first post, the status update should work now as expected :)

    -now playing info correct for all media
    What is not working right now?
    -Fullscreen toggle
    Toggel between what? Fullscreen video or making the application fullscreen/windowed?

    What is the current behavior? Sorry for all the questions :/


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  • January 31, 2009
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    I tested the now playing(without debugging) with the latest version at around 22 yesteraday and it didn't show any now playing panel in our gui. But that could also mean that I didn't get the exact match of the mediainfo. Will debug this evening to see what's wrong.

    Fullscreen toggle should imo toggle fullscreen video, right now it do fullscreen/windowed for the application.

    Just continue with the questions, it's you that do the hard work. I only test and request things:)


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • May 8, 2008
    Lake of Constance
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    Oh wow, that's fantastic!
    Thanks for picking this up for MP2, @FreakyJ !

    I will try to install MP2 and test with CouchPotato. Do you want write access to the WifiRemote Github Repo? You can put the source in its own branch, if you want?


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • May 8, 2008
    Lake of Constance
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    Germany Germany
    Oh wow, that's fantastic!
    Thanks for picking this up for MP2, @FreakyJ !

    I will try to install MP2 and test with CouchPotato. Do you want write access to the WifiRemote Github Repo? You can put the source in its own branch, if you want?
    @FreakyJ also: if you have any questions why something is implemented the way it is in WifiRemote 1 let me know or check the repository: https://github.com//wifiremote


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  • January 31, 2009
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    Tested the latest version and now got the now playing panel for series. A lot of the needed mediainfo is null but I guess you know that.

    For movies I get the np info but then look up more movie details from MAS and that will not work without an MPExt id. Reason for this is that we wanted more info than WifiRemote gave in the message.

    Playing music crash MP2 for me, haven't checked the codec settings. But can't check np message for now.

    Noticed one thing. The status message says isPlaying:false when isPause:true. That is not the same as in MP1. There isPlaying was true when iPause is true. This makes our nowplaying panel closing and not returning when pausing since it thinks media playback has stopped.

    The CurrentModule now shows but I don't think you should switch to the selected artist when that is selected. In MP1 it mainly kept to the plugins. So let it be the module only. The selected item still need to be filled.

    So my wish list:
    Keep it up(y)


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 25, 2010
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    Do you want write access to the WifiRemote Github Repo?
    Currently I have it in a MP2 branch, I would keep i there for now, because it makes development easier.
    But later I can move it to its own solution. The only question is how to proceed with the references?
    if you have any questions why something is implemented the way it is in WifiRemote
    Thank you very much. It is not so easy to know how things were intended :) Also MP is not MP2, so things might end up a little bit different. We have to see how we handle this :)

    check the repository
    I have the solution open and use it as reference, but the comments are not always clear to me and I do it how I think it should be. :D

    A lot of the needed mediainfo is null but I guess you know that.
    Because I didn't know how to implement it^^ As I said, a lot of this is also new to me, so I need some time and sometimes help from morpheus :( But I made good progress with the MAS and learnd some things which I will transfer to Wifiremote :)
    These Calls are already working in MP2:
    {"GetMediaItem", new GetMediaItem()},
    { "TestConnection", new TestConnection()},
    // TvShow
    { "GetTVEpisodeBasicById", new GetTVEpisodeBasicById()},
    { "GetTVEpisodeCountForSeason", new GetTVEpisodeCountForSeason()},
    { "GetTVEpisodeCountForTVShow", new GetTVEpisodeCountForTVShow()},
    { "GetTVEpisodeDetailedById", new GetTVEpisodeDetailedById()},
    { "GetTVEpisodesBasic", new GetTVEpisodesBasic()}

    Noticed one thing. The status message says isPlaying:false when isPause:true.
    Ok I will change this :)

    The CurrentModule now shows but I don't think you should switch to the selected artist when that is selected. In MP1 it mainly kept to the plugins. So let it be the module only. The selected item still need to be filled.
    I have one other thing I could try, but I think it won't be like in MP1 in the End. The navigation model in MP2 is very different....

    So my wish list:
    I will check ;)

    For completeness, MJGraf also commected on that subject:
    Ahhh yes, I remember^^ They wanted to implement the whole MPExtended into MP2, but this is out of scope, because we don't have Owin/Katana or vNext yet :)
    Also it sounded like they wanted to integrate the API as a separate Plugin for Owin/Katana instead as a plugin for MPExtended. I could be wrong so, it was late yesterday as I was reading this...
    MJGraf wanted to work on the WebAPI, so nobody does work twice, what is a good thing I think^^
    Also I made it really modular, so if somebody wants he can move it to MPExtended later... I decided that I don't want to do this :)

    You see 2 problems and then you mention 3.
    ohhh, you got me and my laziness :cautious: I was just to lazy to edit :D

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