Win 10 - TVService.exe stops computer going to sleep (1 Viewer)


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  • May 16, 2008
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    And if I disable TVService.exe, it does go to sleep in a well behaved way, so it seems like it is that service that is causing my problem.
    The most likely reason for TVServer service being behind the PC staying active, is a misconfigured EPG setup, which is continously running. Set TVServer to Debug level and then check the TVServer log file to see i EPG is preventing standby. If yes, then further action will depend on your country and EPG sources used. Search the forum for some threads about EPG setup. Both mm132000 and I have repeatedly explained how channels would need to be ticked (or rather not ;)).

    For confimation of this hypothesis you may want to completely deactivate EPG in the TVServer configuration and check again if the PC is now entering standby under MediaPortal.


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  • June 10, 2013
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    Unfortunately, I still seem to be in the situation where the computer still doesn't go to sleep after it has woken to record :(
    As HTPCSourcer said, this could be due to inappropriate EPG-grabbing settings. I noticed recently that my HTPC was taking 90 minutes from an unattended recording ending until the HTPC hibernated. :eek: This was due to inappropriate EPG-grabbing settings (for DVB-T/T2 tuners).

    As you are in the UK, you should select only one 24-hour TV channel to grab from, and I recommend "BBC1 HD" (or "BBC1" if you do not have high-definition tuners). This will grab the EPG for all TV and radio channels. Also:

    (1) Disable "Grab EPG only for channels on same transponder".
    (2) Disable "Store data only for selected channels" (for TV channels).
    (3) Disable "Store data only for selected channels" (for radio channels).

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


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  • June 14, 2015
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    I press the power toggle to send it off to sleep and it would start right back up again.
    I had this happen for a short period (on Vista), although I use hibernation. The cause was my ADSL router.
    Ah, I must have overlooked this input from Skywizard.

    Please open your device manager and check out the energy properties of your network/LAN chip. It should be set in such way that only "magic packages are allowed to wake" up the PC. Otherwise any network traffic will immediatly resume the PC.

    I have 1 onboard NIC which is disabled - I have 1 WLAN ac - TP link Archer T9E - card which I am using (enabled ). For "Power management" I have Turned off "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" and as a result of that the "Allow this device to wake the computer" Is greyed out. I cannot see any other settings relating to wake-up or the like.

    In the TV server Config for PowerScheduler I see the next wake up time and the "Standby is handled by PowerScheduler" and I do not see anything for "Stanby prevented by:" so it seems there is nothing preventing the PC from going to sleep.

    I have the general settings as HTPC as that is the primary use of the PC.
    In expert mode/network, I have unticked the "Do not put the computer to sleep while network is active"
    Under expert mode/ Advanced I have ticked the "Apply recommended power settings for selected profile automatically" and "PowerScheduler forces system to go to standby mode when idle" and I have selected "(hybrid) Sleep - S3" for the "Standby mode"

    In the BIOS I have set also that S3 is the preferred sleep mode.

    One question I have is how does the system know it is idle and I am not watching TV?

    One Thing from my side is that after having upgraded to Win 10, the main Client is no longer going into standby. This is clearly a MePo powerscheduler issue becasue without MediaPortal the PC standby and resumes correctly. I will open a separate thread for this with logs when I have time to collect them.

    So does the above quote just negate all I have writen/done and we need to wait for a fix for Win 10 and MP/PowerScheduler sleeping?

    OK I think that is enough of a short story for now.....


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  • May 16, 2008
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    First thing to check is if standby is functioning as desired without MP. What you could do is to close MP, stop the TVService, maybe set the standby time to 1 minute and verify that Windows is correctly entering the sleep mode.

    If it does, reactivate TVService and check again. If standby still works, launch MP and check again. This way you can track down the problem.

    On my Win10 system I first had to install the genuine INF and RST drivers from my motherboard manufacturer. The originally installed generic Windows drivers were preventing standby.


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  • June 14, 2015
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    I "ended task" for the TVservice and used the remote to "Power Toggle" the MC - it goes through the shut down and powers up again - I used the power button on the PC - same again - it powers down then starts up straight away - so from what you have said above it is not MP causing the issue(?).

    Update: I checked all the HID devices in Device Manager and made sure all devices were not allowed to wake the computer - still no change the PC will not go into sleep. (I wonder if I should change the BIOS Sleep to Auto?).
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  • May 16, 2008
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    Repeat the above, then open a command window (admin) and enter

    Powercfg -lastwake

    This displays what is waking up the PC


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  • June 14, 2015
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    Here is what that shows....

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>powercfg /lastwake
    Wake History Count - 1
    Wake History [0]
    Wake Source Count - 0


    Not helpful by the look of it.....[DOUBLEPOST=1439880180][/DOUBLEPOST]
    This displays what is waking up the PC
    It does not look like the PC is shutting down rather than what is waking it up. When I do a full shutdown it does say theses apps are preventing shutdown but they flash up very quickly and the PC does shut down eventually.

    I connect to it through google remote desktop and if I do a shut down the remote desk top is still connected when it "wakes up". when I say is shuts down the screen goes blank so I am presuming it is a shutdown... but maybe not...
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  • May 16, 2008
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    I connect to it through google remote desktop and if I do a shut down the remote desk top is still connected when it "wakes up". when I say is shuts down the screen goes blank so I am presuming it is a shutdown... but maybe not...
    Indeed, maybe not. But that should be easy to verify, or is the PC not close to you?

    Can you repeat the testing directly on the MP computer, i.e. stop tvservice and MP and verify - in front of the PC - that it really enters standby? So the power light is either flashing or completely off?


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  • June 14, 2015
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    The above was done in front of the PC - it is is just easier to look at the laptop screen rather than squint at the TV.... And I did disconnect the google remote desktop and gave it a go - but that did not make any difference.....

    However, I press the power button on the MCE remote (or the power button on the case) and I can see on the PC case the iMon screen switches off/goes blank and the PC (and the iMon says something like "powerdown (case)" before going blank - and the TV screen too, goes blank and the hard disk LED flashes and then goes solid on as it does (saving data?) just before going into sleep/shutdown mode but the screen comes back to the same screen as it was (as though it is coming out of sleep) before the power toggle.....


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  • May 16, 2008
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    And right after powercfg -lastwake is showing the above? I am not sure if the hyphen vs slash is making a difference in the syntax. In any case this command will normally display what has ben waking up the PC. I don't understand why it does not in your case.

    For "Power management" I have Turned off "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" and as a result of that the "Allow this device to wake the computer" Is greyed out. I cannot see any other settings relating to wake-up or the like.
    Can you turn this on please and refine the settings in such way that only magic packages can wake up the PC?

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