WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (7 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    I did a guide on setting up worldweather plugin for New Zealanders, however it is just as relevant for any other country
    You are welcome to copy + paste or borrow sections to add to your own wiki or to the first post etc..

    World Weather Plugin

    This plugin can display the weather for your local area, you can set up to 10 different locations.
    It can also be used to display weather information on the homescreen via the HTPC Info plugin for skins like Streamed Mediaportal and Maya

    The best way to install World Weather plugin is via the Mediaportal Extension Installer
    Start -> All Programs -> Team Mediaportal -> Mediaportal -> Mediaportal Extension Installer
    Alternatively you can download the plugin from the repository
    or from the world weather thread in the mediaportal forum


    Run Mediaportal Configuration
    Click Plugins
    Find the world weather plugin
    Click Enable, and then click Config


    Find your longitude and lattitude

    Open in your browser and find your longitude and lattitude

    Profile Tab

    You only need to enter City / Country / Time Zone / Longitude + Lattitude
    The other tabs can be left blank


    Settings Tab

    Enable the options are per the image below
    Enable background mode if you don't want to have the weather plugin listed on the home screen or under plugins.


    Congratulations You Have Finished

    Click [APPLY] + [SAVE], then click [X] to close the world weather window.
    Now you must exit MP config with [OK] button
    If you click cancel or [X] the changes will not be saved!
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • March 24, 2009
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Hi Micropolis,

    one question to the GeoClock view. If you select to display multiple locations on the map, you may end up with overlapping text (Europe is not big ...). I tried different font sizes, but it still happens.
    Is there a way to tweak this?

    Thank you in advance.


    MP Donator
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  • May 7, 2011
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Is it possible to configure more than one weather feed?

    I would like to show an astronomy feed as well as a weather feed.



    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Dear community,
    exactly 1 year before I started with the first realization steps of this plugin. Now, after approximately 15.000 lines of code later, a lot of cup of coffees, helpful and controverse discussions, many enhancement requests and support from different community members I'm happy to present you the final version of World Weather.
    With this version I want to close the main development branch. Fixes, updates and enhancements will be published in a regular cycle.
    Additionally to the plugin itself you can find a lot of useful information in the main manual, beginners can start with the new quick installation guide, which can be found in the first post of this thread.
    In retrospect I want to say thanks to all sponsors, skinners, translators and contributors, who has helped me to build this MediaPortal extension. I am certain of it, that World Weather has found it's place on many MediaPortal HTPC's around the world.

    Thank you all, best regards and cheers, Micropolis
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    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 7, 2011
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Dear community,
    exactly 1 year before I started with the first realization steps of this plugin. Now, after approximately 15.000 lines of code later, a lot of cup of coffees, helpful and controverse discussions, many enhancement requests and support from different community members I'm happy to present you the final version of World Weather.

    Thank you all, best regards and cheers, Micropolis

    Magnificent work! +10

    Thank you sir.


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Dear helsten2, kjegibbons,

    ... If you select to display multiple locations on the map, you may end up with overlapping text (Europe is not big ...) ...
    I'm aware of this and knows, that the current implementation isn't the best one. In the next few days I'll try to invest some of my time to find a better solution.

    ... Is it possible to configure more than one weather feed? ...
    Sure. Do you want to see different feeds or the merge into only one?

    Cheers, Micropolis


    MP Donator
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  • March 24, 2009
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Hi Micropolis,

    first of all: Congratulation with V1.0.0. Great work (y)

    I have a question regarding the History Chart. What does the graph actually show? Is it the Mean Temperature for that day? Or something else?
    If it is the Mean Temperature, I think you are pulling the wrong data for 2008 - see attachment.



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 24, 2009
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    As you can see in the picture, the history grabber takes the minimum and maximum temperature. As the result, you can see also 2 different graphs.
    Again, thank you for your prompt answer - much appreciated.

    Maybe I am not at my peak today (or I need new glasses), but I can only see one graph (green line) .... and I still don't understand what temperature the graph is supposed to show :confused:
    But no worries - I understand the remaining data so I will continue to use the screen :LOL:

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    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Dear helsten2,
    ... but I can only see one graph (green line) .... and I still don't understand what temperature the graph is supposed to show ...
    I'm sure you had switched on the option "Calculate average" in the expert settings tab. In this case, the plugin shows 1 graph with the average value, if it's switched off you can see 2 independent graphs for minimum and maximum temperature.

    Cheers, Micropolis

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