WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (7 Viewers)


Portal Pro
May 8, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany

First to say: Thanks for this Great Looking weather plugin!

Now my request: is it possible to Customize the title-text in my homescreen?
All my entrys are in german (e.g.: Filme, Musik, Radio), so i'd like to change "WorldWeather" in the more simple title "Wetter", so it looks more integrated...

Thanks for an answer


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  • March 24, 2009
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    Norway Norway
    Now my request: is it possible to Customize the title-text in my homescreen?
    Haven't tried this, but if you look in setup:


    MP Donator
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  • May 7, 2011
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi, it possible to Customize the title-text in my homescreen?


    Both helsten2 and SpudR's solutions should work.... also check your skins "editor" if it has one......Capture.PNG......returns......Capture1.PNG......and......Capture3.PNG......returns......Capture2.PNG
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • May 7, 2011
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi @Micropolis,

    Since upgrading to ver 1.0.1 I can't seem to get the weather feeds to work.

    If I the skin file, it returns......Capture1.PNG

    If I change the entry to another property for returns the correct value......Capture3.PNG

    Any suggestions?

    P.S. I have also noted that the link on page 1 to the pdf manual is for the outdated version...may be a good idea to correct this to save others confusion.



    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Dear kjegibbons,
    Since upgrading to ver 1.0.1 I can't seem to get the weather feeds to work.
    If you use a label property to display the feed, it is highly recommended to use the character separator only. Please change the setting in your configuration (if necessarily) and try again.

    I have also noted that the link on page 1 to the pdf manual is for the outdated version...may be a good idea to correct this to save others confusion.
    The attached manual at the first post of this thread is for latest official version only and not for nightly builds or release candidates. The latest manual for this versions can be find in the appropriate documentation folder of each non-official package.

    Cheers, Micropolis
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • May 7, 2011
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Dear kjegibbons,
    If you use a label property to display the feed, it is highly recommended to use the character separator only. Please change the setting in your configuration (if necessarily) and try again.

    OK...I'll give this a try.

    The attached manual at the first post of this thread is for latest official version and not for nightly builds or release candidates. The latest manual for this versions can be find in the appropriate documentation folder of each non-official package.

    Cheers, Micropolis

    Would it be prudent to include the version number in the file name, again to save confusion for novices.



    Portal Pro
    December 25, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    i've just been upgraded to the latest v1.0 of this plugin thanks to it coming bundled with the streamedMP skin

    i can't get it to work. when MP starts up, it complains that the key is missing or invalid. i've checked in the settings and the provider is set to AccuWeather, and there's no key. i've since obtained a key for World Weather Online, and i've set the provider to that and added the key. thinking this would work, i loaded MP only for it to make the same complaint. returning to the settings shows that my provider has reverted to AccuWeather, and no key is shown. i can select World Weather Online again, and my key is shown, but it doesn't seem to get saved when i save the config - opening config again shows that it's reverted to AccuWeather. in fact it doesn't matter which provider i select, it always reverts to AccuWeather, and so i always get the same error when starting MP.


    Portal Pro
    December 25, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    sorry, i got my above post a little wrong :

    when the provider is set to AccuWeather as per the default, error simply says it can't load the data from AccuWeather, not that the key is invalid. this error makes me want to change the provider, because obviously this one is unhappy for whatever reason.

    however if i attempt to change the provider to a different one, it tells me that it's unable to load the data from Yr.No and that the key is invalid. it gives this same error with the same url Yr.No regardless of which provider i choose, and then when i return to the config the provider is always reverted to AccuWeather. even if i return to config immediately after saving settings, without starting MP in between, the provider is reverted to AccuWeather.

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