WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (3 Viewers)


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  • May 17, 2008
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    South Korea South Korea
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Great work, I was really missing weather info!

    3 questions/remarks:
    1: (Skinrelated) In black glass I don't see any satelite images, they're probably outside the screen
    2: (Skinrelated) In black glass the "current" forecast isn't shown, I only see the next 4 days
    3: At the top of most of the windows in mediaportal, near the time and date, N/A°F is shown instead of the current temperature. Is there a setting I missed?

    hi doskabouter, the plugin come only with default's skin any other skin, by skin devloper or by users mod , to mack the plugin view corect with BG skin you need the corect skin file's , i know Tgx alrady add skin file for this plugin ... on BG SVN...

    see her:


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Is there any chance that you will use as source for this plugin.
    They have a free API as I understand it, more info here
    Conditions for use of the service
    +1 from me if Micropolis is considering other sources. api appears to cover every weather station world wide and provide very accurate reports as a result. I always try to add weather locations where all my family and friends are located around the world and many weather sites do not cover them (or data is not very accurate). Google provides data for many locatons via web that is not accessible in their api. api is well established and documented, not a 'hidden service', so it's much more likely to remain accessible.

    There is yrWeather plugin, but Burr does not seem to have developed it for a while. Perhaps Micropolis could get some of the info/code from him to amalgamate the two plugins?

    EDIT: one thing I really appreciate about is they give credit to the meteorologists and ask that credit be given to them. After all an api does not really provide the data, they just make it accessible. ;)


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2010
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    Austria Austria
    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Is this plugin supporting StreamedMP skin? I always get missing .xml message.

    would it show the quick weather info on the right top of MP?

    i really miss the weather infos :(


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    I might be too stupid, but i cant get the WorldWeather.mpe1 anywhere.

    Please help he, how can i install this plugin?

    Will there be StreamedMP Support?


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2007
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    Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    If you really follow that link, you see all the plugins of Micropolis. The first one displayed is World Weather. Click on that link, and then click on the big Download button.
    Then the respective MPEI file is downloaded ;)
    Then just double-click on the downloaded file, and the MPEI Installer wil automatically install that plugin.
    Shouldn´t be to difficult ;)

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Did you really read the first post carefully:
    download and start the installer file "WorldWeather.mpe1" from the download repository

    Well, yes, i did, but there comes no .mpe1 files, just a zip which contains a lot of files I dont know how to handle.

    Wonder if your browser does not like the file format and changes it to zip, seen that done before now.


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  • August 7, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.2.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Yes, on MP Plugin pages .mpe1 extension is changed to .zip when downloading at least with IE which I believe is really annoying for normal users. I wonder if forcing content type or something on server side would help.

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