WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (5 Viewers)


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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    New German language file for 0.3.5 RC ;)


    • strings_de.xml
      4.9 KB


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Has this (issue) holzi reported already been fixed as I encounter the same problem?

    Or are those mapping issues no longer be addressed as there is the possibility to have custom mappings now?




    Super Moderator
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  • April 21, 2010
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    You can fix this issue yourself by changing the custom mappings in WorldWeatherIconMapping.xml.

    Just replace <entry name="mist">20</entry> with <entry name="mist">11</entry> and it should be fixed. (at least for daylight)


    Documentation Group
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  • April 15, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Did you mean how to add them to the wiki page? Which part can't you do?
    1. Login to wiki if you are not already
    2. Press Edit Page button
    3. Go to the section on the page where you want to add the image
    4. On Edit Menu click the Image button
    5. Go to the Search tab in Image Insert and Paste your url in the link box.
    6. Click Insert Image at the bottom of the dialog.
    Hi Dadeo,
    I tried to add this image to the Europe section, but couldn't control the size of the image. The size radio buttons all remained white when I clicked on them, and the default (presumably original) size is way too big for the matrix. Maybe this is because I have the NoScript plugin in my (firefox) browser, but I enabled scripts for "" and I didn't see anything else that looked relevant under "Recently blocked sites". For the time being, I just put the link below the image matrix, but it would be nice to know how to do it right.


    Portal Member
    February 27, 2010
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    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Czech language file for 0.3.5 RC


    • strings_cs.xml
      5 KB


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hi Dadeo,
    I tried to add this image to the Europe section, but couldn't control the size of the image. The size radio buttons all remained white when I clicked on them, and the default (presumably original) size is way too big for the matrix. Maybe this is because I have the NoScript plugin in my (firefox) browser, but I enabled scripts for "" and I didn't see anything else that looked relevant under "Recently blocked sites". For the time being, I just put the link below the image matrix, but it would be nice to know how to do it right.
    No it's not your browser or settings, the main Image button seems to have trouble with some of those images, so I just used the CKEditor Image button (2nd last row in Editor before Extensions button) to set width/height. Of course, as a last resort you can always View Source and edit the raw html. :mad:

    Thanks for all the updates, I am sure that will be helpful to many others!


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher


    ...I don't know if you're going to change the functionality for locations where these holidays aren't celebrated or not, just wanted to bring it up.

    all season or holiday properties are optional, so let the skinner decide. Otherwise, it is very simple to delete the property from a skin file.

    What do you think about my idea from this post?

    Cheers, Micropolis


    Portal Pro
    April 22, 2011
    Im Norden :)
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Holzi gave me some BIG support ( :D for that ) for my problem with my not showing up weather informations (only temp, no location, no logo) for my used skin ( Black Glass HD ).

    So I started editing the code today with great success - after creating quickly a frame for all informations which are displayed now in my homescreen I´d like to show you the result - I really have to say :D for this great plug-in!! :)

    PLS don`t wonder - of course I now it´s not perfect yet - have to adjust Date and time more to upper right corner.

    (Next step for me: adjusting MPDisplay2 Plugin for showing weather infos.)




    Portal Pro
    January 5, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    New German language file for 0.3.5 RC ;)

    <String id="505">Sommerzeit</String>
    <String id="506">Nächste Sommerzeit</String>

    war schon mal besser, passt nicht so wirklich,
    da ja "nächste sommerzeit" der beginn der winterzeit.;)

    <String id="505">Anfang der Sommerzeit</String>
    <String id="506">Ende der Sommerzeit</String>


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hello diskeeper,

    <String id="505">Sommerzeit</String>
    <String id="506">Nächste Sommerzeit</String>

    war schon mal besser, passt nicht so wirklich,
    da ja "nächste sommerzeit" der beginn der winterzeit.;)

    sorry to say, but it's correct.
    Both entries reflects labels for the configuration option "Show daylight saving time for current year only". With this option you have the chance to display daylight saving time for the current year and, if daylight time is over (and option is off), for the next year.

    Cheers, Micropolis

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