WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (9 Viewers)


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Re: AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

Hi Holzi,
...Anyone else seeing this sometimes? ...

yes, I noticed this also. I had checked the return values from Yahoo and see a condition number 3200. 3200 is n/a, so it's a problem on provider side.

Cheers, Micropolis


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  • April 21, 2010
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Thank you for clarifying this! =)


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  • February 8, 2009
    Regional Victoria
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    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Using 0.4.0 couple of small items - seasons are not correct for southern hemisphere

    and on the humidity i get this 73% , , - changed from Google to Yahoo for current conditions now get pressure

    Great having weather again though and several other excellent improvements so keep up the efforts!


    Portal Pro
    November 28, 2011
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hi Micropolis,
    I'm having a lot of problems in image view to manage in a proper way the focus change from buttons to images. In particular if I set <onup> (or <onright> or <onleft> depending of the skin layout) property of buttons to id50 all works ok for filmstrip view and coverflow view, but doesn't works for flat view (I'm trying to make WW 0.4.0 skin for StreamedMP that have a thumbnail panel with all image previews as part of flat view; the problem is that the focus doesn't go to the thumbnail panel but goes to the topbar). Of course if I set <onup> property to the id of thumbnails panel, all works ok in flat view, but doesn't work for filmstrip and coverflow views (the focus doesn't go to the images in filmstrip or coverflow).
    I think probably this happen because flat view is not a facade view, so I ask you:
    Is it possible to have also flat view as a facade view?
    As alternative solution, in addition to the filmstrip and coverflow views, would it be possible to have also a thumbnail view? (I think I could use it for StreamedMP particular layout).

    Hope all is clear.

    Thank you very much for you very very good job and for your... big big patience :)

    P.S.: my little contribution: Actual Yahoo logo have a little white background into the letter A that looks like a stain into the skin, so I have modified it to make trasparent also that part of the image; attached you can find it and also a red colored version of the logo. If you like it you can use one of them as default for the plugin.


    • yahoo.png
      6.8 KB
    • Yahoo_red.png
      10.2 KB


    Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hi Marduk, the solution is simple: make the small image tiles a button, then add a zoom factor to the desired position.
    I think there are early Default Wide xmls in this thread were you can see how this is done ;)


    Portal Pro
    November 28, 2011
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Re: AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hi Marduk, the solution is simple: make the small image tiles a button, then add a zoom factor to the desired position.
    I think there are early Default Wide xmls in this thread were you can see how this is done ;)

    Hi Catavolt,
    thank you very much for your reply, but probably I was not so clear to explain the problem (excuse me for my bad English) :sorry:.
    It is not a "functional problem" with the thumbnails, but it is a navigation problem.
    I try to explain better using 2 screenshots (see below).
    The first one is the normal situation in StreamedMP when you are in Image view. As you can see the focus is on the first bottom button (those one with label "Show Starry Sky"); to go on the thumbnails image previews and change the big view as per user likes, the <onup> property of "Show Starry Sky" button is set to the lower button id with images previews (those one with webcam image). In this way pressing up key when focus is on button "Show Starry Sky" send focus to the thumbnail panel and than you can change image view pressing up key again. But when you switch view to Coverflow and are in the situation of screenshot 2 below (focus on "Show Starry Sky" button again), pressing up key doesn't send the focus to the coverflow images but to the topbar, and this means that you cannot slide images with the keyboard.
    To obtain that in the situation of screenshot 2 pressing up key the focus goes to the coverflow images, <onup> property of "Show Starry Sky" button must be set to 50 (the id of facade control for coverflow or filmstrip), but in this way the navigation doesn't work in flat view.
    In summary for a comfortable and natural navigation you should have that pressing up key on any of the bottom buttons the focus must go always at the displayed view (flat, filmstrip or coverflow) to allow their image change/slide functionality, and to do this <onup> property of bottom buttons should change based on selected view. I've tryed to do this using IF function, but it doesn't work (onup porperty doesn't accept anything else than a simple number), so probably a working solution should be the possibility to set id50 for onup property for all views (I've tryed also do not set onup property or to set it to 0, but nothing works :confused:).

    Hope now my issue is more clear

    Thanks again


    • Screen1.jpg
      179.7 KB
    • Screen2.jpg
      141.5 KB


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Dear community,
    the time is come to present you the newest stable version of WorldWeather. Before I want to summarize changes and enhancements, let me say thank you very much to all contributors, skinners and translators for the great support in the last few weeks and also to each community members, which has post bug reports, suggestions and enhancement requests.

    List of plugin related changes

    • add weather provider Yahoo incl. support for specific Where On Earth ID
    • introduction of mixed-mode for current/forecast condition
    • optional functionality to switch between weather icon collections
    • calendar view and configuration option for season and holidays added
    • support for local or network locations of image and starry sky images
    • extend add location wizard with metric and city code selection
    • remove icon size settings from profile and move it to global settings
    • extend geo clock image selection
    • add new properties
    • add different new units
    • changes to skin directory structure
    • refactoring of Google encoding routines
    • trigger to refresh weather data after resuming added
    • change timer/startup refresh routines to support the optional refresh of images
    • bug fixing for automatic refresh property handling
    • bug fixing for global weather provider conversion routines

    Skin related changes

    • add view “Calendar” to display season/holiday calendar
    • add button ID 5 “View…”
    • add image view facade ID 50 to support coverflow and filmstrip view
    • new calendar properties
    • new location properties (LocationCountry, LocationRegion)
    • new weather properties (TodayDewPoint, TodayPressure, TodayBarometricPressure, TodayVisibility, TodayWindDirectionDegree)
    • new properties to get information about the selected filmstrip/coverflow image (ImageSelectedThumb, ImageSelectedLabel)

    Next steps

    • add thumbnail view for weather images
    • add a third weather provider to support 5 days forecast

    In addition to the newest version you can find at the first post of this thread 3 new weather icon collections. If you want to use this with WorldWeather, please see the chapter "Expert Configuration" of included manual for more information. Please be aware, that these icon collections are not supported. If you see any copyright violations, please send me a private message and I'll remove it immediately.

    Hope you like the new version, thanks again to the community and best regards, Micropolis


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  • March 24, 2009
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    First of all: Thank you for an excellent plugin. :D

    I have been checking data from the different providers, and to me it looks like Weather Underground has the most accurate (and up to date) information:

    Anybody else with the same experience?


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 21, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: WorldWeather plugin v0.4.0 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    +1 for Weather Underground as 3rd weather provider if it is possible somehow AND if it got 5 day forecast. =)
    Thank you for the new stable release!

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