XBMC Python Script (2 Viewers)


New Member
March 24, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Good work guys! :D

I just tried the plugin on my setup and it seems to work.

Initially I had some issues with XBMC connecting to the TV Server (I then changed my TV Server's IP from the hostname (which was some long hex string - IP6?) to it's IP address.

On initial connection of the plugin, there was very blocky tv and jittering audio, but after a few seconds it stabled out and was fine. I tried it on a HDTV 1080i channel and that also worked ok.

If you need any help testing. give me a shout.




Portal Member
November 5, 2008
Home Country
I just tried the plugin on my setup and it seems to work.

Good news. Thanks for the feedback.

Initially I had some issues with XBMC connecting to the TV Server (I then changed my TV Server's IP from the hostname (which was some long hex string - IP6?) to it's IP address.

I suspect the hostname was not an IPv6 address, which would contain colons, like this: "fe80::21e:bff:fe72:2e1e/64" or this (localhost address): "::1/128". I believe that Windows sometimes creates a random hostname when it's installed.

If you need any help testing. give me a shout.


New Member
March 24, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
when my xbmc couldn't connect - the ip that TV-Server was configured was:


i changed it to the local ip address so it now says

even if this is an issue with IPv6, I think that getting stuff like the EPG, and bugs sorted are more important than working out a fix for this, as it's easy enough to change to a regular IP address.


Portal Member
November 5, 2008
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when my xbmc couldn't connect - the ip that TV-Server was configured was:


Looks like an IPv6 address to me. Never seen that on Windows. I don't believe XBMC for XBox supports IPv6, so best to not use it.

even if this is an issue with IPv6, I think that getting stuff like the EPG, and bugs sorted are more important than working out a fix for this, as it's easy enough to change to a regular IP address.



Portal Member
January 26, 2009
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Sweden Sweden

This is perhaps a stupid question but will this work if i run XBMC for Windows on a HTPC? Or will it just work by streaming from a PC to an Xbox machine?


Portal Member
February 1, 2008
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This is perhaps a stupid question but will this work if i run XBMC for Windows on a HTPC? Or will it just work by streaming from a PC to an Xbox machine?

It works fine with XBMC for windows.

I had some problems with this early version so I modified it a bit. I always return false from "IsTimeshifting", I remove Swedish letters (åäö) from program names and I have modified the rtsp URL returned to the client (I think I had to do that because om my VM ware installation).

The return false from IsTimeshifting - I'm not 100% sure why you do that? The way the python script *should* work is, when you click a tv show, it checks if you are already timeshifting, and if so, it stops the timeshift, and starts another with the new channel. I am planning to rewrite a couple of things in it so I'll hopefully release a build soon and you can tell me if that works :)


New Member
August 3, 2008
Svn 21720

After upgrading MediaPortal to svn Revision:21720, this plugin has ceased to work. I really don't want to go back to mediaportal 1.0 as this version is stable and I'm receiving no crashes since the update. Are there any plans to update this plugin to work with this revision?



Portal Member
February 1, 2008
Home Country
After upgrading MediaPortal to svn Revision:21720, this plugin has ceased to work. I really don't want to go back to mediaportal 1.0 as this version is stable and I'm receiving no crashes since the update. Are there any plans to update this plugin to work with this revision?

I will probably update to 1.0.1 once it is released, and make it work with that, but no plans to make it work with any specific revisions in between..


Portal Member
February 12, 2009
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February 2009 SVN checkout, modded and tested

First of all, EvilDude - thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I did a SVN-checkout, made minimal change in the plugin code - so now it works for me (tried to establish streaming with the IPv6-address), and I commented the recording-ui part out (it was trying to connect to something like smb://machinename/sharename//machinename/sharename, and we can always connect to shares ourselves in xbmc) and built the .dll with VSEE2008SP1

It's tested with Windows Vista 6001 and Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10, XBMC 8.10 and TV Server 1.0 (client tested on Linux and Win) - and attached to this post for the sake of community.

Hope developement for this plugin isn't stalled - it's already amazing to have a wink of the future, but now it's up to recording and epg functionality.



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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    Somehow i managed to miss this thread.
    I think i will test this plugin during the next days. :)

    btw. shouldnt this thread be moved to the "Plugins" section?
    or maybe its worth to start a new thread there, with a detailed first post. :)

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