Zalman HD135 VFD (VlSys Mplay) (2 Viewers)


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  • February 19, 2009
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    France France
    Do I have to install VL Systems Media Home Center to make AFC works with your plugin ?

    I tested without MHC :
    - in MP configuration, the VFC TEST does not even pass :( (it passed with the standard minidisplay . However, the VFC still show correct messages in MP.
    When starting PC and in Windows, the fan plugged on my Myplay blast run 100%
    When entering MP ou MP configuration, it simply stops, whatever the confuguration I try in the plugin (AFC 50% manual for exemple).

    For the moment, no difference between this version and the standard one (exept problem of detection in MP configuration)

    Still testting ....

    EDIT : standard plugin does not pass TEST neither now ... I don't now why.


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  • May 15, 2007
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    MHC is not needed at all for this.

    Please post logs.

    Has this Blast version temp sensors? If so how did you configure the temps? You can see the temp and fan readings from Mediaportal.log (log verbosity must be debug)

    Edit: If I remember correctly (I'm at work) only MZ4 model is allowed to handle temp controlled fans in code. Please post logs so this can be corrected.


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  • February 19, 2009
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    France France
    My Blast has 1 sensor. Configuration of the plugin is :
    -"automatic control MHC"
    -"Fan control option" : "Use fan controller" -> Manual 50% for FAN1 and FAN2.
    - no other option checked.
    MHC is not installed
    My system is XP32 SP3

    LOG :
    (I just launch MP , move in the menu and exit MP)

    EDIT : how can I know which model (MZ4, MR7 ....) I have ?


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  • May 15, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    Here is your model: 2009-03-26 10:48:28.812500 [Info.][MiniDisplay]: VLSYS_Mplay.LoadAdvancedSettings(): Device Type: MP7 - M.Play Blast

    Does it have two fan controllers?

    I will check this today and post a new version later.


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  • February 19, 2009
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    France France
    Here is your model: 2009-03-26 10:48:28.812500 [Info.][MiniDisplay]: VLSYS_Mplay.LoadAdvancedSettings(): Device Type: MP7 - M.Play Blast

    Ok, thanks. But it is written nowhere in the box. I don't know the difference between models.

    Does it have two fan controllers?
    Yes. In MHC, they can be controled by sensor or Speedfan (I prefer sensor).
    I also have (in another computer) a LIS 2 with 4 fan controlers (controled by speedfan only)


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  • May 15, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    Thanks, I will check it tomorrow :D

    BTW, I have a question about russian language support in this plugin. I checked sourcecode of your plugin and found that display support all required characters. But in minidisplay after calling "this.commPort.Write(message)" russian characters are lost and display show only '?' characters.
    I tryed to add translation table from Unicode(65536)->displayROM(256), and use output with char buffer (like this.commPort.Write(buff,0,20)) and it works fine.

    Could you add similar support at your sourcecode? I hope it can be useful for all users in Russia :) Any data required I can provide

    Please post/attach your patch so it can be considered & included.


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  • February 19, 2009
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    France France
    I tried the new file and there is the log.
    Fan still stops when entering MP.

    I tried to change the fan speed in the plugin, but nothing changes, except the log :
    "Fan #1 manual speed = 8" instead of "Fan #1 manual speed = 5" when change from 50% to 80%


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 15, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    Btw have you selected this model (MP7) from config? Can you try automatic method so plugin tries to detect your device. After changing that and running MP try to find this line from Mediaportal.log: VLSYS_Mplay.WhenDataReceived(): Received Model ID = "MZ4". MZ4 is my device type so yours is something else.

    It now seems that commands are not the same for Zalman case display and yours. So it means that Bus Hound and MHC must be used to sniff those commands. You can search instructions what to do and how to use that from this thread.

    This was not easy case I first thought. But when this is working - like now with Zalman case - it is handy.


    MP Donator
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  • February 19, 2009
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    France France
    I alreadly use automatic detection.

    The curious thing is that I have a driver problem in MP configuration :
    I Select "VlSys LIS2 driver and TEST" I have no error.
    I go advance menu, and back. I have an orange "!" beside the name of the driver.

    I will try to use BUS Hound as soon as I understand how it works.

    EDIT : i downloaded the trial version with limitations. I hope it will help anyway. It seems simple to use, but could you give me some advice (what to do) because the log of this limited version is very short :
    "Up to 32 command can be captured"
    "Only the first 8 bytes of each data transfert are captured"

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