Previously I've run 21720 SVN with "usertsp=no" with no problems (and fast zapping) Gibman! But since this patch also seems to address the "Swedish" problem with our local broadcast that swede reports about, I decided to give this patch a go.
However, I must say that it in my environment it actually worsening my zapping times - especially when using "usertsp=no". If using RTSP it is a bit better, but then I experience a lot of "stutterings" - like the ones disaster123 is describing (which I also experience in usertsp=no). And also I tested the "swedish problem" yesterday evening - and it did not fix it for me... This is compared to "plain" SVN 21720.
The problem is that it is somewhat intermittent - it can work great with zapping for a while - and then just suddenly it takes up to 10-20 seconds to change to a channel (SD channels). I haven't yet seen any real pattern to why and when this happens. I looked through my TSReader.log and I've seen a lot of "Audio is way behind, etc" or if it was "way ahead" - can't remember right now... This would perhaps suggest it is something with my broadcast?
I experience the same with recordings as well.
But it works absolutely great with SVN 21720 and usertsp=no (except for the "swedish problem").
Sorry I don't have logs to provide right know, but I will provide logs when I have time to reproduce this (not tonight though).
I just hope that it is something with my setup.
See my signature for details. Keep up the good work!