Input / Output interfaces (2 Viewers)

general talk, support and improvement suggestions for remotes, external displays, ect.
Hi Not that I'm aware of. My guess is that the problem is more likely to be something to do with your motherboard - shared resource allocations/limitations etc. I'd recommend you contact Hauppauge and ask them about the situation, and also read the manual for your motherboard thoroughly to see if there are any limitations related to...
Hi Not that I'm aware of. My guess is that the problem is more likely to be something to do with your motherboard - shared...
I have been using Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600 NTSC/ATSC/QAM Combo PCI Card (set in config as top priority) in cunjunction with a...
MP1 MP2 TVserver RTSP DE
How id possible to set a default rtsp streming. so when the TVserver restart the RTSP is already configured. Now eery time you restart the TVserver RTSP must be set manually
How id possible to set a default rtsp streming. so when the TVserver restart the RTSP is already configured. Now eery time you...
How id possible to set a default rtsp streming. so when the TVserver restart the RTSP is already configured. Now eery time you...
Debounce Registry Setting For anyone who wants to try the debounce registry setting, this is the setting: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da] "EnableDebounce"=dword:00000001 There are several different values for the...
Debounce Registry Setting For anyone who wants to try the debounce registry setting, this is the setting: Windows Registry Editor...
I'm currently testing the new Sofabaton x1 remote control with which I want to replace my Harmony. Everything looks good so far...
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