Remotes (73 Viewers)

Insulation tape over the VFDs IR sensor - works for me!
Insulation tape over the VFDs IR sensor - works for me!
I have some issues with setting up my remote for MP. I will try to explain and hopefully some1 can help out. I have a...
MP1 MP2 Onkyo remote DE
Not for me. I can get it to lean my TV and some functions on my DVR but not the PC. Ended up getting a harmony remote.
Not for me. I can get it to lean my TV and some functions on my DVR but not the PC. Ended up getting a harmony remote.
Ok, I have been using one of the older MCE remotes with MP for a while now. Works great! However, I have the remote for my Onkyo...
I don`t understand everything you wrote in caus of I´m from germany. But this was really the solution. I came to it by searching the english Hauppage-Forum and reading this thread: S3 standby problem NOVA-HD-S2 - Hauppauge UK Forum After triying variuos drivers for the hvr-4000 the system goes in standby but doesn`t awake - it...
I don`t understand everything you wrote in caus of I´m from germany. But this was really the solution. I came to it by searching...
Today i got my new Case and there is no IR-Receiver inside. So i decided to use the Hauppauge IR-Receiver of my HVR-4000...
thank you hi with that working i was looking to see if we can get the display on this KB to work
thank you hi with that working i was looking to see if we can get the display on this KB to work
How do I get the touch sensitive media controls to work on the MX5000? They work just fine in MediaPlayer but I cannot get them to...
Is there a way that I can control Media Portal system over the network with out remote controlling the pc. I was hoping there was a small app that would give me a on screen remote I could use on my main computer. Thank you, Rob
Is there a way that I can control Media Portal system over the network with out remote controlling the pc. I was hoping there was...
Is there a way that I can control Media Portal system over the network with out remote controlling the pc. I was hoping there was...
i am using a logitec remote to emulate the mce remote in to the ir suite to control M.P. and my tv. The media portal is the server for the house so i don't want it to switch off. At the moment i have to "back up" from full screen(when the tv is on) then hit stop then switch the screen off has anyone got a better solution?
i am using a logitec remote to emulate the mce remote in to the ir suite to control M.P. and my tv. The media portal is the server...
i am using a logitec remote to emulate the mce remote in to the ir suite to control M.P. and my tv. The media portal is the server...
Much appreciated. did much readin and it seems this is the one for me. thanks.
Much appreciated. did much readin and it seems this is the one for me. thanks.
Using MP 1.000 RC3 and US MCE remote (without teletext buttons.) I had fun mapping all kinds of shit except I need a button...
As nu-guy said, MPTray has only one job, thats opening MP with the MCE green button, also there is no systray icon.
As nu-guy said, MPTray has only one job, thats opening MP with the MCE green button, also there is no systray icon.
Hi, I have installed MPTray.exe and I can see it's running in task manager, yet I don't see any icon for it in task bar. How do...
No, I didn`t try it yet. I will do that... Thanks for your answer!
No, I didn`t try it yet. I will do that... Thanks for your answer!
Good morning all, does anyone know how to use / configure a Terratec Remote Controle (comes with a own configuration programm...
My Scaleo E has a built-in blaster output, and my Onkyo receiver has a blaster input (and output). Since MP includes blaster support, it seems to me that I should be able to get MP to automagically turn on my receiver an select the correct input when I start it up, and to turn off the receiver when I shut it down. Unfortunately, I...
My Scaleo E has a built-in blaster output, and my Onkyo receiver has a blaster input (and output). Since MP includes blaster...
My Scaleo E has a built-in blaster output, and my Onkyo receiver has a blaster input (and output). Since MP includes blaster...
Hi I've just bought and installed a used H/K AVR5500 receiver. I use a Hauppauge remote (45-button) to control MediaPortal. The problem is when I control the volume on the receiver with the up/down button on the receiver, it most of the time also function as I pressed up/down on the Hauppauge. This is very anoying, it will for...
Hi I've just bought and installed a used H/K AVR5500 receiver. I use a Hauppauge remote (45-button) to control MediaPortal...
Hi I've just bought and installed a used H/K AVR5500 receiver. I use a Hauppauge remote (45-button) to control MediaPortal...
MP1 MP2 ADS IrBlaster DE
I have an xbox 360 universal remote and a cheap knock off both of which work with my xbox. I wanted to get these to work with my mediaportal box. Now i have this IR receiver KINAMAX ADS IR Blaster Remote Control Signal Sender - USB, IR TransmitterReceiver, Automation Software IR-BLSTR at ADS Tech Instant TV Deluxe...
I have an xbox 360 universal remote and a cheap knock off both of which work with my xbox. I wanted to get these to work with my...
I have an xbox 360 universal remote and a cheap knock off both of which work with my xbox. I wanted to get these to work with my...
Lars, I've just downloaded and installed the SVN and can confirm that the CybrDisplay plugin works perfectly with the IRTrans VFD in my OrigenAE S14V. Further testing to follow and see if the brightness issue is fixed. Thanks, Barry. Edit: Can confirm brightness now appears to be working correctly also. No more dim...
Lars, I've just downloaded and installed the SVN and can confirm that the CybrDisplay plugin works perfectly with the IRTrans...
Does anybody have IRTrans with VFD and MCE Remote working perfectly with MP? I use Cybermages plugin (in plugins/processes)...
MP1 MP2 MediaPortal Harmony DE
ok i followed the guide and got the remote working but only the arrow buttons work in mediaportal... the play pause etc... and menu buttons dont do anything never mind used the imon software to map the buttons and it all works... cheerz for the help:thx:
ok i followed the guide and got the remote working but only the arrow buttons work in mediaportal... the play pause etc... and menu...
Just got my harmony 525 remote today and i must say it is very nice. Now i didn't realise it didn't come with an ir dongle thingy...
As requested by members of the MediaPortal community I have been asked to stop posting on the MP forums. I want to thank all of you for your time and your support! Good luck with all your MediaPortal endevours!
As requested by members of the MediaPortal community I have been asked to stop posting on the MP forums. I want to thank all of...
Intelliremote for iPhone/iPod Touch has been released on the Apple Appstore today. Intelliremote Client for iPhone/iPod Touch is...
Fair enough. I got this letter from the MediaMonkey team. "On behalf of the MediaMonkey team I wanted to congratulate you on iMonkey. I haven't tried it on my iPhone (still using 1.4 jailbroken firmware because MM can't yet synch to 2.x firmware), but it looks really handy. Good luck with the sales of iMonkey!" He has asked me to...
Fair enough. I got this letter from the MediaMonkey team. "On behalf of the MediaMonkey team I wanted to congratulate you on...
If you are already using EventGhost to control your MP and you own an iPhone or iPod Touch then you will definitely want this...
Hello everybody!! I've bought Compro TV card and got MCE certified remote in package. I've managed to get it working fine (thanks to this forum members) with HIP and message plugin, but I can't get those MCE buttons to work (direct buttons to TV, radio, movies etc.). When I scan for button code in HIP, all those buttons have the same...
Hello everybody!! I've bought Compro TV card and got MCE certified remote in package. I've managed to get it working fine (thanks...
Hello everybody!! I've bought Compro TV card and got MCE certified remote in package. I've managed to get it working fine (thanks...
MP1 MP2 MS Remote Control DE
Thanks Mate, I have already started. Alan :-)
Thanks Mate, I have already started. Alan :-)
Hi All, I have given up on MS media centres. They do not work! And I am looking at alternatives. First Question: Does...
Ok. You can supress the "Double-Click-Feature" when you configure the remote as an HID-Device in MP-Config. >> A design-contest the remote will never win, thats right, but there are two little extenders on the receiver-box, they you can places on a "secret place" ore modify the box to put it in the htpc-case ... ore what ever :)
Ok. You can supress the "Double-Click-Feature" when you configure the remote as an HID-Device in MP-Config. >> A design-contest...
hi everyone, im having trouble with my X10 remote on mediaportal (can't get RC 2.0 installed :S), it has two...
MP1 MP2 Mapping Exe DE
Is there a way to assign a .exe to a button on my Firefly remote?
Is there a way to assign a .exe to a button on my Firefly remote?
Is there a way to assign a .exe to a button on my Firefly remote?
MP1 MP2 Asus Remote Control DE
SPRESSO Remote I have the same problem, did any of you guys manage to sort it out?
SPRESSO Remote I have the same problem, did any of you guys manage to sort it out?
I am working on getting Media Portal setup on a Asus Spresso S1-P111 system that I picked up for cheap. It comes with its own...
Thanks, indeed with the "Skip Steps method" using the left\right navigation keys it works fine ! (skip per pre-defined time interval, 15, 30,60 ... ) But I'm wondering what to do to have also the the "Fast forward/Backward method" also working well using the remote fast forward/backward button. (slip per relative speed, 2x, 4x...
Thanks, indeed with the "Skip Steps method" using the left\right navigation keys it works fine ! (skip per pre-defined time...
When I'm using the fastforward at speed 32x, it skips per 5 seconds. How can I get faster speed ?
TV-Server Version: MediaPortal Version:V1.0 RC2 MediaPortal Skin:Electric Lead (electric blue) 1.03 beta Windows Version:Vista Sp1 Ultimate CPU Type:AMD Athlon 64 3200 2193Mhz HDD: Maxtor 160GB Memory: 1 gb Motherboard:Phoenix LTD 6.00 PG Video Card: Nvidea GeForce 6200 Turbo Cache Video Card Driver: Sound Card: Sound Card AC3: Sound...
TV-Server Version: MediaPortal Version:V1.0 RC2 MediaPortal Skin:Electric Lead (electric blue) 1.03 beta Windows Version:Vista Sp1...
TV-Server Version: MediaPortal Version:V1.0 RC2 MediaPortal Skin:Electric Lead (electric blue) 1.03 beta Windows Version:Vista Sp1...
I have a no name remote, and have programed my keys in KeyBoardInputPlugin however all the buttons that work out of the box double up. UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT Maybe OK as well as this was working before. I tried deleting these entrys out of the Keyboard.xml file but still have double ups. I have also made sure that all the controls...
I have a no name remote, and have programed my keys in KeyBoardInputPlugin however all the buttons that work out of the box double...
I have a no name remote, and have programed my keys in KeyBoardInputPlugin however all the buttons that work out of the box double...
Hi, Probably I now found a right forum to post my question. I'm using MediaPortal with my Nebula DigiTV PCI -card and it works well. Now I'd like to install and start using my Nebula remote control. Can I use MediaPortal with my original Nebula Remote Control? If the answer is yes, could someone give me instructions how to...
Hi, Probably I now found a right forum to post my question. I'm using MediaPortal with my Nebula DigiTV PCI -card and it works...
Hi, Probably I now found a right forum to post my question. I'm using MediaPortal with my Nebula DigiTV PCI -card and it works...
Actually, I found a solution to this. With my harmony remote I am able to use the "extended buttons" like my music, my radio and so on. So I mapped the my radio-button to TV-series instead. This is how i did it: Edit the microsoft MCE.xml found in this directory (vista) C:\Program Files\Team...
Actually, I found a solution to this. With my harmony remote I am able to use the "extended buttons" like my music, my radio and so...
Im able to use my remote to jump directly to all of the default "My" screens thanks to the MyKeys plugin. I also use My TV...
I installed Coolreceiver plugin to make my 3200H remote work correctly. When I click on config (the plugins), and completed all mapping needs. It worked perfectly for the first time but when I turn off MP or the PC, remote stops working and I have to go through the process again each time. The PVR version selection goes back to...
I installed Coolreceiver plugin to make my 3200H remote work correctly. When I click on config (the plugins), and completed all...
I installed Coolreceiver plugin to make my 3200H remote work correctly. When I click on config (the plugins), and completed all...
MP1 MP2 Sky star 2 remotes DE
Hi, for months ive be trying to get my remotes that came with my sky star 2 cards to work with mediaportal client. my setup consits of tv server running rc1 and two clients running rc1 the remotes came with serial ir dongle and all so usb ir dongle. ive tryed all sorts of things and settings but just not sure...
Hi, for months ive be trying to get my remotes that came with my sky star 2 cards to work with mediaportal client. my setup...
Hi, for months ive be trying to get my remotes that came with my sky star 2 cards to work with mediaportal client. my setup...
Can someone recommend me a good that works with media portal right out of the box (or at least with not much configuring needed) peferablly one with a dongle. but don't have to be. one thing that is important is that it should have good range/power. because I will put the receiver inside the system case. so far I have a...
Can someone recommend me a good that works with media portal right out of the box (or at least with not much configuring needed)...
Can someone recommend me a good that works with media portal right out of the box (or at least with not much configuring needed)...
Does iMon VFD work with MP I am considering buying a remote for my HTPC, I thinking of Soundgraph iMon VFD or Soundgraph iMon Ultra Bay. Will the VFD work with MP? What about the Ultra Bay will it work with MP? I am thinking of latter getting Harmony remote, will it work together with iMon reciever?
Does iMon VFD work with MP I am considering buying a remote for my HTPC, I thinking of Soundgraph iMon VFD or Soundgraph iMon...
Help me, please! I use my MP1RC2 with iMon remote (case Mozart 7001). I change remote setting with "Imon Pad", and all buttons of...
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