
  1. el Filou

    Is Windows Media Player still needed on Windows 10 ?

    Hi everyone. Some time ago, I uninstalled Windows Media Player from my Windows 10 Pro HTPC because I figured I didn't need it, without thinking about MP's requirements. I went to "turn Windows features on or off" in Control Panel and unchecked it under the "Media Features" section. I did not...
  2. F

    IPTV for Mediaportal

    I have been running Media Portal for many years but not the TV Server. Up to now I have used it only for stored content. I am based in Ireland and use Virgin Media for Cable TV, Internet broadband and Home Phone. Frankly I am becoming sick of Virgin and their Cable, I don't really watch much...
  3. S

    Netzwerklaufwerke werden nicht erkannt

    Hallo zusammen, mein Problem ist folgendes: Ich nutze seit einigen Jahren MediaPortal 1.x und bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Programm und Plugins. Ich habe ein NAS per Netzwerklaufwerke eingebunden. Soweit so gut. Nun bin ich allerdings auf die dumme Idee gekommen meine Rechner auf Win10...
  4. R

    [solved] MP2.1Pre2 Server unter Win10 - kann TVService nicht konfigurieren

    Hab grad auf einen frisch aufgesetzten Win10Prof Rechner MP2.1pre2 installiert und beim Versuch den TV-Server zu Konfigurieren kommt folgende Meldung: Kann jemand damit was anfangen? Was fehlt mir? Logs im Anhang. Grüße, Rico. Edit: Changed MP2Pre2
  5. C

    MP2 - V2.1 Where are the codecs?

    Just installed 2.1. WMC skin is great and I look forward to when it's fully functional, it does have issues, eg "TV" brings up guide and "guide" also brings up guide. Nothing brings up liveTV directly and it's a very clumsy navigation through menus to get liveTv full screen video back on the...
  6. R

    Audio playback stopps after exiting Windows 10 screensaver

    Hi I have a strange problem coming up after upgrading my system to Windows 10@64 Bit. In common with 1.12 and 1.13 everything is running fine, but when I use the Windows screensaver I lose audio playback when the screensaver deactivates. In detail: - Run MP with whatever player you want (I...
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