Re : Re: Re : 1.2.0 Beta Support
Thanks for your answer ...
I voted for the enhancement request
No, this is not possible yet. I have already opened an enhancement request for MovingPictures so we could query this info:Hey, is it possible that when i select/use MovingPictures category in BasicHome screen , that FanArts displayed as background are from movies of that categorie ( like moving picture does it ) ...
I created a "Children Movies" in home menu, and it is surprising to see, when i focus this item, some Fanart of Horror/war/thriler ... Movies
Issue 1006 - API: Ability to get back a backdrop for a category node id
I suggest you just use a Single Backdrop for your Children's menu item (assuming its not in a sub-menu) and then pick a kids friendly background.
Thanks for your answer ...
I voted for the enhancement request