1.2.0 Beta Support (5 Viewers)

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  • January 26, 2006
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    AW: 1.2.0 Beta Support

    I just updated to 1.2 Beta and found the new feature of the default skin (BasicHome): "recently added/changed" for the different sections, and I was wondering if SMP will come up with something like this also, even though I would like to see that on the "normal" Home screen, because I hardly use basichome (for system spec reasons)?!




    Portal Pro
    October 17, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: AW: 1.2.0 Beta Support

    I just updated to 1.2 Beta and found the new feature of the default skin (BasicHome): "recently added/changed" for the different sections, and I was wondering if SMP will come up with something like this also, even though I would like to see that on the "normal" Home screen, because I hardly use basichome (for system spec reasons)?!



    It does, though only in basichome I am afraid

    BasicHomeEditor - streamedmp - Using the StreamedMP BasicHome editor to create/customize the BasicHome menu. - StreamedMP Skin for MediaPortal - Google Project Hosting



    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    New Beta test release out:

    Change Log

    * Can now jump to a MovingPictures category from BasicHome screen item.

    * Can now jump to a OnlineVideos Category as well as specify a Search parameter from BasicHome menu item. Dynamic Categories will load when a site is selected so you can easily pick one to jump to.

    * Updated MovingPictures plugin library to v1.2.2. This feature is marked as 'Mandatory' in the installer as its required by the BasicHome editor. If you choose not to install the editor then you can unselect MovingPictures feature. You also can install it, but disable it in MediaPortal Configuration. StreamedMP will never downgrade a plugin if you choose to install it.

    * Added support for MovingPictures Coverflow layout.

    * Updated Fanart Handler plugin library to v2.2.4.502.

    * Added Finnish Translations, thanks mikko.

    * Added a few quick list items in the editor to help add YouTube and iTunes Trailers items. These make use of OnlineVideos plugins loading parameter support. My Trailers is no longer supported.

    * Fix Sub-Menu 2 items not working correctly when setup in Editor.


    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2008
    Everything is works great :)
    Only one issue... When using MovingPicturies categories in menu it doesn't respect chosen view in MovingPictures - always is default...


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  • December 12, 2008
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    AW: 1.2.0 Beta Support

    Hi i have a question to this feature:

    * Added a few quick list items in the editor to help add YouTube and iTunes Trailers items. These make use of OnlineVideos plugins loading parameter support. My Trailers is no longer supported.

    Is it possible that when i click on the Trailer Button in Moving Picture that Trailers from youtube in a specific language (Search Parameters: Movie Title + Trailers + german) are listed?

    sorry for my bad english
    thx nothe


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    Re: AW: 1.2.0 Beta Support

    Hi i have a question to this feature:

    * Added a few quick list items in the editor to help add YouTube and iTunes Trailers items. These make use of OnlineVideos plugins loading parameter support. My Trailers is no longer supported.

    Is it possible that when i click on the Trailer Button in Moving Picture that Trailers from youtube in a specific language (Search Parameters: Movie Title + Trailers + german) are listed?
    Hi nothe, the trailer feature in MovingPictures is not related to that quick list items. The Quick List items is just the list of plugins in the BasicHome edtior that allow you to quickly create menu items.

    Right now there is no customizations for OnlineVideos Site on the trailer functionality in MovingPictures...we could add customization to this so you can choose the site which works best for you. Ideally someone would want to create a German IMDB site util so we can do lookup by imdb id like we currently do.

    It's possible to do a YouTube lookup for German trailers as long as there is a German YouTube site (I haven't looked)...either way I guess it would be nice to gather up a list of possible site utils in OnlineVideos as we could add support to customize this in skin.


    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2007
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    Re : 1.2.0 Beta Support

    Hey, is it possible that when i select/use MovingPictures category in BasicHome screen , that FanArts displayed as background are from movies of that categorie ( like moving picture does it ) ...

    I created a "Children Movies" in home menu, and it is surprising to see, when i focus this item, some Fanart of Horror/war/thriler ... Movies ;)



    Portal Pro
    March 7, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    I was on I think 1.6.??39 and everything worked fine.. tried then each new release but had always the same problem

    MePO begins to start... 'til the text initializing plugins appears .. and gone...

    dir a complete uninstall, deleted dirs, started from scratch.... but only with StreamedMP after the mentioned release

    default wide skin starts smooth.. but not as sexy...

    please see logs attached...

    please help as I LOVE StreamedMP!!! ;-))

    Regards Robertino


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Re: Re : 1.2.0 Beta Support

    Hey, is it possible that when i select/use MovingPictures category in BasicHome screen , that FanArts displayed as background are from movies of that categorie ( like moving picture does it ) ...

    I created a "Children Movies" in home menu, and it is surprising to see, when i focus this item, some Fanart of Horror/war/thriler ... Movies ;)
    No, this is not possible yet. I have already opened an enhancement request for MovingPictures so we could query this info:

    Issue 1006 - API: Ability to get back a backdrop for a category node id

    I suggest you just use a Single Backdrop for your Children's menu item (assuming its not in a sub-menu) and then pick a kids friendly background.
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