[29.11.05] WebEPG 0.2.0 update on website (2 Viewers)


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  • July 25, 2005
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    Does anyone in Australia have a working grabber for Foxtel in webepg??? I've been using the D1 grabber to date but they seemed to have stopped providing foxtel data (FTA still works fine)...

    I'd love to get tvguide.org.au working so if anyone has any thoughts on this I'd greatly appreciate some help....

    Thanks in advance.

    aasmund Nordal

    Portal Pro
    June 20, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    I have mediaportal 02 rc1
    I have used the grabbers and channals from this forum.

    But I have problems with the tv guide.

    I select only nrk1 and tv2 but this is the result:

    8) NRK1 Ingen EPG-data tigjengelig...

    19) NRK2 Ingen EPG-data tigjengelig...

    5) TV2 Ingen EPG-data tigjengelig...

    1) NRK 1 Dagsrevyen Forbrukerinspektørene Orkesterliv: Så sees vi neste... Redaksjon EN Dist... Dagsrevyen 21 Vikinglott... Michael Palin i Himala...

    13) TV2 Dan Nyhederne Regionalprogram Så kan I lære det! Desperate Housewives

    57) CineCine. Ingen EPG-data tigjengelig...

    As you can see 1 nrk1 and 13 tv2den is working.
    When I start the grabber it is trying to connect with dagbladet all the time and it says: No listing for the....
    They dont work. How do I get it to collect from www.sol.no?

    Is this beacouse mo 02 rc1 is not stable yet?
    I have tried lots of cvs builds.


    Portal Pro
    July 5, 2005
    Full details:
    Haupage and ADS Tech TV cards
    1Gb mem, 160Gb hd, AMD Sempron, ASUS m/b
    Sapphire Radeon 9600 graphics card
    Media Portal RC2 + latest CVSs

    How do I resolve:
    Application has generated an execption that could not be handled.

    Process id=0x8d0 (2256), Thread id=0x364 (868)

    Click OK to terminate the application

    The log has:
    04/11/2005 08:01:41 Loading ChannelMap: WebEPG.xml
    04/11/2005 08:01:41 WebEPG: Getting Channel 1 of 45
    04/11/2005 08:01:41 WebEPG: Opening UK\www_mydigiguide_com.xml
    04/11/2005 08:01:41 WebEPG: ChannelId: abc1@disney.co.uk
    04/11/2005 08:01:41 WebEPG: Reading http://www.mydigiguide.com/dgx/wbl.dll?h=35&a=2&ch=50281&dt=0&el=
    and then dies.... no error log produced.

    I'm using the latest CVSs - is the solution to back out to an earier version, or is there something simpler that I'm missing?
    (all working before I upgraded to a second TV card, and to the latest CVSs).



    Portal Pro
    January 24, 2005
    Stavanger, Norway
    aasmund Nordal said:
    I have mediaportal 02 rc1
    I have used the grabbers and channals from this forum.

    But I have problems with the tv guide.

    I select only nrk1 and tv2 but this is the result:

    8) NRK1 Ingen EPG-data tigjengelig...

    19) NRK2 Ingen EPG-data tigjengelig...

    5) TV2 Ingen EPG-data tigjengelig...

    1) NRK 1 Dagsrevyen Forbrukerinspektørene Orkesterliv: Så sees vi neste... Redaksjon EN Dist... Dagsrevyen 21 Vikinglott... Michael Palin i Himala...

    13) TV2 Dan Nyhederne Regionalprogram Så kan I lære det! Desperate Housewives

    57) CineCine. Ingen EPG-data tigjengelig...

    As you can see 1 nrk1 and 13 tv2den is working.
    When I start the grabber it is trying to connect with dagbladet all the time and it says: No listing for the....
    They dont work. How do I get it to collect from www.sol.no?

    Is this beacouse mo 02 rc1 is not stable yet?
    I have tried lots of cvs builds.

    Are you shure you are using the WebEPG and not the XMLTV? In WebEPG www.sol.no is the default choice for grabbing EPG data. XMLTV is using www.dagbladet.no as default.


    Portal Pro
    January 24, 2005
    Stavanger, Norway

    I am having a strange error when using the WebEPG on the norwegian channels.
    The guide shows data from NRK1, TV2 and TVN from around 05.00 to 23.00 and NRK2 from around 23.00 to 05.00.
    I have tried to configure WebEPG in all possible ways (that I can find), and reinstalled WebEPG, but the problem consists.

    I use WebEPG beta 0.1.4 and www.sol.no as source. Allways the latest CVS update.

    Keep up the good work!


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004

    My webepg is broken. Maybe too much messing with cvs-versions.;)

    it was broken for some days. i upgraded now to mp cvs version from today.
    still webepg would not work. i downloaded your beta 0.1.4 again.
    a tvguid.xml is generated.
    I can´t view it because it says it misses a.dtd file.
    I can´t import it into mp.
    the log looks quite ok to me. the tvguide.xml is 632kb, so it probably contains the info.
    error.log says:" 10.11.2005 00:32:08 WebEPG: No Listings Found" This repeats a couple of times with different time- stamps.

    any clues?



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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    tomtom21000 said:

    My webepg is broken. Maybe too much messing with cvs-versions.;)

    it was broken for some days. i upgraded now to mp cvs version from today.
    still webepg would not work. i downloaded your beta 0.1.4 again.
    a tvguid.xml is generated.
    I can´t view it because it says it misses a.dtd file.
    I can´t import it into mp.
    the log looks quite ok to me. the tvguide.xml is 632kb, so it probably contains the info.
    error.log says:" 10.11.2005 00:32:08 WebEPG: No Listings Found" This repeats a couple of times with different time- stamps.

    any clues?


    Try and download the latest xmltv - this will have the .dtd mentioned.


    Portal Pro
    September 3, 2004
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    Germany Germany


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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