[29.11.05] WebEPG 0.2.0 update on website (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
April 11, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
SiLenTYL said:
try D1..it has title, descriptions and category for each program...

I've been using the D1 data for a while, but it's show descriptions mostly equate to "(G)" (being the show's rating), and often it has missing genres too. The Yahoo data actually has accurate show-by-show descriptions, which I was hoping to get into MP.

The only other Australian source I'm aware of (other than ninemsn, which is too slow to scrape) is the tvguide.org.au project -- is there an existing WebEPG config to grab their data, or should I look at writing one? ;)


Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    yep its a rate limit on Yahoo.

    Put: <entry name="GrabDelay">5000</entry> in the listings section of the au_tv_yahoo_com.xml file.

    This is a delay between each page request in ms. So 5000 is 5 seconds, will slow it down a little but seems to work for me here. The current program default is 1 second.




    Portal Pro
    January 23, 2005
    Sydney, AUSTRALIA
    I've got WebEPG running using Yahoo for Sydney however all channels except 10 are a day off, the only reason I can see is that 10 had a program starting at 12am on the other channels it moves them a day out because it doesn't see a start of a day until the next day.

    Any solutions?



    James said:
    Hi Casimir,

    Thanks for putting the channels into the FR grabber. However, would you mind using the channel ID as described in my post above and putting the channel names in the channels.xml using the provided program WebEPG-channels. This will save me a great deal of work, were I may make mistakes, because I don't know about the channels you get in france.

    Hi James,
    I have updated my config file the way you want :) You can download it from here :



    Portal Pro
    January 23, 2005
    Sydney, AUSTRALIA
    I've done it again after midnight to get the programs starting at the 7th August and the 7th has no data and all of the 7th's programs appear on the 8th because no programs started at 12am


    Portal Pro
    July 2, 2005
    Edmonton, AB
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Please excuse my ignorance and lack of patience to read through 4 pages of posts......but what exactly is the purpose of the WebEPG?

    Is it to replace XMLTV? I'm living in Canada....do I need to use this?

    I guess I'm just needing a little more information as to what the purpose of the WebEPG is and whether or not I need it?

    Thanks! :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi Khris,

    Your answer is here: http://nolanparty.com/mediaportal.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7371&highlight=

    To add to that, a lot of people are having trouble with EPGs in general and xmltv in particular. Just do a search on xmltv in the forum and see how many hits you get.

    Anyway, I hope WebEPG is easier to setup and get going. In the next release the new MP setup wizard will do the setup for WebEPG.

    Hope this helps,



    Portal Pro
    July 2, 2005
    Edmonton, AB
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Thanks for the info.

    Since I'm not having any problems at all with XMLTV, I don't see the need to change at the moment.

    If it becomes a part of MP in the future, I guess then I won't have a choice.

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