4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 22, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Does it work for you in Blue3 skin? Have you seen one anywhere that does work for you? All the skins I checked have pretty much the same thing. With the lowered arrow I can't really see the vertical line on my TV. Should I leave it in and make the line wider (more visible) or just take it out and leave the new arrows?

I dont seem to be able to change skins while MP is running now, in general settings where it says change skin all that comes up is the word skin and not the options of skins so I will have to wait until tommorrow to try the Blue3 skin as I am recording stuff at the moment and cant close down to run MP setup. :D


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    No problem, that change skin settings button has changed for MP 1.0.1. I've already implemented it for the next release of aMPed. Glad to hear your recording is working!


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Do you mean something like this? I also lowered the arrow to the program lisitings so it doesn't block out the time. I narrowed the arrows a bit too.

    What do you guys think?

    Yes that screen shot looks great, the arrows dont protrude across any daya and the thin green line would define whats on now better. Can you make a file like that for me to test?:D

    Does it work for you in Blue3 skin? Have you seen one anywhere that does work for you? All the skins I checked have pretty much the same thing. With the lowered arrow I can't really see the vertical line on my TV. Should I leave it in and make the line wider (more visible) or just take it out and leave the new arrows?

    Just tried Blue3 and the green arrow protrudes down into the program list, not into the the time at top. The bottom arrow protrudes into the bottom program in list and not the description below it.

    See my other message showing interest in the smaller green arrows and thin green line.:D


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Here it is I included a new mytvguide.xml as well because i can't remember which version I sent you and this one works with the new tvguide slider.

    I can't promise this will make it in the next release. Joz hasn't had time to check it and I'd like some feedback from other users. The thin green line is barely visible for me.

    So keep these files in case it doesn't make it in the next version and you can copy them back.

    Of course, don't forget you will have to delete the packedgfx files in cache to get the new graphic.

    Let me know how it works for you and if there are any problems send me a screenshot.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Here it is I included a new mytvguide.xml as well because i can't remember which version I sent you and this one works with the new tvguide slider.

    I can't promise this will make it in the next release. Joz hasn't had time to check it and I'd like some feedback from other users. The thin green line is barely visible for me.

    So keep these files in case it doesn't make it in the next version and you can copy them back.

    Of course, don't forget you will have to delete the packedgfx files in cache to get the new graphic.

    Let me know how it works for you and if there are any problems send me a screenshot.

    I think I have somehow not copied the files properly, I downloaded the xml file no problem and put it in the aMPed skin folder and the little green arrows showed up nicely, but I notice the TV guide now has 8 lines of programs instead of 5, subsequently the fonts are getting too small for me to read on my TV, but I must say not having those big ugly green arrows protruding is way better.

    As far as the thin green slider, well how am I meant to get that file from here properly? it shows up as a thumb graphic file so I just saved it to my computer and coppied it to my skins/aMPed/media folder and now in MP I have a big white line with a thin green line and arrows. I was expecting just a thin green line and arrows.

    I will try and figure out how to post a screen shot here, still not figured that one out yet.:sorry:


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    You had a 5 line TVGuide before?? Mine has always been 8 lines. Maybe TV Server is different? I noticed your TV is 29", what resolution are you using/setting in your ATI settings?

    If you are finding the fonts too small to read, you might enjoy the next release which has support for even larger fonts (which I need on my TV!) - no more squinting :) We are just waiting for MP 1.0.2 to see if any more changes are needed.

    As for the thumbnail graphic, sounds like you did it correctly, so I don't know why you are getting a big white line. I'm assuming that is a vertical line? If you are happy with the smaller arrows, I can include that in the next release, no need for the new tvslider, you can just put the original back and recache.

    To post a screenshot, I just use print screen, then open an image program, even Paint and paste the image in from the clipboard and save it as jpg (smaller) To load it here in the forum you have to go advanced (see the button below) then down at the bottom below the message box, it says manage attachments, from there it is pretty self explanatory - choose file(s) then upload. That's it.

    BTW, there are posts in the forums that describe how to change the number of lines in the TVGuide to whatever you like, here is one done for Xface skin: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/xface-251/tv-guide-number-channels-displayed-35586/#post236951


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    You had a 5 line TVGuide before??

    Yes the original one you sent me was 5 line and I could read it quite well apart from the green arrows being too big and protruding.

    The default Blue3 I think has 10 lines and fonts are far too small for my TV.

    If I could get 5 lines and tiny green arrows like the 8 line version I would be happy.

    Yes the TV is 29", and the resolution is 640 x 480 and although ATI settings allow me to select different it wont save at anything other than 640x 480.

    I am sure I will enjoy the next release which has support for even larger fonts :)

    Yes the green line was virtical but totally ugly because of the white stripe background to the line. I think I will be happy with just the smaller green arrows version so long as fonts are bigger.

    I eventually figured out how to attach files but, dont know how you manage to insert tham as part of the message here.



    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    OK now I am mystified. Here's the first file again, with the new arrow size and positions. Let me know if you get 5 or 8 lines!

    I forget how to change the settings in ATI I've been on nVidia for the last while but I do know I used to be able to save it in ATI so check that out. If you can save in 720x576 you will get a better view as that is the default size for the skin. 640x480 and 1024x768 are 'true' 4:3 while 720x576 1280x1024 etc are not. So things change a little when you switch screen sizes.

    You can also use the screen calibration under Settings in the MP GUI to make sure things are formatting correctly for your screen. Your ATI driver settings should also let you reposition and resize the image for your TV.

    I cannnot figure out where you are getting the white vertical line. I can't find it anywhere in the image I sent!

    I eventually figured out how to attach files but, dont know how you manage to insert tham as part of the message here.

    See my previous post:

    ... go advanced (see the button below) then down at the bottom below the message box, it says manage attachments, from there it is pretty self explanatory - choose file(s) then upload.


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Try the attached file reg.
    I know what happened with downloading the image, it's a browser quirk. Unzip this file into the aMPed media folder


    One more thing; I was always running a 1024x768 resolution, however I just found a program called powerstrip which can provide me with the native res of 720x576. Just testing now but seems to work pretty good.
    I've read this doesn't work too well on vista though.


    • tvguide_slider.zip
      30.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    OK now I am mystified. Here's the first file again, with the new arrow size and positions. Let me know if you get 5 or 8 lines!

    Well I can't see anything attached at all to your message this time Dadeo.

    I know how to change the ATI settings, but my computer has never actually saved any change in the TV resolution settings even after clicking apply and ok. I have tried later versions of the drivers but they dont even have dual screen settings available in them when installed on my computer so have reverted to the original version supplied with computer a few years ago.

    I will check out that program powerstrip that Jos mentioned, I have XP so no Vista problems for me :)

    I downloaded the file Jos posted and it now works fine. I actually quite like it, nice little green arrows and a thin green line, neither of which intrude and it leaves the text readable even if still a bit small for me until I get the five line version back.


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