4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (2 Viewers)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Thanks, you're pretty fast, 1.0.1 just came out! Actually, I am in the middle of trying to design aMPed so it can support a variety of fonts/sizes from small to very large. I'm almost done, just finishing up the TV Section. Joz is testing out MP 1.0.1 so as soon as we are done with all the changes, I will definitely take you up on your offer!


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    another little teaser, 1.1.1 release will have the ability to switch background to the playing video, just like PureVision;



    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Media Portal 1.01 compatibility

    I hope I am posting in the right place, please forgive me if I am not.

    I recently upgraded my Media Portal to 1.01 and it seems to be working ok apart from the mouse pointer not going away. It was to start with, but when I tried the Blue Wide skin it stays on the screen. So I thought maybe if I try and download a different skin it might fix it. So I downloaded aMPed.

    One thing I have always hated about my Media Portal is the fonts are far to small to read on my TV without getting out of my chair.

    I got really excited to learn that aMPed has bigger fonts. So I downloaded and installed it. Oh how fantastic I thought, yes the fonts I can actually read from my arm chair. But then I realized that the new side bar thing on the TV Guide page for changing groups was not there. Also when I looked for recorded TV programs there were none shown.

    So I am thinking maybe this aMPed is not yet compatible with MP 1.01 . Am I correct? If so does anyone know how long it might be b4 it is compatible? As I sure would like to be able to use it .

    Regards Reg


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Yes, aMPed is not yet compatible with 1.0.1. We cannot give any time frame as of yet but I hope soon.
    Dadeo (the other projectmember) is working really hard on a version that will support even larger fonts. When that's done aMPed users will have more choices regarding how large or small you would like the fonts.
    This is quite some work and maybe before the larger fonts capable version will be released, there might be a 1.1.1 release.
    Thanks for pointing these out btw. Since I use ForTheRecord now, it became impossible to test the normal tv plugin for me.
    I'll see what I can do this weekend, no promises.

    I got the exact same deal as you with the mouse cursor. I solved it by disabling the music viz I had running.

    Reg, if I whip up something for you (maybe tonight) would you be so kind to test it? I could probably get Dadeo to test it too but the more testers the better.


    of course if you can not wait for the next release you can always copy appropriate XMLs from blue3. It won't look like the aMPed style anymore but at least it will work right.


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hi Reg, glad to hear you are excited. I felt the same way when I first found this skin! Are you using the inbuilt TV engine or TV Server? You could add your system specs to your user profile as it really helps anyone who is trying to answer your questions in these forums.

    I have started testing the new version of aMPed (which supports a variety of fonts and sizes). If it all works well we should be able to release a new version in a few days. But then I am always optimistic. :) I've made a lot of improvements to the TV Section, so I hope it is worth waiting for!

    As Joz said we can always use more testers, especially for TV Section since Joz doesn't use it. So if anyone is interested in helping us test the TV section, let us know here or PM me.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    Yes I would be happy to test anything so long as you give clear instructions on what I need to do.

    I am using the TV server 1.01

    I have just added all my system specs to user profile as best I could. I don't understand about AC3 and sound so left that one blank.

    Oh if it has large fonts and works it will be well worth it :)


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hey Reg, I haven't forgotten you. Joz and I have managed to get the large fonts worked out. That took a while :)

    Then I went to install MP 1.0.1 and had to upgrade to .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 for Vista and it will not install on my system no matter what I try. So I kinda got bogged down in that. With luck I'll have some updated files for TVSection for you and others to test by tonight.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Well you are not the only one having problems, I tried to clean up some of the codecs on my system with some codec filter I got via a link on the media portal site and it got trashed, could not do system restore and had to repair xp and that has not worked so in the process of doing a complete reinstall. Am currently typing this on my backup computer so there will be a delay in me testing anything. It will all work out in the end, it is years since I did a reinstall of my whole system so maybe it will speed things up when I get it all redone :)



    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    How are you making out Reg? I have had trouble with codecs sometimes as well. I use Klite Codec Full 4.3.4. Diff ones seem to work better on diff systems. I am on Vista SP1. The ones recommended by MP never work for me. I either get black screen TV or black screen video! They changed the default codecs for TVE2 as well which were really sluggish for me.

    So, it took me almost 12 hours to upgrade to MP 1.0.1 and that was almost solid work! Admittedly it was partly my fault for trying to take shortcuts. I never can upgrade MP, I always end up doing a clean installl. At least you can usually copy plugins. But this upgrade gave me 97 packedgfx files in my cache! Took a while to figure out what was causing that. It was some thumbs I copied in, but I'm still not sure which ones. I gave up! At least I could copy in my TVSeries thumbs as those take me hours to redownload!

    Sorry, I don't mean to vent, I'm just relieved I am up and running. And that you are not in a huge rush :) I hope to get the TV stuff done tomorrow if I don't run into too many snags! Hope it's going well for you.

    Personally I reload windows every six months or less just to keep it cleaning and running smoothly. I can reinstall Windows and all my programs and reconfigure everything faster than I can upgrade MP! Even so, it is still my favorite program. Once it's going, it is solid as a rock.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    How are you making out Reg? .

    Well I have my main computer up and running again with Media Portal 1.01 all reinstalled. I am currently recording on my analog and digital tuner fine . I am not 100% sure I have the DVBfix needed for XP systems with 2005 MCE installed as it should, but have posted in one of the other forums about that. Once I am confident I have a stable system I will be ready to test a new skin.

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