4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (3 Viewers)


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  • January 27, 2006
    Yeah filename is enough ;) and yes it's fine if it's small text.
    As for the thumbs size the target is 512x512 but none are that size, all of them are 500 in width and most of them 374 in height(4:3 ratio videos) or 281-283 (16:9 videos). The biggest thumb created is 500x500.
    Here's a screenshot showing the different sizes just in case.


    • thumb size distribution.JPG
      thumb size distribution.JPG
      87.1 KB


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hey Migue, thanks for the specs! Here's what I came up with so far. It's just a first crack, since I don't have much test data to work with.

    It should work for your 4:3 and 16:9 images, not as well for the square ones.

    The only thing I did in common.picback.xml was make the background image in filmstrip a little less diffused. Since I imported that in myvideo.xml it will show a diffused image of your thumbnails as a background in filmstrip view. I'm not sure how that will look, if it's bad we can try the Vista MCE filmstrip style.

    If there are problems screenshots are really helpful! :) Even if it is good, send me screenshots! I can't really get an idea how it looks on my system as I don't have much relevant data.

    I resized the defaultvideobig image as well, so you should copy that to the aMPed media folder and recache your packedgfx files.

    Please check all four views = list, icons, bigicons and filmstrip and let me know what you find. Thanks.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2006
    Looks great!! :D:D
    Only a small bug the generic icon gets cut off at the bottom as can be seen on 2nd picture.

    Another minor bug I noticed yesterday which is also related to my use of thumbs instead of coverart,
    is in the OSD screen while playing a video. The thumb covers the play icon =/, needs to be a little lower.

    EDIT: the up/down buttons are missing in views other than filmstrip (see post below mine).


    • amped 2 shares - icons.JPG
      amped 2 shares - icons.JPG
      89.9 KB
    • amped 2 shares - big icons.JPG
      amped 2 shares - big icons.JPG
      78 KB
    • amped 2 shares - filmstrip.JPG
      amped 2 shares - filmstrip.JPG
      55.7 KB
    • amped 2 osd.JPG
      amped 2 osd.JPG
      52.2 KB


    Portal Pro
    November 1, 2006

    i am missing the small up/ down buttons normaly in the down right corner, for easy switching pages in list view (like in my videos, etc...)

    or how can i switch fast to the next page?




    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Migue Re the generic icon - I changed that - it was the defaultVideoBig.png file in the zip which you had to put in media folder then recache. Thanks for reminding me about the OSD. I had seen that and meant to fix it, I never seem to remember how many different image sizes there can be! I want to fix a few more things on that OSD anyway! Any suggestions? I know a lot of skins have these huge OSDs with tons of buttons. I never like the video obscured if possible so I didn't put them in. I'm not even sure of the value of the pause button since it says paused at the top anyway! But maybe I am just missing the point :)

    cubii - we often left out the up down arrows since most people use remotes and you can just use the page up page down keys. When do you use those? Perhaps you are using a keyboard? Do you need them everywhere?


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    I just use previous and next channel for that. As Dadeo says it's often left out, it's a design decission (a feature not a bug ;))


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2006
    Oops I forgot to put the png on the media folder, done now it looks great. As for the OSD I feel the same way as you, the pause icon there is redundant, I think the coverart/thumb and plot synopsis is enough.

    Regarding cubii's problem, the thing is, at least right now, the controls are there but invisible meaning if I keep hitting right on keyboard then suddenly I'm "nowhere" and when I hit Enter the page changes.


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands

    Are you talking about My videos? That is a bug :)
    The facades need a <spinCanFocus>no</spinCanFocus>
    Then you won't be able to select the up/down buttons anymore.

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