4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (1 Viewer)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hey Reg, thanks for pointing out the menus don't show up using a mouse. I did notice that before, but just didn't get to it! It wasn't high on the list of priorities since it does work with the remote and keyboard. As Joz said we didn't really make aMped for mouse support. But it was an easy fix, so I did it anyway!

    Can you test the attached files and see if they work for you? If they do, I can change all the menus in the TV Section so they will work with a mouse. I also moved the number of objects up as it was overlapping the Channel Name at the top right. Now I have TVServer installed (and hating it!) I can test and fix things more easily.

    Regarding the Radio overlays - Can you try the files in the zip and let me know if they work for you? I included everything I thought might be relevant just to make sure you have all the updated files.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey Reg, thanks for pointing out the menus don't show up using a mouse. I did notice that before, but just didn't get to it! It wasn't high on the list of priorities since it does work with the remote and keyboard. As Joz said we didn't really make aMped for mouse support. But it was an easy fix, so I did it anyway!

    Well it is quite handy having it work with the mouse as when I program things I tend to sit at the computer and use the mouse and mainly only use the remote when sitting in my armchair watching stuff on TV which is where aMPed comes in with its nice big fonts.

    I unpacked the files and yes they work for me, a quick slide of the mouse to the left and the menu with all the options comes up.

    I have have only ever used TVServer. I did try to install MP without it on one of the other computers on my home network with a view to maybe watching something streamed occasionally, but gave up as most of the menus looked like they were in Chinese.

    Regarding the Radio overlays - I tried the files in the zip and when I first select a station it worked like a charm, nice and tidy with the timer correct and in the box, but when I select a second or subsequent channels the timer displays as 26 hours again.

    Here is another little cosmetic thing I noticed, after pressing the stop button, the word stop is not fully present, see attached screenshot.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Not sure if that last attachment worked, here it is a again I think.


    • Screenshot after pressing stop.gif
      Screenshot after pressing stop.gif
      281.4 KB


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Well it is quite handy having it work with the mouse as when I program things I tend to sit at the computer and use the mouse and mainly only use the remote when sitting in my armchair watching stuff on TV which is where aMPed comes in with its nice big fonts.

    I know, I am always testing at the computer and it annoys me too, that's why I fixed it, though really it was just for you :D! I'll fix it in all the TVSection. It is already OK in most places and I'll gradually try to catch those that aren't. Glad it worked out so easily.

    BTW, can you get compression to work in TVServer? None of my recorded shows appear when I select the compress button in Recorded TV. They used to show for me in TVE2.

    Regarding the Radio overlays - I tried the files in the zip and when I first select a station it worked like a charm, nice and tidy with the timer correct and in the box, but when I select a second or subsequent channels the timer displays as 26 hours again.

    ARGH! :mad: Do you still get the double play indicator and double scrolling text? Or is it only the timer that is off? Are you stopping the play before you select another station? If not, can you try that and let me know what happens? It's really hard for me to debug this when I can't duplicate the problem, especialy since I don't have DVB-T radio. If you are up for it we'll keep at it and get it eventually!

    I just tried out the RadioTime plugin. It's great since you can stream radio from around the world and don't have to be dependent on what your DVB-T can pick up. Of course, you can do that in Radio using WebStreams but RadioTime is MUCH easier to set up.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I have never used the compression in TVServer, I did not know it existed. I have just had a look at it and it does not seem to do anything, I will try later in blue3 and see if it functions under that.

    Regarding the Radio overlays: No I don't get the double play indicator and double scrolling text any more. It is only the timer that is off. No I wasn't stopping the play before I selected another station. I was just jumping to the next one. If I stop play it it works fine now. I am happy to keep testing if you want aMPed 2.0 to look really great in all menus, but personally I don't actually use it that much, it is working well enough for me, I think it is just one of those cosmetic things.

    I have not really tried any plugins except the xml one that I use to grab my EPG off the web as the standard MP EPG doesn't work for me on terrestrial card only satellite which I dont have.

    How do you install the RadioTime plugin?


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Thanks Reg. I tried Blue3 and still didn't get anything on compression, see if you do.

    Don't worry about testing all the menus, as long as it is working for you, you can let me know if you run into one that doesn't. Most of them should work with a mouse in 2.0 final when released.

    Re Radio overlays, I get other problems if I don't press stop before playing a new station, so I think that is a good practice.

    Did the DialogPlayStop file I sent work for the Stop button showing when you turn off TVServer? I always exit TV before I turn it off, or turn it off in TVGuide so I don't get that message.

    Re RadioTime, it uses MPI installer which makes it really easy to install. But I haven't finished implementing it in aMPed yet. If you do install it, when it shows you a dialog for installing the skin files DON'T select the aMPed skin or you will overwrite the aMPed skin file (once that is in 2.0 final that is!). That is true when you install any plugins. If you do overwrite aMPed skin files by mistake, then you can just reinstall aMPed, but at the moment you would lose all the fixes we have posted.

    You can check out the RadioTime website at RadioTime: Find and listen to Talk, Music and Local Radio Online You can install the plugin from MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - RadioTime and there is a forum https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/mediaportal-plugins-47/radiotime-plugin-40575/ where I posted some tips on how I use it.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I was looking for where that dialog box was used! Thanks for finding that. Try this file.

    Ah silly me I should have said where it was, but you found it and yes that file you attached works just fine aside from not being operable with the mouse, but then it doesn't function with the mouse in blue3 either.

    Thanks Reg. I tried Blue3 and still didn't get anything on compression, see if you do.

    On blue3 the compression menu doesn't even come up for me. in aMPed it comes up even if it doesn't work. But it says it is a plugin, I looked in MP config and could not find any such plugin so I have no idea where it comes from. Its all foreign to me as I said b4 I never even knew it existed until you said so.

    The Dialogue Play Stop file works fine, see other message. I usually get the message because I hit the B key when at keyboard or of course stop button on remote. I guess I automatically do some things with mouse and some things with keyboard when at computer.

    Re RadioTime. I will wait until aMPed 2.0 final is out b4 I muck with it :)


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
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    My Lyrics

    Just a suggestion for your great skin, would be cool if there was a way to access My Lyrics plugin from within the My Music section. There is another skin that does this, cannot remember it's name at the moment.



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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    jamiro, thanks for the suggestion! I assume you mean add a button to the sliding menu? I believe PureVision and Monochrome/Indigo skins have this. Just wanted to check that's what you meant before we see if it can be done in aMPed.

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