4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
June 24, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
yeah, but as i said now i have black borders on top and bottom. i have to switch to 800x600 again to fix that right!?!


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    What video resolution are you using Eyep0p - Normal, Original, Zoom, Zoom 14:9, Stretch, NOnLinear Stretch, or Letterbox 4:3?

    Have you tried changing the Res (press info/more key in fullscreen video and select change resolution). You can set that to a remote button if you like, like I do.

    EDIT: And what are the bars on your screen at the top and below the poster? And why don't you have a poster for Californication? I do! Can you post a screenshot of the video with the bars. I might be able to tell what is happening from that.


    Portal Pro
    June 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    i use the normal resolution. if i stretch it looks right. but i dont want to always set it to stretch.
    the grey bars you mean are from teamviewer. the software i use for remote-administration, since my htpc is only connected to tv and has no mouse. they dont show if the program is not connected.
    the thing with the poster is the bug. i have posters for all series too but they wont show up in listview.


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    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    The screenshot you have taken has a different resolution?
    Might be because of the remote software you are using.

    I have never had this problem and I always use the zoom feature to make tv fill the entire screen. Not sure why you have this.

    I think aMPed is running pretty well on 800x600 too, so if that fixes it for you...


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Eyep0p - when you change back to 800x600, do your TVSeries Posters display? I cannot duplicate this problem. I am happy to help try and resolve it if I can figure out what is happening :) It does not seem to be the same problem you had with MyFilms posters, which displayed incorrectly. Do your TVSeries Posters display in Filmstrip layout or Episode View? Do Season Posters display in Season View? If your TVSeries posters display in 800x600, then try resizing the covers in MyFilms to the same size as TVseries and see if they work in 800x600. If that works for you I can change them in SVN.

    About Video Playback resolution, there are so many variables it makes my head hurt! How do you connect your TV to your HTPC? There is an option in MP to do screen calibration (in Settings-Screen Setup) but you can't undo it, you have to delete the files in your userdata folder. So save any current ones before you try it.

    Did you ever get OnlineVideos working? I remember you were having trouble a while back. If you can check it out for me it would be great.


    Portal Pro
    June 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    hello again! :)

    i changed to 800x600. the posters dont display. in filmstrip they display. in episode view not afaik. only "no poster available" or what the message was.
    my tv is connected via s-video to a scart adapter. think my problem has something to do with the fact that in windows-config only 4:3 resolutions are shown. dont know why. would be great if we get the skin working on 4:3 resolutions, too. :)

    and i found a new bug on 800x600. the fanart-backgrounds in myfilms are not displaying correctly. there is a border on the right side. look like there not scaled/stretched correctly. in tvseries the fanart looks ok. setting the keepaspectratio-tag to no could maybe fix it but i didnt find it in the myfilms-xmls. maybe i am wrong with that.
    yesterday i found another little bug but i dont remember what it was right now. i will post it soon.

    i will check onlinevideos out when i am home in a few hours. im at work right now.

    and sorry for my english. its not the best but i do what i can. :)

    Just seen the issue-list: maybe i can do an installer program... would be great if i can support you guys with that skin! i'm also playing with the thought to make my own theme.


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    1. TVSeries posters - I just remembered, you must use the latest version of TVSeries (v2.3.3491 Stable Release [23-JUL-09]) with SVN as it changed the names of posters. There are layouts in the Layouts folder in SVN that support 2.2 without all the new features. Usually a new version of a plugin doesn't make such drastic skin changes, but this version of TVSeries did! I should have pointed that out when I listed the plugins and new versions supported by SVN in previous post. I updated the readme in SVN now as well.
    2. MyFilms backdrops/fanart - they are set in common.window.backdrops. I put a fix in SVN see if that works for you.

    If it only needs a few small changes to enable aMPed to support true 4:3 resolutions (like 800x600), and it does not screw up the default resolution, I am happy to do that. However, most skins specify they only support the default resolution, and we did clearly state, under Known Issues in the Readme, that aMPed is designed and supported on 720x576 and you will likely have distortion of images and overlapping text on 800x600. So I am not promising anything :) but I am willing to give it a go!

    Online Videos - Thanks for checking. I need more detail as there are several levels in the plugin and various ways to configure it. When it first opens, do you get the list - YouTube, Das Erste, etc.? Can you access the side menu from there?

    Feel free to PM me about an installer program, or help with a new theme if you like. We welcome any support we can get! You are helping lots by doing all the testing and catching bugs.

    You probably saw I added new 2.1 layouts to SVN for Showtimes, My Trailers, My Emulators, GlobalSearch, SmartPlaylists, MyBurner, Clickmania, and VideoEditor. Showtimes still has a couple minor issues I haven't decided about yet. But it should be good enough for testing.


    Portal Pro
    June 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    hey! thank you very much!

    1. works now.
    2. works now, too. :)

    only a few small errors with the covers in my films. (see screens)

    onlinevideos seems to work now. i just forgot to update to the latest version. sorry, my fault.

    i think there a few more bugs i will find. ;)


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    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Great Eyep0p, glad that worked.

    What's the bug in MyFilms? Try to be more specific if you can when reporting bugs. Do you mean that the poster is a bit smaller and in a diff place on Details? It moves up because if you define supplementary info in MyFilms config then that data appears below the slightly smaller poster in Details. For example, I have defined Supplementary Info to show Subtitles there. However, if you think the posters should be the same size and in the same position I can try moving the supplementary info. But I don't know where since I had a hard time finding any good place for it on that screen!

    Also, you know you can use logos for genre and file info in MyFilms right? (see readme section on MyFilms/Logos for auto config) The logos config file provided looks for the logos in aMPed\media\logos on your C: drive so if that folder does not exist, you will have to edit the logos config file or configure them manually in MyFilms Configuration (which is a bit tedious!)

    I would LOVE to enter a variable for a path in several places in xml files but I can't figure out how! For example, %ALLUSERSPROFILE% which works in Windows, does not work in an xml. And I can't use ".." in MyFilmsLogos.xml because it is in your [USERDATA] folder while the logos are in your skin folder. ARGH! If you have any ideas, let me know!

    "i think there a few more bugs i will find." - I'm counting on it! :) and btw your English is pretty good!

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